1. Hmm...
  2. What's wrong, Ingrid? You look troubled.
  3. Hmm? Oh no, it is nothing. Don't worry about it.
  4. It has to be something if you're just standing there [cdb]staring off into space.
  5. You can always talk to me, you know? I might not be [cdb]much help, but...
  6. It's this land—it is so fertile. I cannot help but [cdb]be amazed.
  7. It is an unusually bountiful region for Faerghus. And a beautiful one at that!
  8. It doesn't have nearly as much snow as the north, [cdb]and multiple rivers flow through it.
  9. I could scarce take my eyes off of that wheat field [cdb]we passed earlier.
  10. My home does not have anything as lovely as that.
  11. It's nothing but a barren, rocky wasteland. And the soil we do have is so poor, even the [cdb]weeds disdain it.
  12. We've tilled the ground, removed rocks, and sowed [cdb]seeds in hopes that our descendants might one day [cdb]benefit, but...
  13. Well, who knows how long it would take for us to [cdb]have large, fruitful fields like the ones here.
  14. "Our blood, sweat, and tears will drench the land, [cdb]serving as nourishment for those who come [cdb]long after."
  15. You may not accomplish it in your lifetime, but the [cdb]effort will definitely pay off down the road.
  16. Or that's what I think, at least.
  17. Those are the words of King Loog, yes? From Loog [cdb]and the Maiden of Wind? That is one of my favorites.
  18. Yeah! Hearing you talk about your homeland [cdb]actually reminded me of another part.
  19. At one point, it uses the phrase "barren as the [cdb]land of Dagda."
  20. I'm sure it's just some term the poets created long [cdb]after Loog, but it got me curious, so I went and [cdb]tracked down a travel journal about Dagda.
  21. I haven't read many travel journals. What did it say?
  22. It spoke of a crop that grew easily, even in their [cdb]infertile soil.
  23. Apparently it's really filling, and tastes amazing [cdb]when boiled or baked.
  24. It sounds too good to be true. Like a crop out of a [cdb]fairytale.
  25. If only I knew what it was called! Shamir might be [cdb]able to tell you more about it.
  26. My homeland would greatly benefit from cultivating [cdb]a plant like that.
  27. I can't say for certain if it'll actually grow there, [cdb]but it's probably worth looking into.
  28. And if there's any way I can help, just say the word!
  29. I am sure a royal knight has better things to do than [cdb]worry about the problems of House Galatea.
  30. This isn't about my station. I'm just a pal lending [cdb]a hand!
  31. Besides, I grew up poor. I know what it's like to [cdb]go hungry.
  32. No one should ever have to experience that.
  33. Thank you, Ashe. In that case, our first task [cdb]is to look deeper into this miracle crop of yours.
  34. I wish we could wait until this war is over, but that [cdb]would take too long. I want to learn all I can about [cdb]it as soon as possible.
  35. Oh, this is so exciting!
  36. Agreed! Now we just have to survive long enough to [cdb]uncover its secrets.