1. Hmm. It's sad how we have so few research materials [cdb]here at the base. And in addition...
  2. What luck that we might encounter each another [cdb]at this late hour, Lysithea!
  3. Eeek! Don't scare me like that, Hubert!
  4. You're terrifying enough under normal circumstances, [cdb]let alone when you're creeping about like a spider.
  5. I should hardly think myself any more frightening [cdb]than the disembodied spirit people have reported [cdb]seeing night after night.
  6. A spirit?! Um, so...this spirit was sighted...around [cdb]here, then? Nearby?
  7. Oh yes, quite near to this training center. It is a positively frightful tale.
  8. Just remembered...a thing! Important thing! Biggest! I gotta go, good night, don't follow me!
  9. Positively frightful, I say, them calling my light a "disembodied spirit." Wouldn't you agree?
  10. Heh. Oh dear. She left before I could finish.
  11. Hm, we've barely had any vegetables with our meals [cdb]lately. It's honestly kind of nice...
  12. Huh? What's going on over there?
  13. Then they've not noticed?
  14. Not at all. While preferences vary, there tend to be [cdb]many people who love meat and dislike vegetables.
  15. But to think we found a way to hide the vegetables in [cdb]all of that delicious meat and broth! Haha!
  16. Those who ate it found it delicious without being any [cdb]the wiser—and of course, she did as well.
  17. That is splendid news. Pray continue, then.
  18. Wait... Did I just eat a bunch of vegetables?!
  19. Goodness, Lysithea, you look positively gobsmacked. Did you have yourself a recent surprise, perhaps?
  20. So many vegetables... Augh! Hubert!
  21. Uh, it's nothing! I'm busy! Gotta go!
  22. It really is sad how much time I spend trying to make [cdb]vegetables palatable for people...
  23. Ah, well. I suppose I should just consider it part of [cdb]managing our soldiers' health.
  24. Lysithea. You seem to be in high spirits.
  25. I certainly am! Edelgard told me that I was gonna [cdb]get some delicious sweets today.
  26. Wait, why am I even talking to you about this?
  27. You might find yourself without any sweets [cdb]whatsoever if you continue to treat me so cruelly.
  28. After all, I am the one tasked by Her Majesty with [cdb]the honor of giving them to you.
  29. Then why didn't you open with that, Hubert? Hand them over.
  30. First, permit me to brew a suitable tea to [cdb]accompany them.
  31. Huh?