Imperial Palace Throne Room (Enbarr)
link Leopold volume_up
Hmm. And you say I have two years to complete these preparations?
link Edelgard volume_up
In cooperation with Count Hevring, of course. You and Hubert can finalize the details later.
link Edelgard volume_up
As I won't be choosing a prime minister for some time, I realize this may result in extra work for you.
link Edelgard volume_up
However, that also means more latitude to do things as you see fit—so long as you ensure we're prepared for a five-year war.
link Waldemar volume_up
I will not rest until I discover a solution, Your Highness.
link Waldemar volume_up
So long as our military leaders don't tread on my toes, I shouldn't have too much difficulty.
link Leopold volume_up
Hmph! For something this big, you better believe we'll have plenty of need for resources.
link Leopold volume_up
Leave it to a narrow-minded quill-carrier like you to call that "treading on your toes."
link Waldemar volume_up
In Her Majesty's name, I will decide what is and isn't appropriate regarding your "needs."
link Waldemar volume_up
Also, anyone would seem "narrow-minded" when compared to a swollen-headed juggernaut such as yourself.
link Leopold volume_up
A juggernaut, huh? Yeah, I like the sound of that!
link Waldemar volume_up
I see someone allowed his sarcasm lessons to lapse.
link Edelgard volume_up
Moving on. Lord Arundel's followers will doubtless attempt to interfere, so we'll need to keep a close eye on them.
link Edelgard volume_up
Once Count Varley joins us, we can discuss the matter I mentioned further.
link Hubert volume_up
It seems he's just arrived, Your Majesty.
link Grégoire volume_up
Apologies for my tardiness. Grégoire von Varley, at the court's service.
link Grégoire volume_up
My, but attendance seems light. Where is the lord regent and the rest of our noble six?
link Hubert volume_up
Duke Aegir stands accused of treason and has been dismissed as prime minister. He currently awaits judgment in one of our finer dungeons.
link Hubert volume_up
Lord Arundel is a fugitive from the same crime and will be taken in soon—dead or alive, it makes no difference.
link Grégoire volume_up
Well, this is a rather shocking turn of events!
link Grégoire volume_up
I had no idea Ludwig was capable of such things. Still, rest assured that I am nothing like him.
link Hubert volume_up
Indeed. And as for the others, Duke Gerth was dispatched to western Fódlan to conduct negotiations.
link Hubert volume_up
And my father, the late Marquis Vestra, perished in the struggle to capture Duke Aegir.
link Hubert volume_up
Which makes me the new Marquis Vestra and Minister of the Imperial Household.
link Grégoire volume_up
link Waldemar volume_up
You've nothing to fear, Count Varley. Her Majesty intends to bestow a great honor upon you.
link Grégoire volume_up
Majesty? Wait, you mean...
link Edelgard volume_up
The title hasn't been formalized just yet. But as it stands you should view it as a foregone conclusion.
link Edelgard volume_up
More importantly, Count Varley, there is a very important position I wish for you to fill.
link Edelgard volume_up
I intend to rebuild the Southern Church. And who better to be the bishop than you, our Minister of Religious Affairs?
link Edelgard volume_up
I will make my case to the archbishop personally.
link Hubert volume_up
Thankfully, Lord Arundel and his men are no longer around to obstruct such a move.
link Grégoire volume_up
You would bestow such a position on me?
link Grégoire volume_up
Make no mistake, it is a great honor, but...are you certain?
link Edelgard volume_up
Very. Now then, your first duty in the role will be to oversee my coronation. Do not fail me, Bishop.