link Holst volume_up
I know you're busy, Your Majesty, but do you have a moment? It's important.
link Claude volume_up
If it's really important, I have all the moments in the world. What's this about?
link Claude volume_up
There are so many possibilities, I can't even guess.
link Holst volume_up
As you are well aware, we've cast away Leicester's old alliances and begun anew as the Federation.
link Holst volume_up
And we've now joined forces with the Empire to overthrow the Kingdom and dissolve the Central Church.
link Claude volume_up
You're happy with all that...right?
link Holst volume_up
Of course, Your Majesty. I would even go so far as to say I'm your greatest supporter.
link Claude volume_up
I appreciate that. I feel much more secure in my position as king knowing I have your support.
link Holst volume_up
I am fully confident you'll be able to fulfill our goals in this war—but my question concerns what happens after that.
link Holst volume_up
You say you want to remove the church's authority from Fódlan and build society anew.
link Claude volume_up
That's right. The systems that currently bind Fódlan were all created by the church to serve their own interests.
link Claude volume_up
Now, I won't say they're all bad in and of themselves, but ultimately, they exist to maintain the authority of the Church of Seiros.
link Claude volume_up
And so long as we revere them, Fódlan will never be able to move forward. Do you agree?
link Holst volume_up
Let me make sure I understand. When this war is over, you wish to step back and reevaluate both the existing system of nobility and our manner of faith.
link Holst volume_up
And you also wish to establish relations with people from other lands, and those who follow other faiths. Is that accurate?
link Claude volume_up
Exactly—I want to knock down the walls that keep us closed in. See, I knew you'd get it.
link Holst volume_up
Does this also extend to Fódlan's Throat? Will you throw open its gates and look to establish a friendly relationship with the Almyrans?
link Claude volume_up
Yes, of course. It will depend on how they respond to our overtures, but that's what I'm hoping for.
link Holst volume_up
And what of House Goneril, a family long seen as the enemy of the Almyrans?
link Holst volume_up
Would you send its only daughter to form a marital bond with the Almyran royal family? Is that a possible scenario?
link Claude volume_up
Huh? Are we talking about Hilda?
link Holst volume_up
Our house has no other daughters.
link Claude volume_up
Ah, OK. I see where this is going.
link Claude volume_up
Don't worry, Holst. I may be the king of Leicester, but I've no interest in also being a royal matchmaker.
link Holst volume_up
But what if the next king of Almyra turns out to be a kind and decent man? What if Hilda even likes him?
link Claude volume_up
Uh, if Hilda wants to marry that hypothetical heartthrob, I'm not gonna stop her. Look, what's all this really about?
link Holst volume_up
Apologies. My imagination ran free for a moment. If that is what Hilda wants, then I will not stand in her way either.
link Claude volume_up
Your imagination's definitely still running there.
link Holst volume_up
I'm just as worried about Hilda's future as I am about Leicester's—maybe even more so.
link Claude volume_up
I completely understand, so let me just say this...
link Claude volume_up
I believe that both Leicester's and Hilda's futures are as bright as they can be.
link Claude volume_up
All I ask is that you trust me.
link Holst volume_up
I shall take your words firmly to heart.
link Holst volume_up
All I ask in return, Your Majesty, is that you continue to safeguard my sister no matter what may come.
link Claude volume_up
You got it. And, uh, wow. You're really serious about this, Holst.