Near Imperial Border (Alliance Territory)
link Getz volume_up
Ugh, finally. C'mon, sunshine, up and at 'em.
link Getz volume_up
Hey! Get up already!
link Shez volume_up Sorry, what's going on?
link Shez volume_up Sorry, what's going on?
link Getz volume_up
"What's goin' on?" Pfft! Did your head spring a leak while you were nappin'? Better see if you can even remember your name.
link Getz volume_up
Well, looks like there's hope for you yet.
link Shez volume_up
Back off, you sack of guts! I'm just resting up for the battle!
link Shez volume_up
Back off, you sack of guts! I'm just resting up for the battle!
link Getz volume_up
Yeah, well, the battle's on our doorstep, so you're lucky I like you enough to wake ya.
link Shez volume_up
Apologies, friend. I'm all right. Is the battle at hand?
link Shez volume_up
Apologies, friend. I'm all right. Is the battle at hand?
link Getz volume_up
'Course it is! Why else would I be standing here?
link Getz volume_up
You heard who we're up against, yeah? Jeralt's Mercenaries.
link Getz volume_up
Gonna be one hell of a fight if true, especially if the Ashen Demon is here. Don't like a smidge of what I've heard about that fella...or was it a woman?
link Shez volume_up
Leave it to you to fumble the details. Did you even catch this Ashen Demon's name?
link Shez volume_up
Leave it to you to fumble the details. Did you even catch this Ashen Demon's name?
link Getz volume_up
'Course I did! It was...uh... By the goddess, it's right on the tip of my tongue!
link Getz volume_up
Yeah, that's it!
link Shez volume_up
Demon or no demon, our job is to fight and win.
link Shez volume_up
Demon or no demon, our job is to fight and win.
link Getz volume_up
Heh, you sound just like the captain. I know they paid up front, but c'mon...
link Captain Berling volume_up
Well, at least one of you has some courage! You've certainly come a long way since I plucked you from that mountain village.
link Captain Berling volume_up
But this battle is about more than just victory.
link Captain Berling volume_up
Jeralt's team has a sterling reputation. Rumor has it they've never blundered even a single job.
link Captain Berling volume_up
But once we put them to rout, we'll finally be the greatest mercenaries in all of Leicester!
link Lazley volume_up
Enemy activity detected, Captain!
link Captain Berling volume_up
Looks like we'll be fighting by moonlight. Mind you don't kill each other in the dark!
link Getz volume_up
Wasn't expecting a fight so soon, but I guess there's nothing for it. You ready?
link Shez volume_up
Ready as I'll ever be. Good luck, friend.
link Shez volume_up
Ready as I'll ever be. Good luck, friend.
link Getz volume_up
And double to you.
link Shez volume_up
Well, I dunno that I... Know what? Never mind.
link Shez volume_up
Well, I dunno that I... You know what? Never mind.
link Getz volume_up
It's gonna be fine, so long as we both watch our backs.
link Shez volume_up
When this is over, we'll all greet the new dawn together.
link Shez volume_up
When this is over, we'll all greet the new dawn together.
link Getz volume_up
You sure are a cocky little thing. But yeah, all right— I'll be there.