1. There you are, Iggy.
  2. What is it, Hapi?
  3. Here. For you.
  4. Uh, thank you.
  5. Did you draw this?
  6. I sure did. What do you think?
  7. It's really good! Even better than I'd expect.
  8. Really?
  9. Yes. I feel the raw energy coming from each of your [cdb]powerful pen strokes.
  10. Happy to hear it. So what can I do to make it better?
  11. Let's see... Well, I suppose it might be nice to add a [cdb]little greenery to the background.
  12. The subject is very well drawn, so you can fill the [cdb]background with color and it will still stand out.
  13. Greenery? Yeah, that makes sense.
  14. Oh, and maybe you could add some flowers?
  15. With a few more details, you can expand your world [cdb]and really bring out the majesty and mystery of [cdb]nature.
  16. But I don't really need any of that stuff, do I? I mean, that's not the vibe I'm going for.
  17. Oh, sorry. Yes, prioritizing the impression of the [cdb]subject as it is now is equally important.
  18. Your deer was just so well-drawn that I...
  19. Well, I guess I ended up including things that I [cdb]personally like.
  20. Wait, you said deer. What deer?
  21. Uh, the deer right there. The one that's pretty much [cdb]the entire subject of the drawing?
  22. I didn't draw a deer.
  23. Then what's the brown thing?
  24. So that's what it looks like, huh?
  25. It was supposed to be a guy. Guess I'm bad at this.
  26. That's not true at all! I mean, um...
  27. Look, you drew me before, so I guess it inspired me to [cdb]try my hand at it.
  28. But it looks like I'm no good, so it's probably time to [cdb]hang up my paintbrush.
  29. No! Wait! I can teach you.
  30. You can't give up on art just because I didn't [cdb]understand your work!
  31. Well, if you say so, I guess I'll keep going.
  32. Phew! OK, so who is this a picture of?
  33. It's you, Iggy.
  34. Huh? Sorry, did...did you say me?
  35. Wait, so what are these horns?
  36. Those are your glasses. Obviously.
  37. That's what those are?! Oh, I did it again. I'm so sorry!