1. Flayn. It has come to my attention that you have gone [cdb]out and aided the Knights of Seiros. Again.
  2. I heard that you made your way to the infirmary and [cdb]spent the entire day treating the sick and wounded.
  3. What in the world were you thinking? Do you not [cdb]know how dangerous that was?
  4. I am sorry, Brother. However, the knights very much [cdb]appreciated my assistance.
  5. Their appreciation is inconsequential! Your own [cdb]safety should be your only concern.
  6. This is exactly what happened during that fated [cdb]battle. You exhausted your strength healing those [cdb]who were injured.
  7. Yes, I remember. No matter how many people I [cdb]helped, the number of wounded only increased...
  8. You were so young. Your body must have been crying [cdb]out for you to stop, and yet you refused.
  9. And now you are left with a body that demands [cdb]extended periods of slumber.
  10. You have not forgotten, have you?
  11. Of course not.
  12. If you do not exercise extreme caution, you may [cdb]not wake up were such a thing to happen again.
  13. I am well aware. Every night I lie awake, afraid that [cdb]my eyes will not open come morning.
  14. But if I let fear control me and begrudge my power, [cdb]there will be no reprieve for those who suffer.
  15. The thought of that is too much to bear. Furthermore, if we lose this war...
  16. Flayn...
  17. Should that come to pass, I will protect you. No matter the cost.
  18. I swear upon my wife...your mother.
  19. Father, I have been wondering something.
  20. Is it truly so difficult for the people of Fódlan to live [cdb]in peace?
  21. The world would be a much happier place if everyone [cdb]could live in harmony with each other...
  22. I know. I feel the same.
  23. But so do the majority of those risking their lives in [cdb]this war.
  24. That is why I believe a peaceful future awaits us, [cdb]beyond this dreadful conflict.
  25. That is the reason I fight. And so you do not have to.
  26. Father...
  27. If I lost you, I would lose the very meaning of my life.
  28. And so, we will always be together.
  29. Come now, Father... Please try to understand that I [cdb]cannot stay with you forever.
  30. I will grow up eventually. Though I do promise to [cdb]refrain from any unnecessary recklessness.
  31. And until that day comes, I will always be with you.
  32. Beside which, I am certain Mother would be cross [cdb]with me if I left you all alone.
  33. I understand. Thank you...Flayn.