1. Heya, Felix! Wanna go work out?
  2. Quiet! You'll give away my position.
  3. Oops, sorry. Didn't realize you were hunting. I'll just back off and, uh... Whoa, look at that!
  4. I've never seen a boar that big. If we take it down, [cdb]we'll eat like kings. Kings, I tell you!
  5. Hang on. You don't just rush into a fight against [cdb]a beast like that. You need the proper equipment.
  6. Aw, don't worry. Petra taught me a special technique.
  7. Aw, don't worry. I've got my fists!
  8. Now lead the way, meat buddy!
  9. All right, fine. Anyway, as I was saying. If we aren't adequately prepared, we'll be [cdb]the ones who end up as someone's dinner.
  10. Boars are naturally cautious beasts, but this one also [cdb]appears to be wounded.
  11. If it spots us, it'll charge and send us to an early grave.
  12. Wait, have you fought one of these before?
  13. Years ago, but yes. It managed to get away, though.
  14. Wow. It must've been one heck of a beast if even you [cdb]had trouble taking it down!
  15. House Blaiddyd and House Fraldarius used to go [cdb]on hunting trips together.
  16. On one trip, a certain prince bagged so many animals [cdb]it proved impossible to fit them all on the sled.
  17. Meanwhile, I went off hunting on my own, [cdb]encountered the boar, and barely escaped [cdb]with my life.
  18. Wait, why would Dimitri wanna kill you? Or do you mean, like...an actual boar?
  19. While this may not be the same boar, I will get no [cdb]small amount of satisfaction if we manage to bring [cdb]it down.
  20. Hold on, who are we talking about here? Eh, whatever. Let's do this thing!
  21. I'll share the spoils with you, but the kill is mine. Now stand back.
  22. Wait, but if you take it on by yourself, won't you just [cdb]lose again?
  23. What did you say?!
  24. Haven't you heard that two fists are better than one? Or, I guess it'd be four fists are better than two...
  25. I'm not confident even that will be enough. But fine. I suppose adding more...fists to the mix [cdb]never hurt anyone.
  26. Curses, it spotted us. Nothing for it now. Come on, Raphael!
  27. Come at me, boar! I'll punch you so hard, [cdb]the chef won't even need to tenderize you!
  28. Don't attack it head-on, fool! Circle around to the rear!
  29. Yeaaah! We did it!
  30. I can't believe we took it down so quickly...
  31. Told you this was a four-fist job!
  32. Heh, I guess you did. Maybe there's something to this [cdb]whole "working with friends" thing after all.
  33. Aw, you called me your friend. Took you [cdb]long enough!
  34. Cram it. We need help carrying this back, [cdb]so let's go find some extra hands.
  35. Felix, wait up!