1. Oh, but this is just to die for. It's my favorite—really.
  2. Well, this is a pleasant surprise—though would it kill [cdb]you to splurge a little more next time?
  3. If you're trying to impress someone, maybe get to [cdb]know them first, hmm?
  4. I'm glad you invited me. Come, let's be off.
  5. Sorry for the wait—my hair simply would not [cdb]behave today!
  6. What a vast landscape... It feels like you and I are the [cdb]only ones left in the entire world.
  7. It sounds as if the birds are singing their cute little [cdb]song just for us!
  8. A view like this simply makes a person want to scream [cdb]out at the top of their lungs!
  9. The scenery here is simply divine. Why, I wouldn't [cdb]be surprised to see the goddess herself enjoying a dip [cdb]here.
  10. Wait. You want me to hear you sing? My, how bold!
  11. I didn't bring anything with me, I'm afraid. I never [cdb]have been the most prudent of woman.
  12. Goodness, we've only just arrived! Don't you think [cdb]it's a touch soon to be so forward?
  13. Oh, we all get a little lost sometime. Just let the [cdb]goddess take the reins and it will all work itself out.
  14. Oh, stop! Just leave everything to me. When you [cdb]have someone to lean on, you should do it.
  15. What kind of pack mule do you take me for? I'll treat [cdb]the injury, but you're walking on your own two feet.
  16. A little danger only helps to spice things up on a [cdb]small boat such as this! Hehe!
  17. A boat ride with someone you admire is no time to [cdb]be getting queasy!
  18. My beautiful singing voice is a gift from the goddess [cdb]herself—a gift I would very much like to share.
  19. I'm not single because I want to be. I just haven't [cdb]found "the one" yet...
  20. My ideal partner? Hmm... Well, someone who would [cdb]clean my room without complaining, I suppose.
  21. Everyone has at least a little darkness in them. Is there really anyone out there who is truly pure?
  22. You might hear rumors about my being a mess [cdb]when I'm drunk, but don't you dare believe them!
  23. I know the river of time flows the same for everyone, [cdb]but I still feel like I'm trapped in its rapids more often [cdb]than not.
  24. I'm a woman who tends to keep things bottled up, [cdb]which means I need to let off steam once in a while.
  25. I still love to sing, even though my voice isn't quite as [cdb]robust as it was in my younger days.
  26. Ugh, why do hangovers even exist? I wish we could all [cdb]just sit down and drink happily every after.
  27. My dream of becoming a diva already came true. Now all that's left is to live out the rest of my days [cdb]with that special someone—wherever they are.
  28. My luck with men is the worst! Or maybe it's just my [cdb]taste in men that's the problem...
  29. My parents inspired me to become a diva, and I'm [cdb]forever grateful to them for it.
  30. It took a lot of hard work to stay on top as a diva. I can't say I remember that part fondly.
  31. Our opera company was a real back-biting, hair- [cdb]pulling, eye-gouging sort of place. I'm so thankful I [cdb]don't have to face that kind of thing here.
  32. I always sought the spotlight on stage, but prefer [cdb]supporting roles on the battlefield. That way I can [cdb]help everyone else be at their best.
  33. You could've been one of my students... Rather a [cdb]shame that's not how things turned out.
  34. I know some people still suspect your motives, [cdb]but rest assured I'm not one of them!
  35. You want to know how I'm doing? In that case, I'd be [cdb]more than happy to tell you over drinks tonight...
  36. If I'm going to drink, I want to let my hair down and [cdb]have fun! But there hasn't been a lot of that lately.
  37. There was once a time when I let my hair grow out, [cdb]but it's been as short as this for quite a while now. Less maintenance and such, you know?
  38. I enjoy having my hair touched, but only when I like [cdb]the person doing the touching...
  39. I don't mind if you want to gaze a bit, but don't look [cdb]too close, hm? Time hasn't been the kindest to my [cdb]skin, you know.
  40. You're really staring... Mind if I jump to conclusions [cdb]about what that means?
  41. It's rude to ogle, dear. Someone really needs to teach [cdb]you a few manners.
  42. You know, your inappropriate staring is actually [cdb]cheering me up. By the goddess, that's sad.
  43. I quite enjoyed our time together. See you soon!
  44. Invite me along anytime you like. I'll be waiting.
  45. Best keep those hopes of yours firmly planted in [cdb]the dirt.