link Flayn volume_up
Oh! This one is really pulling the line!
link Ashe volume_up
It must be our monster! Time to put what you practiced into action!
link Flayn volume_up
Yes! I am no longer the clumsy novice you slipped away from before, foul fish!
link Flayn volume_up
Rrrgh! It's not working! What do I do?!
link Ashe volume_up
Don't give up! Play your line out a little and let the fish tire itself out.
link Flayn volume_up
link Ashe volume_up
Yeah, that's good. Now wait... Wait... Now! Pull as hard as you can!
link Flayn volume_up
Yaaah! Eek!
link Ashe volume_up
Flayn, look out!
link Flayn volume_up
We did it, Ashe! I can scarce believe I managed to capture the beast!
link Ashe volume_up
Yeah, that was close—I thought the fish was going to catch you there for a second!
link Flayn volume_up
Yes, I might have gotten a bit carried away there.
link Flayn volume_up
Had you not grabbed my arm when you did, I might be swimming in the river myself.
link Ashe volume_up
I'm glad I could help. Seriously glad.
link Ashe volume_up
And hey, I'm amazed you managed to hang on to the pole through all that.
link Flayn volume_up
I told myself I would not let go, no matter what.
link Ashe volume_up
Hold on there, Flayn. You have to let go sometimes. None of this is worth putting yourself in danger over.
link Ashe volume_up
I think I'm starting to see why Seteth doesn't let you go fishing.
link Ashe volume_up
Still, you never would've caught that fish without that fierce determination of yours.
link Flayn volume_up
Mother taught me to always see tasks through to the very end.
link Flayn volume_up
But even she never fished up anything so large as this!
link Flayn volume_up
And though she is no longer around, I would like to think she would be very proud of me.
link Ashe volume_up
So that's why you're so interested in fishing.
link Ashe volume_up
Well, I think this was great—and I'm sure your mother would be proud.
link Flayn volume_up
Goodness, you do know how to compliment a lady! Still, I promise to surrender my pole if I ever find myself in this kind of situation again.
link Ashe volume_up
Well then, why don't we haul this thing back?
link Flayn volume_up
Yes, and then we can feast on the spoils of our victory! I wonder what it tastes like!
link Flayn volume_up
I can't wait to find out. But hm, I cannot even fathom how best to prepare such a fish.
link Flayn volume_up
We could slice it up and fry it, or boil it with vegetables, or... Ah, there are so many choices!
link Ashe volume_up
This has been so much fun. Flayn really reminds me of my sister.
link Ashe volume_up
She was always so eager to practice in the kitchen when she was little, too.
link Ashe volume_up
Hold on. a kitchen...
link Ashe volume_up
Hey, wait up! Let me help youuu!