Arianrhod trembles under the Imperial army's vicious siege. Aware that the fortress city cannot be allowed to fall, you make haste to reinforce the Kingdom troops garrisoned there.

<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Please hurry, Your Majesty! The enemy used a secret passage to infiltrate the fortress, and have already engaged Catherine and her unit!
link Dimitri volume_up
Then let us help them at once. We cannot afford failure here. Arianrhod is too valuable.
link Felix volume_up
So they really did find a back way in. Seems like the main gate's still closed. Thankfully, the controls aren't too far off.
link Rodrigue volume_up
They've stationed units around the controls for the gate. We'll need to fight our way past them if we're to have any hope of opening it.
link Rodrigue volume_up
They've stationed units around the controls for the gate. We'll need to fight our way past them if we're to have any hope of opening it.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
They spotted me. Guess I've lost a step.
link Dimitri volume_up
That's...Shamir! We must assist her.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
They spotted me. Guess I've lost a step.
link Dimitri volume_up
That's...Shamir! We must assist her.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
This is where I die, huh? Not the most comfortable place for an eternal sleep.
link Seteth volume_up
Shamir is in dire trouble. We must help her at once!
link Felix volume_up
I don't think she can hold out much longer. Let's move!
link Mercedes volume_up
Phew! That should clear our way into the fortress.
link Dedue volume_up
There. We can head inside now.
Shamir volume_up
Sorry, Catherine... Guess you have to go it alone from here...
link Dimitri volume_up
We were but a moment too late... Let us press onward. Her death shall not be in vain!
Shamir volume_up
Sorry, Catherine... Guess you have to go it alone from here...
link Dimitri volume_up
We were but a moment too late... Let us press onward. Her death shall not be in vain!
Viscount Fenja volume_up
This is where I die, huh? Not the most comfortable place for an eternal sleep.
link Seteth volume_up
Shamir is in dire trouble. We must help her at once!
link Felix volume_up
I don't think she can hold out much longer. Let's move!
Shamir volume_up
Surprised you came for me. I guess I should return the favor.
link Felix volume_up
The emperor's personal guard is pretty tough. I'm almost impressed... Almost.
link Dedue volume_up
You're safe here. Please, go rest. You can leave this to us.
Viscount Fenja volume_up
Appreciate it. I owe you one.
Shamir volume_up
Sorry, Catherine... Guess you have to go it alone from here...
link Rodrigue volume_up
We're too late! How could this happen...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
One of the Gautier brats, huh? Don't tell me you actually want to fight me.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Heh, I'm a lot more than some stupid family name. I'll knock your teeth out for that!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Well isn't someone feisty. Fine, then. Show me what you can do!
link Sylvain volume_up
Miklan and Gwendal are fighting? Hm... It's probably for the best that I don't go help him, honestly.
link Dimitri volume_up
Perhaps, but we can't abandon him either. Let us open this gate and hurry to Miklan's aid!
link Rodrigue volume_up
Gwendal's soldiers have stationed themselves in front of the main hall? We'll need to move quickly if we want to save Miklan.
link Dimitri volume_up
Indeed. The gate controls should be nearby. Let us commence the rescue!
link Sylvain volume_up
So we have to open this gate before we can open the one at the main hall? Well, that's annoying.
link Dimitri volume_up
Little wonder this is known as an impregnable fortress. In order to open one gate, we must also open countless others.
link Rodrigue volume_up
True to its fame, the Silver Maiden's arsenal is robust indeed.
link Sylvain volume_up
That's one!
link Sylvain volume_up
That's one!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Not bad! But not good enough to beat me, whelp!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
It might be different if you had a Crest, but there's no way I'm losing to some Crestless old man!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Haha! You sure know how to bark, but can you bite? Let's find out, shall we, Miklan?
Supply Master volume_up
It appears we're in time. We will help bolster the main hall.
link Sylvain volume_up
Wow, the old man's here! I guess it really never hurts to ask.
link Dimitri volume_up
Dispatching that envoy to the margrave was a worthwhile gambit. This should be a great help as we advance.
link Dimitri volume_up
There should be one more device to open the gates to the main hall. We'll need to locate it.
link Dimitri volume_up
There should be one more device to open the gates to the main hall. We'll need to locate it.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You really don't hold anything back, do you? It's time I put you out of your misery!
Miklan volume_up
Ngh! Heh, what a joke... least I bought us all the time we needed...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
True, I didn't expect you to give me that much trouble. You put up a fine fight, whelp. Or should I say...Sir Miklan.
Supply Master volume_up
I may have disowned him as my son, but I see no reason not to avenge him.
link Sylvain volume_up
Can't believe he kept that many forces away from the main hall. That brother of mine really was something.
link Dimitri volume_up
No! We were a step too late. We must make haste for the main hall. Our assistance is sorely needed.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Everyone, prepare to fire! We'll give 'em hell!
link Felix volume_up
We won't get very far like this. We need to shut those weapons down first!
link Dedue volume_up
That should put a stop to the attacks too.
link Ashe volume_up
Now the stronghold is ours! Let's turn these things off!
link Mercedes volume_up
Perfect. Now the traps should be disabled too!
link Dimitri volume_up
Well done, everyone! All that's left is to invade the main hall!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You've got spirit, daughter of Charon. I'm impressed.
Anaximandros volume_up
Ha! That's big talk from someone who looks like he's got one foot in the grave.
link Flayn volume_up
Oh no, Catherine! We must go to her aid!
link Seteth volume_up
I am glad to find you unharmed, Catherine. Her Grace was worried about you.
Anaximandros volume_up
She was? Well, that's a real shot in the arm!
Anaximandros volume_up
Sorry you had to come back me up, but we managed thanks to you!
link Sylvain volume_up
I never wanted to see you again, but here we are anyway. Someone has to avenge my brother's death.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hah! I remember you as a snot-nosed brat, but I see you're all grown up now.
Gwendal volume_up
I see the whelps are all here! Think any of you can kill me?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
As a knight, it's my duty to seek revenge for my lord. I'll fight for the count until my dying breath!
Supply Master volume_up
I take no pleasure in killing a man like you, yet I cannot allow you to live on.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
As a knight of House Rowe, I'll take back my lord's castle if it costs me my life!
Gwendal volume_up
As far as graves go...yes, this'll do.
link Rodrigue volume_up
A knight with no lord to serve faces adversity indeed.
Anaximandros volume_up
Guess I really dragged you down there. Thanks for the help.
Anaximandros volume_up
Shamir is dead?! I... I see...
??? volume_up
Report! A large Imperial force is advancing on the Arianrhod perimeter!
link Felix volume_up
And I'd bet the emperor is with them. What's our move, boar?
link Dimitri volume_up
We will not give the fortress back to them. All forces, move to intercept!
Yuri volume_up
You should know that this fortress is one fun surprise after another. Well, would you look at that? A hidden staircase!
link Dimitri volume_up
They've opened another secret passage? Whoever that is must be quite familiar with the construction of this place.
Yuri volume_up
You should know that this fortress is one fun surprise after another. Well, would you look at that? A hidden staircase!
link Dimitri volume_up
They've opened another secret passage? Whoever that is must be quite familiar with the construction of this place.
link Annette volume_up
If we don't stop that guy soon, enemies are going to come flooding in from all directions.
link Dedue volume_up
We must remove him quickly. Otherwise the enemy will continue to pour in.
link Ashe volume_up
If it's someone from House Rowe... Oh, then maybe we can persuade him to join our side!
link Rodrigue volume_up
Hmm, this is going to be trouble. Maybe we can talk him over to our side.
Dominic General volume_up
Hmm...and here I thought I'd feel something. I might actually kill you this time.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Kill me? Wait, who are you again?!
link Hapi volume_up
Seeing as I don't wanna fight you, Yuri-bird, what say we call this whole thing off?
Dominic General volume_up
Hey, I don't want to fight you either—but when I take a job, I always see it through.
Dominic General volume_up
Please tell me you're not pointing that thing at my beautiful face.
Dominic General volume_up
That old man was just looking for a good place to die. And now that he's dead, it's all on me. What a pain.
link Dimitri volume_up
Were you with the bandits? Or Gwendal? Wait. You're from House Rowe.
Yuri volume_up
I really blew it this time... Sorry, guys... Sorry, mom.
link Ashe volume_up
I know I've seen him somewhere before. But I suppose we'll never know now.
link Ashe volume_up
Oh, I knew it! You're from House Rowe! We sure could use you on our side. What do you say?
link Dimitri volume_up
I understand now. Would you be interested in working with us? I am asking with full knowledge of your identity.
Dominic General volume_up
Well, when you put it that way, I guess I would prefer not to get butchered.
Waldemar volume_up
Arianrhod is a key position for us. We must retake it, even if we suffer losses in the process.
Linhardt volume_up
I can't believe I got myself dragged out here...
Miklan volume_up
Oh hey, Petra. Sorry, but could you try not to kill me?
link Petra volume_up
Then you should surrender prior to your dying!
link Dorothea volume_up
Lin? On a battlefield? I never thought I'd see the day, but I can't go easy on you.
Miklan volume_up
I'm actually more surprised to find you still out here, Dorothea.
Miklan volume_up
Bernadetta. Let's just...pretend we didn't see each other, OK?
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh yeah, that sounds great... I mean, I can't do that!
Miklan volume_up
Couldn't someone else have handled this? What am I even doing here?
Miklan volume_up
Oh, I'm really in it now. Who knows if I can even hold out until Her Majesty gets here...
Dark Merchant volume_up
I am Waldemar von Hevring, Imperial Minister of Domestic Affairs. My reasons for being here are my own.
Dark Merchant volume_up
I won't be much use if I'm wounded any further.
Miklan volume_up
I'll be dropping out here. I'm not ready to die yet, after all.
Dark Merchant volume_up
There's no sense in getting myself killed. I shall retreat!
link Dimitri volume_up
Excellent, that's their vanguard commanders dealt with. The question now is, where is Edelgard?
Edelgard volume_up
We will crush the Kingdom army and seize Arianrhod once and for all! Forward!
Ferdinand volume_up
This battle shall determine the fate of the western front! We must show them the might of the Empire!
link Dimitri volume_up
If we can take her down here, the war is over. Everyone, now is the time to rally against the Empire!
Raphael volume_up
I have nothing more to say to you. This ends now.
link Dimitri volume_up
Yes...I suppose it does, Edelgard. Let us finish this.
Raphael volume_up
It's been a while, Petra. You know, it's not too late for you to come back to the Empire. What do you say?
link Petra volume_up
I am wishing this were different, but I will not turn my coat a second time. I am fighting with pride as the future queen of Brigid!
link Dorothea volume_up
I won't make excuses, Edie. I fought them... and I lost. This is just how things ended up.
Raphael volume_up
Then say no more, and prepare to lose once again. I'll drag you back to the Empire myself.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh, Your Majesty! I, um... Hi?
Raphael volume_up
Calm down, Bernadetta. You're going to drop your weapon.
Raphael volume_up
I have no mercy for any who oppose me! Prepare to die!
Shez volume_up
The emperor herself! I'll be the one to bring her down!
Shez volume_up
The emperor herself! I'll be the one to bring her down!
Raphael volume_up
It will take more than this to stop me!
link Dimitri volume_up
We finally have our chance. I cannot let it go to waste!
Raphael volume_up
I surrender. Now read me my last rites, or let me go.
link Dimitri volume_up
Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to simply walk away. I need to ask you some questions.
Raphael volume_up
I surrender. Now read me my last rites, or let me go.
Raphael volume_up
We have not yet reached our goal! Continue the advance!
Raphael volume_up
We have not yet reached our goal! Continue the advance!
Raphael volume_up
Our goal lies right ahead. We will demonstrate our true might here and now!
Raphael volume_up
Our goal lies right ahead. We will demonstrate our true might here and now!
link Felix volume_up
We got careless. We have to do something or she'll take the main hall!
Citizen volume_up
More Kingdom forces! Quick, request reinforcements from the main army!
link Annette volume_up
Stop the messengers! If they send in more troops, we'll never reach the main hall!
link Dedue volume_up
They're trying to call for reinforcements. We can't let that happen.
link Annette volume_up
There. No reinforcements should be showing up now.
link Dedue volume_up
Good. They couldn't call for reinforcements.
link Annette volume_up
Oh no! The messengers got past!
link Felix volume_up
Ugh, they got away! Everyone, get ready for enemy reinforcements!
link Sylvain volume_up
If they get the main hall, we'll lose the whole battle. Plus we've got to protect the strongholds all around it too.
link Dimitri volume_up
We cannot allow the main hall to succumb. Bolster the strongholds' defenses.
link Sylvain volume_up
Nice one! That's a huge relief.
link Ingrid volume_up
They've broken through our defenses! Hurry, push them back!
link Dimitri volume_up
The main hall is in danger. We must push them back, quickly.
Thales volume_up
We must not lag behind Edelgard. Everyone, forward!
link Dedue volume_up
They've mobilized. We must defeat them quickly.
Thales volume_up
I daresay this means we must view Brigid as our enemy.
link Petra volume_up
Yes, Ferdinand. You gave me much kindness. Please have forgiveness.
link Dorothea volume_up
Oh, Ferdie! As dashing as ever, I see.
Thales volume_up
None of that, please, Dorothea. It is entirely wasted in a moment such as this.
Thales volume_up
Bernadetta? I would never have expected to find you among the enemy's forces.
link Bernadetta volume_up
I'm as surprised as anyone! Sorry about this, Ferdinand!
Thales volume_up
Once this battle is over, I can just hear it... "Ferdinand von Aegir, Hero of Adrestia!"
Thales volume_up
Unfortunately, I really do have quite a lot to live for, so I must take my leave. But revenge will be mine!
link Felix volume_up
He's gone. I would've liked to take him out here and now, though, considering how... spirited he is.
link Dedue volume_up
Prepare a volley of arrows. Show them the results of your training.
link Dedue volume_up
link Dimitri volume_up
All of you, prepare to close the gates. Finally, this complicated fortress is working in our favor.
link Dimitri volume_up
Now, close the gates. Lure the enemy in!
Supply Master volume_up
I of all people should know better than to act so carelessly. Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I must retreat.
Supply Master volume_up
To my utter shame, I leave with nothing avenged...
Anaximandros volume_up
Ugh! There's no way I'm dying now!
link Felix volume_up
Hey! It's all over for us if that stronghold falls. Aren't you gonna do something?
link Dimitri volume_up
The Knights of Seiros have fallen?! Without them, our defense is hopeless.
link Dimitri volume_up
No! We couldn't hold it... I have no choice but to accept our loss.