Edelgard's army returns to Enbarr, hoping to recuperate from the fatigue of the recent string of battles. Little do you know, your respite is to be brief indeed...

Edelgard volume_up
This will not be my resting place! It can't be!
Raphael volume_up
That was Shamir, which means the attackers...
link Monica volume_up
They must be the Knights of Seiros's assassins! We must protect Her Majesty with everything we have!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Stop the enemy incursion! Seal off those entry points before reinforcements arrive!
Jeralt volume_up
Lady Edelgard, I must ask that you remain in the throne room where it will be easier to defend you and predict enemy movements.
Jeralt volume_up
And as your protection will require my full attention, I will remain here at your side.
link Petra volume_up
It was careless to be allowing assassins inside. We must exterminate them with much haste!
link Dorothea volume_up
Good. Just a little more and we'll retake this section of the palace.
link Bernadetta volume_up
We were holed up nice and safe until they came barging in...
link Ferdinand volume_up
We have cut off their ingress. Now we just have to stamp out what enemies remain inside the palace.
Dark Merchant volume_up
Peace, good intruder! I assure you, I'm no fighter!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Says the wolf in sheep's clothes. But sure. Whatever. Where's the emperor?
Shamir volume_up
You're not my target, which means you're wasting my time.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
I can't waste another minute.
Dark Merchant volume_up
Slippery creature... Let's stay on guard.
Citizen volume_up
Over here! More intruders!
Jeralt volume_up
The palace still teems with enemies. Crush them all!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Is there even one room I can be alone?
link Caspar volume_up
These aren't assassins... They're an army!
Jeralt volume_up
That takes care of the rabble, which leaves us with the true problem at hand.
Jeralt volume_up
You will not escape our clutches this time.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
They're really keeping the heat on. All right, time for another approach.
Raphael volume_up
Enough of this! It seems clear the enemy won't come out of hiding until I do.
Dark Merchant volume_up
That may be true, Your Majesty, but is it wise to place yourself in such peril?
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Caught one. Do it!
Jeralt volume_up
Hmph! It's a trap!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Heh. That should do for now.
Catherine volume_up
It's brave of you to try and lure us out... but such courage will cost you your life!
Raphael volume_up
Thunder Catherine?! It seems Rhea is not playing around.
link Caspar volume_up
Wow, I get to fight Thunder Catherine? Guess I'll actually have to try this time!
Anaximandros volume_up
If seeing this sword doesn't frighten you, then perhaps you need to feel it.
Anaximandros volume_up
No mercy to the archbishop's enemies!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
You're taking a beating, Catherine—but don't worry. I've got your back.
Anaximandros volume_up
Should've known I couldn't do this without you, partner. Now come on—nobody can stop us if we fight together!
Jeralt volume_up
It is strange, Shamir. I heard you quit the Knights of Seiros, yet here you are.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Well, someone's done their research. But yeah, I'm just another mercenary now.
Jeralt volume_up
Then let me make you an offer. Come work for us, and we will spare Catherine's life.
Anaximandros volume_up
Don't listen to him, Shamir!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Fall back, Catherine! I'll take care of them.
Anaximandros volume_up
Ngh, fine! But you'd better be right behind me if things turn grim!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
I can't take any more of this...
Anaximandros volume_up
Shamir, stand down and find a place to rest! I'll handle this!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Even the two of us isn't enough...
Anaximandros volume_up
You fight well.
Shamir volume_up
Stupid. If I try to run...they'll go after you, too...
Shamir volume_up
Catherine... Run...while you can...
??? volume_up
The enemy is trying to seize the fire orbs!
link Monica volume_up
If they succeed, they'll be able to target Her Majesty! We can't let that happen!
link Monica volume_up
Whew! We secured the fire orbs.
link Monica volume_up
Not good. We're sitting ducks now!
link Monica volume_up
Not good. We're sitting ducks now!
??? volume_up
I'll claim the emperor's head myself!
Jeralt volume_up
That enemy poses a nasty threat. Dispatch her at once!
Raphael volume_up
If you've come for me, I'll make you regret it!
Jeralt volume_up
That was too close. We'd best stay on our guard, Your Majesty.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Everyone, to me! I will warp you to the emperor's hiding place!
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, that can't be good. He's going to use magic to send in attackers.
Jeralt volume_up
The enemy intends to send in reinforcements via magic. This cannot be allowed!
link Linhardt volume_up
I'm glad we took care of those reinforcements. The last thing I want is more work!
Raphael volume_up
You stopped the reinforcements. Well done.
link Linhardt volume_up
I'm glad we took care of those reinforcements. The last thing I want is more work!
Raphael volume_up
You stopped the reinforcements. Well done.
Raphael volume_up
Warp magic? And now I find myself surrounded...
link Monica volume_up
We have to help Her Majesty! Even she can't hold out against such numbers!
Jeralt volume_up
The skies were meant to be secure. Now I am doubly certain we have a traitor in our midst.
Jeralt volume_up
They've broken through! You must hurry to Her Majesty's side!
Jeralt volume_up
They've broken through! You must hurry to Her Majesty's side!
Jeralt volume_up
Fine work clipping their wings.
Dark Merchant volume_up
My lord, we stand ready to warp the emperor back to the throne room upon your command.
Jeralt volume_up
Do it.
Dark Merchant volume_up
As you wish. Use the magic!
Raphael volume_up
Nicely timed. Thank you, Minister Hevring.
Raphael volume_up
I see there is no depth the church will not sink to... I must do something!
Raphael volume_up
This will not be my resting place! It can't be!
Dark Merchant volume_up
Ah, Linhardt. It seems you're actually willing to work when the emperor's life is on the line.
link Linhardt volume_up
Could you imagine the headaches if she died? Not that you don't already work every second of the day.
link Shamir volume_up
Aren't you the princess of Brigid? You serve the Empire?
link Petra volume_up
I am serving Brigid, and Brigid is standing with the Empire!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Run, Catherine. I'm staying.
Anaximandros volume_up
Don't make me drag you out of here, Shamir!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Go before I kill you myself!
Anaximandros volume_up
Damn it!
Jeralt volume_up
Good. We have a contract.
Jeralt volume_up
The threat has been quelled, but we allowed them far too much leeway. This situation calls for careful reflection.
Raphael volume_up
Still, you saved my life, which means my path for the future remains intact. Thank you.
Jeralt volume_up
The threat has been quelled, but we allowed them far too much leeway. This situation calls for careful reflection.
Raphael volume_up
Still, you saved my life, which means my path for the future remains intact. Thank you.
Anaximandros volume_up
Shamir! No!
Jeralt volume_up
The threat has been quelled, but we allowed them far too much leeway. This situation calls for careful reflection.
Raphael volume_up
Still, you saved my life, which means my path for the future remains intact. Thank you.
Jeralt volume_up
What? No!