1. I've really done it this time...
  2. Well, if it isn't Balthus. What's wrong? That was a legendary sigh.
  3. Yuri, pal. Hear me out for a sec, will ya? There were [cdb]these mercs, and I may have made a bet with them...
  4. Yeah, yeah. You lost, I get it. But we've got bigger [cdb]issues to discuss.
  5. Must be a pretty big deal if it's more important [cdb]than me losing my dinner to those mercs...
  6. It's come to my attention that one of my business [cdb]associates is looking for a certain giant, broke fool.
  7. What, that's it? I'll just break 'em in half and then we [cdb]can move on with our lives. Not a problem.
  8. I figured you'd say that. Which is exactly why I came to tell you not to.
  9. See, this particular associate hires out quite a few [cdb]of my people. I can't have a bruiser like you turning [cdb]them into corpses.
  10. Can't I just rough them up enough to get them off [cdb]my back? A few broken bones never killed anyone.
  11. Come now, you know there's no way I'd let [cdb]you get away with that.
  12. I'd use every last one of my contacts to make sure [cdb]you never win another bet for the rest of your life.
  13. Whoa, cut a guy a break, would ya? I wouldn't put it [cdb]past you to actually follow through...
  14. I take it we've reached an understanding, then? I suggest you lay low until things blow over. Clear?
  15. Even after all this time, your ability to enrage people [cdb]still manages to astound me.
  16. Hey, it's not as bad as it used to be. The price on my [cdb]head's never been lower!
  17. On the flip side, the price for my skills has only gone [cdb]up. I've been making money hand over fist as a [cdb]mercenary.
  18. But the stakes keep getting higher and higher, so my [cdb]pockets remain as empty as ever.
  19. I can't help but sigh in disappointment listening [cdb]to you talk. You're seriously lucky I'm not Hapi, [cdb]or you'd be neck deep in monsters.
  20. I can't help but sigh in disappointment listening to [cdb]you talk. Haven't you ever heard of "self-control"?
  21. All right, I hear ya. But enough about me. What've you been getting up to since you left Abyss?
  22. Oh, I just went back to my old gang. They were [cdb]my home before the Officers Academy, after all.
  23. But I still had to take on some mercenary work to [cdb]keep my people fed and things running smoothly...
  24. It's been a rough couple of years. And thanks to that, [cdb]my once-stunning physique has been spoiled by all [cdb]this muscle.
  25. Really? You still look pretty scrawny to me. Your skill [cdb]with a blade's improved though, that's for sure.
  26. Well, when you're forced to fight, you either [cdb]improve or you die. Still, I've got nothing on you. You practically live for a good brawl, after all.
  27. These fists have never let me down. No matter the [cdb]enemy, I'm always the one who walks away.
  28. Say, Yuri. I just had a brilliant idea.
  29. I have a feeling I'm going to regret asking, but sure, [cdb]let's hear it.
  30. If this associate of yours doesn't catch me, you and [cdb]your underlings are gonna have to take responsibility, [cdb]right?
  31. Most likely. I knew what I was getting into when I [cdb]told you to back down. I've made my peace.
  32. Yeah? Well, I'm not about to leave my buddy Yuri [cdb]holding the bag while I sit on my hands.
  33. Balthus...
  34. So, to make things fair, let's have ourselves a little [cdb]wager to decide which of us is gonna take the fall.
  35. That way, if you lose fair and square, it'll give you [cdb]an out, yeah?
  36. You'll have no other choice but to take your [cdb]goons back from that client, and they won't [cdb]get pummeled by yours truly. Problem solved!
  37. Hypothetically, if I were to take this bet, [cdb]what happens if you lose?
  38. I'll do what I always do—take my shirt off, jump out [cdb]in front of 'em, and run away as they look on in awe.
  39. This is what I get for trying to help. You love taking [cdb]off your clothes almost as much as you do gambling. No wonder your pockets are always empty...