Flames of unrest have engulfed Hrym territory. To prevent the violence from spreading any further, you head for the town said to be the root of the chaos.

Hanneman volume_up
I must find a way to endure...
Leonie volume_up
I don't think I'm gonna make it...
link Edelgard volume_up
This is a rescue first and foremost. We must save the townsfolk from danger, as well as the brave fighters defending them!
link Edelgard volume_up
Remember, the perpetrators of this atrocity may be hiding amidst the chaos. If you find them, they are to be shown no mercy.
link Hubert volume_up
To protect the evacuees, we must defend this shelter at all costs. Stay on your guards.
link Hanneman volume_up
How many of these ruffians are there? I can't protect everyone forever!
link Monica volume_up
Professor Hanneman is in trouble! Hurry! We can't afford to lose him!
Leonie volume_up
Captain, you came to help—and you brought the Empire with you!
link Jeralt volume_up
You did well, Leonie. It's time we fight together.
Leonie volume_up
I finally found you, Captain, but it's too late...
Leonie volume_up
The Empire is here to help!
Leonie volume_up
I'm sorry, Captain... I tried, but I couldn't...
Leonie volume_up
I'd rather die than accept aid from the people who killed Captain Jeralt...but the townsfolk need you, so I'll put my feelings aside!
Hanneman volume_up
I never doubted you would come.
link Hanneman volume_up
Are you here to rescue me personally, Manuela? What an exceptional surprise!
link Manuela volume_up
I do have a heart, you know!
link Hanneman volume_up
Well, that was certainly close. I am much obliged for your assistance.
link Linhardt volume_up
Thank goodness we got to Professor Hanneman in time.
link Hubert volume_up
Professor Hanneman... This loss will cost us dearly.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
This has been a fine place to conduct business. Keep at it, friends! There's coin to be made!
link Caspar volume_up
He must be the one leading the bandits... Time to dole out some justice!
link Ferdinand volume_up
That must be the bandits' leader. We should deal with him as swiftly as possible.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
What? No, I'm not him! You've got the wrong... Fine, have it your way!
Pallardó volume_up
That double I planted turned out to be a stroke of genius! Now to take my leave while the taking is still good.
link Caspar volume_up
Wait, so the other guy was a fake? No fair! You'll pay for that!
link Ferdinand volume_up
A thief with a double? He is craftier than I gave him credit for. Do not let him slip away!
link Pallardó volume_up
Open up! Open up, I say! This is not what we agreed to, so open up right now!
link Hubert volume_up
Dear me, it seems the rats have had a falling out. Shall we go put him out of his misery?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Wait! I'm just a passing merchant! I'm not... Eek! Well, it was worth a try.
link Monica volume_up
I've seen that rogue before. Wasn't he one of the merchants who frequented Garreg Mach?
??? volume_up
Please, someone help me!
Metodey volume_up
Hehehe! Kill that man and strip his bones of whatever you can find.
link Edelgard volume_up
There's trouble to the east. Hurry! We haven't a moment to lose!
link Metodey volume_up
You do realize you're dead now, yes?
link Leonie volume_up
Heartless monster! You'll pay for this!
link Metodey volume_up
Save your breath—you'll need it to scream as I tear your limbs from your body!
link Edelgard volume_up
That man may be depraved, but orchestrating all of this is beyond his meager capability. Our true enemy is those who slither in the dark.
link Leonie volume_up
Is this...poison? You cowards laced your weapons!
link Edelgard volume_up
Leonie has been poisoned! Bring her to the shelter for treatment at once!
link Monica volume_up
Wasn't there a drawbridge over to the east? We should take Leonie that way to be safe.
link Leonie volume_up
Thank you...
link Monica volume_up
Wasn't there a drawbridge over to the east? We should take Leonie that way to be safe.
link Leonie volume_up
Thank you...
link Leonie volume_up
Sorry for the trouble. If I survive this, can I fight with you?
link Edelgard volume_up
There is always a place for a gifted ally such as yourself.
link Hanneman volume_up
This is a tricky poison indeed... And while I'm no specialist, I will do everything in my power.
Shez volume_up
It's Leonie, right? Look, you've done enough. Come with me and let's get you looked at.
Shez volume_up
It's Leonie, right? Look, you've done enough. Come with me and let's get you looked at.
link Leonie volume_up
I don't need pity from murderers!
Shez volume_up
It's Leonie, right? Look, you've done enough. Come with me and let's get you looked at.
Shez volume_up
It's Leonie, right? Look, you've done enough. Come with me and let's get you looked at.
link Leonie volume_up
I don't need pity from murderers!
link Jeralt volume_up
Leonie... Someone will pay for this...
link Hubert volume_up
A Demonic Beast, eh? I wager they have been quite eager to spring this little surprise on us.
link Edelgard volume_up
We can't allow any more damage to the town. We must eliminate the monster ourselves.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Watch yourselves! This menace will not go down so easily.
link Caspar volume_up
Oh c'mon, bigger doesn't mean stronger! We can definitely take it!
link Ferdinand volume_up
We have come a long way together, and this fell creature is no match for us!
link Edelgard volume_up
Thank goodness. We no longer have to worry about the town being demolished.
link Hubert volume_up
That takes care of the barriers. Now we need only deal with that mage.
link Hubert volume_up
That takes care of the barriers. Now we need only deal with that mage.
link Solon volume_up
I should've known these thugs would serve as little more than bait.
Solon volume_up
My name is Solon, and I am the savior of this beast-infested world!
link Hubert volume_up
Ah, look. There is our true enemy. First we will break this magic, then we will break the man himself.
link Edelgard volume_up
Do not make the foolish mistake of trying to take the man alive. Solon must be struck down here and now!
link Solon volume_up
I will brook no interference from beasts!
link Solon volume_up
I must know how you came by those powers!
link Arval volume_up
It seems our adversaries know something about us after all.
link Lysithea volume_up
Now you will pay for the horrors you visited on House Ordelia!
link Solon volume_up
Ignorant lab rat! Squander your short life if you must!
link Solon volume_up
Thales needn't trouble himself with the likes of you. I will end your life myself.
link Hubert volume_up
You will rue the day you slithered into the light.
link Solon volume_up
The woman cursed by flame... Here to exact your revenge, are you?
link Edelgard volume_up
Nothing so petty. You stand in my path to conquest, and so shall be burned away.
link Solon volume_up
I see trifling with you was a mistake.
??? volume_up
Is anyone there? We need help!
link Ferdinand volume_up
No nobleman worth his salt can ignore the cries of citizens in danger!
??? volume_up
Thank you! That was too close.
??? volume_up
Goddess help us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Excellent! All the citizens are safe.
link Ferdinand volume_up
We failed to save even a single citizen! This is a disgrace to my noble name...
link Ferdinand volume_up
We may have failed to save them all, but we did the best we could.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Carry the loot to safety, and be quick about it!
link Dorothea volume_up
How dare they steal from the people!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Those villains are trying to make away with the valuables they stole. We must not allow it!
link Dorothea volume_up
Now we can make sure this plunder is returned to its rightful owners.
link Ferdinand volume_up
The villains have been smote and the stolen property reclaimed. Justice wins again!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
We did it, boss! This plunder'll make us all rich as kings!
link Dorothea volume_up
Now we'll never get the valuables back...
link Ferdinand volume_up
The villains escaped and we lost the stolen property? How utterly frustrating!
link Petra volume_up
There are still people under attack. We must be giving them assistance!
link Monica volume_up
Some of the residents have been left behind. We should try to help as many as we can!
??? volume_up
I owe you my life. Thank you.
??? volume_up
I...I was going to be married next month...
link Petra volume_up
All the people have been saved. Now we can be returning to the task at hand.
link Monica volume_up
Is that everyone? Yay! We did it!
link Petra volume_up
We let them all die... I hope they have forgiveness for us.
link Monica volume_up
We didn't save any of the citizens? I'm so sorry...
link Petra volume_up
We failed to save them all, but the battle must be continuing.
link Monica volume_up
Some of the citizens didn't make it, but we have to stay focused.
??? volume_up
Fresh enemy soldiers are attacking the shelter!
link Hubert volume_up
Of course they would strike where we are most vulnerable... To arms! We must defend the shelter or all is for naught!
link Edelgard volume_up
The shelter is safe—and hopefully the enemy is out of such tricks.
link Hubert volume_up
I see a good crossing point. Might we be able to construct a bridge there?
link Edelgard volume_up
Good thing we collected all those materials. Build a makeshift bridge! Quickly!
link Hubert volume_up
The militia is offering to help. On your command, I will dispatch them to defend the shelter.
link Edelgard volume_up
Order the militia to protect the evacuees!
link Hubert volume_up
Lower the bridge so you might be able to cross more easily.
??? volume_up
We're being overrun! Send help!
??? volume_up
We can't hold out much longer, Your Majesty!
link Solon volume_up
So be it. Another chance will present itself ere long...
link Hubert volume_up
Hmph! We knew he would try to escape, yet still we cannot stop him!
link Edelgard volume_up
This should put an end to the disturbance in town. You all fought bravely.
link Edelgard volume_up
They overran the shelter? Then that's it. The town is lost.