Claude receives an urgent report that Derdriu is under assault by the Almyran navy. Though he doubts the veracity of this news, he prepares to mount a defense of the Aquatic Capital.

link Claude volume_up
Yep. Those are pirates, all right—and they sure made a mess of the place. Time to sweep it clean!
??? volume_up
C'mon and hand over all yer valuables! If ya don't fancy gettin' dragged back to Almyra, that is!
link Judith volume_up
Still keeping up the act, hm? What if a real Almyran heard you?
link Claude volume_up
What these seadogs lack in skill they make up for in sheer numbers. If we're not careful, they could easily overwhelm us.
link Claude volume_up
Folks are clearly as scared of Almyrans as ever. Otherwise, intimidation tactics like these would never work.
link Judith volume_up
A sad truth for most, I'm afraid. Why, until I met Nader, I thought all Almyrans were savage, bloodthirsty beasts.
link Claude volume_up
These pirates aren't so tough once you get them on shore. Still, I bet there's more where that came from.
link Judith volume_up
More of them, is it? Let's knuckle down and put them in their place!
link Claude volume_up
You know, if Fódlan just looked outward a little more, our opinion of Almyra might change for the better.
link Judith volume_up
Easy, Your Majesty. I know you're friends with Nader, but that doesn't mean we should start siding with his people.
link Claude volume_up
OK, that's just about all the pirates in the city. Let's head for the harbor storehouse.
??? volume_up
They split up! Now's our chance to raid the city and harbor at the same time!
link Claude volume_up
We're too short-handed to deal with them all. If only we brought more soldiers.
link Nader volume_up
You didn't call for me, kiddo, but I'm answering the bell anyway!
link Claude volume_up
Nader? What're you doing here?
link Nader volume_up
I can't stand by and let a bunch of pirates drag Almyra's good name through the mud.
link Nader volume_up
This so-called Almyran navy is a joke! Nothing but cowards and cravens as far as the eye can see!
link Claude volume_up
Well, they've certainly got nothing on you. Feel free to relieve as many as you like of their duties.
??? volume_up
Uh oh, that one's an Almyran for true!
link Nader volume_up
And not just any Almyran! I'm the one and only...Nader the Undefeated!
link Claude volume_up
Well, he's certainly enjoying himself. I'd better dig deep or he's gonna steal all the fun.
link Judith volume_up
That takes care of the pirate invasion.
link Claude volume_up
A bit more trouble than I expected, but we got through it all right.
??? volume_up
Your Majesty, pirates are raiding the harbor storehouse and plundering the goods inside!
link Claude volume_up
Well, that sounds bad for business. We'd better get across the bridge and put a stop to it.
link Nader volume_up
Did you see that, kiddo? I kicked all those pathetic pirates right out of the harbor!
link Claude volume_up
So they didn't get away with any of the goods? I really owe you one, Nader. Er, another one, actually.
link Judith volume_up
Looks like the pirate leader is camped just outside the city.
link Claude volume_up
Then let's deal with them and finish this. All units, move out!
link Judith volume_up
If I may, Your Majesty, I've been wondering if you have some special attachment to Almyra.
link Claude volume_up
Leicester fought against Almyra for years, so I've grown to know them. That's all.
link Judith volume_up
Hmph. You must think I'm pretty dim if you expect me to believe that.
link Claude volume_up
It was worth a shot. But all right, I get it. Let's talk about it after we deal with the trouble here.
link Nader volume_up
Hey, kiddo. Don't you think it's about time you told her the truth?
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, I've been intending to for a while now. She's not the type you can hide things from for very long anyway.
??? volume_up
I shoulda just quit when I was ahead...
link Claude volume_up
Your greed made you careless. But don't worry—I've got a reward for you!
link Nader volume_up
Haha! Let this be a lesson to all impostors— you have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool an Almyran!
link Claude volume_up
I think we can leave the rest of this to the people of the city. Time to be going.
link Claude volume_up
No... They got us! There's no coming back from this...