Balthus's uncharacteristic behavior has the Goneril siblings concerned. Just as they're discussing their friend's troubles, they find themselves dragged into the brawling gambler's personal issues...

link Holst volume_up
Looks like you could use some help, Balthus. These don't appear to be your ordinary bounty hunters.
link Balthus volume_up
Good eye—they're actually a mercenary band specializing in assassination. How about you deal with the ones close by me?
link Hilda volume_up
Wait, so what does a band of mercenary assassins want with you?
link Balthus volume_up
Probably hired by my stepmother. She's the only person who hates me enough to want me facedown in the dirt.
link Hilda volume_up
That's awful! You might not be related by blood, but you're still her son! Why does she want you dead?
link Balthus volume_up
She's convinced I'm gonna try to usurp my little bro as head of the family.
link Balthus volume_up
Of course, I kinda fanned the flames on that one when I was leaving home... But you reap what you sow, I guess! Haha!
link Hilda volume_up
But Baltie, why is your stepmother worried about you taking over? I didn't think you wanted to be a noble.
Charon General volume_up
I don't! I'm way too far gone for that stuffed-shirt life.
link Hilda volume_up
So then why are we fighting? Just go to your stepmother and tell her that!
Charon General volume_up
It's not that simple. Look, I know it sounds strange, but trust me—it's a good thing my stepmother wants me dead.
Charon General volume_up
So, you think you can take on Leicester's King of Grappling? Then gimme all you got!
Artisan volume_up
What're we supposed to do against this guy?! He's like a wild animal!
link Holst volume_up
I'm beginning to wonder if he even needed our help.
link Holst volume_up
We've taken care of the enemies in all the strongholds surrounding you, Balthus!
link Balthus volume_up
Great, thanks! That's a real load off my mind!
link Balthus volume_up
I'm fine here by myself! Go mop up the rest!
link Holst volume_up
And let this opportunity go to waste? Never! It's been far too long since the two of us last fought side by side!
link Balthus volume_up
Fighting together like this sorta reminds me of when we were kids.
link Holst volume_up
The two of us did enjoy our fair share of mischief. I can't count the number of times we charged headlong into a pack of monsters.
link Hilda volume_up
How about you spare a little reminiscing for the poor sister and friend who was always worried sick about you?
link Holst volume_up
You will regret the day you ever challenged Holst! Hah!
Artisan volume_up
This guy's a monster!
link Balthus volume_up
Haha! We got 'em!
link Holst volume_up
I was thinking you might have lost a step, but if anything, you gained one.
link Balthus volume_up
If even one of these guys gets away, they'll be back for my head in the dead of night. We have to take 'em all out.
link Hilda volume_up
Not sure it's possible to sneak up on you no matter how tired you are. But hey, if you want to deal with it now, we're happy to help.
Shez volume_up
You and Holst really fight as one—and Hilda too, for that matter.
Shez volume_up
You and Holst really fight as one—and Hilda too, for that matter.
link Balthus volume_up
Yeah, Holst and I have been battling together in one scrap or another for years now, and Hilda was usually tagging along.
link Balthus volume_up
Hey, not bad!
Shez volume_up
Really? I feel like I'm barely keeping up with the three of you.
Shez volume_up
Really? I feel like I'm barely keeping up with the three of you.
Citizen volume_up
Grab the weak little girl and take her hostage! We'll use her to ransom our way outta this mess!
link Hilda volume_up
Uh oh. They've got me surrounded.
link Holst volume_up
No! My dear sweet sister is in danger... Oh, wait. That's nowhere near enough soldiers to capture her. She'll be fine.
link Hilda volume_up
Weak? I'll show you weak! Ragh!
Citizen volume_up
Is everyone in this group some kind of beast?!
link Balthus volume_up
Not smart, pals. Even I can't handle a ticked-off Hilda...
link Holst volume_up
Well done, Hilda! What a tremendous display!
link Hilda volume_up
You could've done more than just watch!
link Balthus volume_up
If she wasn't always shirking responsibility, Hilda would be every bit the general Holst is.
link Hilda volume_up
Oh hey, the enemy leader is somewhere over there—or that's what one of the assassins said right before I sent him to meet the goddess.
Merchant volume_up
Well, I've certainly made a mess of things... Nothing left to do but run!
link Balthus volume_up
Yep. That looks like a leader, all right. Let's take 'em out and be done with this!
link Balthus volume_up
Sorry for getting you all drawn into this little family squabble.
link Holst volume_up
Nah, we just tagged along for moral support. You clearly could've handled this alone.
link Hilda volume_up
It was nice to see you and Baltie fighting together again. Reminded me of old times.
Merchant volume_up
Stay back, you monster! What do you think you're doing?!
link Balthus volume_up
I could ask the same of you—and your employer, for that matter.
link Holst volume_up
Over already? Hmm. I feel a bit unfulfilled.
link Balthus volume_up
You're telling me. Next time, let's find us a proper battle and really let loose!
link Hilda volume_up
Looks like you two are back to your old ways again. Just please be careful, all right?