Embers from the uprising in Hrym continue to smolder throughout the Empire. Who will snuff them out?

link Leopold volume_up
So much for catching the enemy unprepared. Well, no matter—we'll wipe out what's left of this rebellion regardless!
link Waldemar volume_up
That racket you caused outside of town certainly didn't help. Still, at least they've been drawn out.
link Caspar volume_up
It's been a while since I fought alongside my father. Better step it up!
link Linhardt volume_up
Even more than you usually do? In that case, I'll try to keep out of your way.
link Caspar volume_up
Are you kidding? My usual approach would get blasted away by my father's battle cry alone!
link Linhardt volume_up
A good point. I'll stay away from him as well.
link Leopold volume_up
When did we two last fight side by side? During the troubles in Enbarr, perhaps?
link Waldemar volume_up
Quite recently, then. Hopefully things go better this time around.
link Leopold volume_up
Your training is starting to pay off, son. You've become much more disciplined.
link Caspar volume_up
Ugh. Now I feel his eyes watching my every move. Better not let him down!
link Leopold volume_up
Leopold von Bergliez stands before you! Come and face me!
??? volume_up
Hey, what's that noise? Are they on to us?
link Waldemar volume_up
These bandits seem unrelated to the rebels. Still, we might as well deal with them.
??? volume_up
Hey, what's that noise? Are they on to us?
link Waldemar volume_up
These bandits seem unrelated to the rebels. Still, we might as well deal with them.
link Caspar volume_up
All right, that's one down. C'mon, gimme another!
link Linhardt volume_up
Can't we just have a nice, normal battle? Counting bodies is so tacky.
link Leopold volume_up
C'mon, Waldemar! You're falling behind!
link Waldemar volume_up
I don't know why you insist on this foolish competition, Leopold. You know full well I could never keep up with you.
link Waldemar volume_up
By the way, what of your older boy? I understand he was taken captive?
link Leopold volume_up
He lives, but the temporary loss of Merceus had dire repercussions. I fear we must reassess his fitness for the Bergliez mantle.
link Caspar volume_up
I'm feeling great, Father! What about you?
link Leopold volume_up
Need you even ask? Thanks to my training, my stamina is the envy of men half my age!
link Linhardt volume_up
You're keeping quite close to me, Father. Is the count's company not to your liking?
link Waldemar volume_up
Precisely so. The man is a selfish, overbearing oaf who doesn't even pretend to listen to me!
link Waldemar volume_up
He is the worst, and I curse fate for seeing fit to saddle us together since birth.
link Leopold volume_up
More bandits over there, Waldemar! Warp me in!
link Waldemar volume_up
Another one-man assault? Well, if that's what you want...
link Linhardt volume_up
Would you like to be warped as well, Caspar? I personally think it's a terrible idea, but I'll let you make your own decision.
link Caspar volume_up
No thanks! I'm running on pure, clean Caspar-power this time!
link Linhardt volume_up
More bandits? Or mostly bandits, I guess. I don't see very many rebels.
??? volume_up
We'll go on ahead to escort the prisoners.
link Leopold volume_up
Mowing down weak enemies is so very dull! What say you, Caspar? Care to compete over which group can rack up more kills?
link Caspar volume_up
You and Count Hevring versus the three of us? I like those odds!
link Linhardt volume_up
Or you can leave us out of your absurd contest entirely...
link Caspar volume_up
We beat my father? I don't believe it!
link Linhardt volume_up
I think we knew this would be the result... Still, it's always good to try, yes?
Citizen volume_up
What's all the commotion? If we're under attack, then fight back, you idiots!
link Leopold volume_up
You boys did well. So well, in fact, that I think we ought to put you to the test ourselves! What say you, Waldemar?
link Waldemar volume_up
So be it—but I cannot promise to match your intensity.
link Leopold volume_up
It seems someone's training has been lacking. Perhaps it's time we put these lads through their paces. What say you, Waldemar?
link Waldemar volume_up
So be it—but I cannot promise to match your intensity.
link Caspar volume_up
C'mon, let's show our fathers what we can do!
link Caspar volume_up
Extra-special father training? Count me in!
link Leopold volume_up
Show me what you've learned—every technique and talent! Hold nothing back!
Shez volume_up
A fight against the strongest man in the Empire? You got it!
Shez volume_up
A fight against the strongest man in the Empire? You got it!
link Caspar volume_up
I'll give you all you can handle!
link Linhardt volume_up
Are you sure you have the right son here? Because I'd much prefer to stay out of this...
link Waldemar volume_up
My force of will seems rather weak in the face of the might you display so casually.
Shez volume_up
Sorry. I can tell your heart's not really in this.
Shez volume_up
Sorry. I can tell your heart's not really in this.
link Caspar volume_up
I dunno what you're talking about, but I'm gonna prove how strong I am!
link Waldemar volume_up
Well. Linhardt! Seeing as we're here, I may as well put you to the test also.
link Linhardt volume_up
Must you? And what exactly are you hoping to prove with this "test" of yours?
link Leopold volume_up
Yes... Yes! Give me more!
link Leopold volume_up
Ah, the vigor of youth! Let this battle be your proving ground!
link Leopold volume_up
You have surpassed me, Caspar. Well fought. I am proud of you.
link Leopold volume_up
Impressive. You've done yourself proud.
link Waldemar volume_up
It doesn't feel like I've posed much of a challenge today.
link Waldemar volume_up
That was about what I expected.
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, this day has been simply awful. Time for me to hurry home and fall into bed.
link Caspar volume_up
Bed? It's still early! I bet my father has plenty more training in store for us.