1. ...
  2. Now here's a rare sight. Since when do you read [cdb]tactics manuals?
  3. Do you miss your days at the Officers Academy?
  4. There's nothing to miss.
  5. No? Because I seem to recall everyone being in awe of [cdb]their incredibly talented combat professor.
  6. I had big plans for you after you were assigned to us, [cdb]but then the academy was forced to close its doors.
  7. Still, you played a small but critical role.
  8. ...
  9. Still not one for conversation, I see.
  10. Even so, I feel I understand you and your [cdb]thoughts more now than when we first met.
  11. ...
  12. You see? That silence of yours just said, "I don't need [cdb]you to know me."
  13. Such a typical Emile thing to say.
  14. Hmph.
  15. Don't call me that.
  16. Why? Because Emile von Bartels is dead?
  17. Because he was already hunted down and killed for [cdb]slaughtering everyone in his house?
  18. He should have been.
  19. Is that so? Well, I disagree.
  20. This is why you live on as Jeritza von Hrym, and why [cdb]you remain in good standing with a house that will [cdb]one day be yours.
  21. This is why the world has the Death Knight. For my [cdb]goals to be achieved, both men are indispensable.
  22. You're greedy to desire that monster's power.
  23. His thirst is endless. Every soul he takes makes him [cdb]less human.
  24. If so, I'd say the Death Knight is the greedy one.
  25. I must watch my step, lest he and his scythe come for [cdb]me in the night.
  26. You are my master. For now.
  27. You let the Death Knight hunt. I am grateful. Your life is safe.
  28. There's nothing to be grateful for. This is and has [cdb]always been a contract that sees to both our needs.
  29. It just so happens I like having you—and the Death Knight—in my corner.
  30. ...