1. Wow, that hit the spot! I'm so glad we're friends.
  2. Thanks for the tasty meal! Next time, I'm looking [cdb]forward to something even better.
  3. I feel bad saying this 'cause you're treating me and all, [cdb]but this isn't gonna fill me up.
  4. Hey, what're you doing over here? Oh, you were [cdb]waiting for me? Sorry about that.
  5. Sorry to keep you waiting. I tried to get here as fast as I could.
  6. There's really nothing here, huh? I mean, there's [cdb]some grass, but I doubt it'll taste good.
  7. I bet there's a lot of animals in this forest. We should hunt some and roast 'em over a fire.
  8. The world sure seems huge when you look at it from [cdb]up here. I'm tiny in comparison.
  9. How can water taste so good when it doesn't even [cdb]have a flavor?
  10. Hey, there's nothing else to do out here. I'll start!
  11. We're like two peas in a hungry pod! Here, I brought [cdb]some jerky. We can share.
  12. Yeah, I'm starving! Let's catch something and cook [cdb]it up.
  13. Don't go gettin' attached to the critters now. It'll make it that much harder to eat 'em!
  14. Aw, you're so nice! But it's really just a scratch.
  15. You really wanna do that? If you're trying to beef up [cdb]your muscles, you should just wait until we get back.
  16. I love fish! They're delicious. But if I had a choice, I'd pick real meat every time!
  17. Yeah, you're right. This little guy might be real [cdb]special to someone.
  18. I got a letter from my little sis the other day. It wasn't [cdb]about anything important, but I was still happy to [cdb]get it.
  19. I don't think I would've become a merchant, even if [cdb]my parents were still alive. I just don't have it in me.
  20. Animals are incredible. They provide us with such [cdb]tasty meat. I always feel grateful to them, especially [cdb]when I go for seconds.
  21. Big cities aren't the only places with great food. Those inns along merchant roads serve up some [cdb]pretty tasty grub.
  22. My little sis will be fine without me, as long as she's [cdb]got our grandpa. He's real strong.
  23. I'm kinda bad at staying still. I just don't feel right if I'm not moving around.
  24. I'm not so great at using my head, but I'm pretty [cdb]handy when it comes to muscle stuff!
  25. I like meat, especially when I can share it with [cdb]my friends.
  26. Keeping track of the itty-bitty details really isn't my [cdb]thing. I'm more of a "close enough" kinda guy.
  27. I've got some stuff I wanna do, sure. But I'm mostly [cdb]good as long as my family and friends are happy.
  28. Worrying only makes you extra hungry, right? So I try [cdb]not to think about stuff like that.
  29. I wanna make this world a place where my little sis [cdb]can live however she wants. That's why I'm fighting.
  30. I used to think I was gonna be a merchant like my [cdb]folks. But I've got a bad head for numbers and stuff.
  31. Meals always taste better when you share 'em with [cdb]friends.
  32. Too much thinking hurts my head. I'd rather get out [cdb]there and punch stuff!
  33. You always try real hard, and I think that's great. Just gotta make sure you don't leave me in the dust!
  34. I'm glad you're my friend. It's fun coming up with [cdb]different meals together.
  35. Things aren't going so well. I've been too busy to [cdb]get some good training in.
  36. Never mind me, what's been up with you? You won't [cdb]get any stronger if you slack on your training, y'know.
  37. I'm a big guy, y'know. But, it does make it easy for [cdb]enemies to spot me.
  38. Back in the day, my little sis used to ride on my [cdb]shoulders on our walks. You wanna give it a try too?
  39. People are always telling me I've got food on my face. Am I good right now?
  40. Is there's something on my face? I tried scrubbing it [cdb]extra good today 'cause I knew I'd be hanging out [cdb]with you.
  41. You interested in my muscles? They're still a work in [cdb]progress, so they're not all that great yet.
  42. Wanna think up some new ways to build muscle? I bet we could get real beefy that way.
  43. That all for today? Well, see you later then.
  44. Wait, done already? We gotta do this again sometime!
  45. Sure, that'll be no sweat.