The Imperial army clashes with the Knights of Seiros in Ailell, the Valley of Torment. After learning of the battle that rages there, you are faced with a difficult decision.

Constance volume_up
Hapi, please forgive me. I cannot keep my promise...
Hapi volume_up
Coco, I'm sorry. I think I'm...done.
Catherine volume_up
I will never let you lay a finger on Lady Rhea...with those filthy hands.
Randolph volume_up
Gah! Is this...the end...
Catherine volume_up
You won't defeat me that easily! Come on, give me all you got!
Catherine volume_up
I'm not finished yet! You shall feel my wrath!
link Marianne volume_up
For a surprise attack to be successful, it needs to be executed quickly. Or that's what I read in a book on tactics, anyway.
link Hilda volume_up
The success of a surprise attack hinges on fast action. I think my brother said something like that once.
link Marianne volume_up
Now we can cover ground more quickly!
link Hilda volume_up
I bet we could rush straight through the battlefield now!
link Claude volume_up
We should move before the Imperial army is wiped out. Launch the surprise attack!
Merchant volume_up
What army is that? Wait, are they attacking us?!
Merchant volume_up
The Federation army has come to our aid! Now we can assist Lord Randolph!
Randolph volume_up
The Federation army has come to our rescue? I thank you. We don't have to worry about attacks from the rear now.
link Claude volume_up
If we really wanna take out Thunder Catherine, this is the best way to play it.
link Hilda volume_up
Claude? Is something wrong?
link Claude volume_up
No, it's nothing.
link Catherine volume_up
Randolph, you can sense you're outmatched, can't you? You have no hope of winning. Surrender now!
link Randolph volume_up
I've been gradually gaining reinforcements. Now is my chance to seize victory!
link Ignatz volume_up
We did it! Now the Imperial army can rally their forces!
link Claude volume_up
We'll hold here until all the commanders going to aid Randolph reach the stronghold.
??? volume_up
Is everyone ready? Then let's hurry to Lord Randolph's aid!
link Catherine volume_up
Urgh, the Imperial army has rallied. They might turn the tables on us at this rate.
link Catherine volume_up
Main forces, with me! We're going to strike right in the center! Everyone else, circle around behind the enemy! Move out!
link Claude volume_up
Thunder Catherine is on the move! Now's our chance to capture the enemy strongholds!
link Catherine volume_up
The Imperial army will scatter if Randolph falls! Keep advancing!
link Randolph volume_up
I'd heard the rumors, but I never imagined she was this strong!
link Lorenz volume_up
Claude, are you certain this is the best course? The Imperial army is struggling.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, that's just what I expected. Right now we need to get a move on and capture those strongholds.
Shez volume_up
At this rate the Imperial army's gonna get crushed. Shouldn't we go help them?
Shez volume_up
At this rate the Imperial army's gonna get crushed. Shouldn't we go help them?
link Randolph volume_up
What is the Federation army doing? I thought they'd rush to our side.
link Hilda volume_up
Hey, Claude! We need to get out there and help the Imperial army, or it'll be too late!
link Claude volume_up
I hear you. But capturing the strongholds takes priority. Make sure everyone knows that.
link Randolph volume_up
I have no other choice. Everyone, fall back! We must abandon this front and regroup!
Merchant volume_up
Lord Randolph! The gate is closed and blocking our escape route! We cannot get past it!
link Randolph volume_up
What is the meaning of this? Is the Federation army leaving us to die?
link Catherine volume_up
I see you've made your choice, Randolph! Hah!
link Claude volume_up
I'd hoped to help them after surrounding the knights, but there just wasn't enough time.
Merchant volume_up
Lady Catherine, the Federation army has us completely surrounded.
link Catherine volume_up
They let their allies die in order to trap us?! Hurry and forge an escape route! We will find a way to survive this!
Constance volume_up
I will proceed swiftly to Catherine's aid!
Hapi volume_up
They surrounded us, huh? We're in hot water now, Cathy.
link Constance volume_up
Ahahaha! I am at the height of my powers under the darkness of night!
link Balthus volume_up
Constance, why're you fighting for the church? Come to our side. I'll smooth it over with everyone.
link Constance volume_up
You ask me to just change sides, without so much as a fight? Such temerity. I could never commit such a cowardly act!
link Linhardt volume_up
Aren't you from House Nuvelle?
link Constance volume_up
You! I do not recall your name, but you were an Imperial noble, were you not? What are you doing here?
link Constance volume_up
Hah! As if something like that would dishearten me!
link Hapi volume_up
Could you maybe let me go? I'd really rather not sigh if I can avoid it.
link Hapi volume_up
I hate having to fight all the time.
link Lorenz volume_up
So we are to claim victory by sacrificing the Imperial army? How is this conscionable?
Shez volume_up
Sacrificing our allies in order to win... Is that really the kinda leader you are, Claude?
Shez volume_up
Sacrificing our allies in order to win... Is that really the kinda leader you are, Claude?
link Lysithea volume_up
If we can convince some of them to surrender, we'll reduce our number of casualties.
link Lorenz volume_up
If we could persuade some of them to surrender, we could reduce our casualties considerably.
link Claude volume_up
Hey, you're not with the Knights of Seiros.
link Claude volume_up
You've got noble written all over you. Why not join us? We'll treat you right.
link Constance volume_up
Maybe that's for the best. After all, I have a dream to fulfill.
link Constance volume_up
I am mortified to join forces with those who murdered my dear Hapi, but I have no other choice.
link Raphael volume_up
I don't think she's a knight. She might surrender if we talk to her.
link Holst volume_up
If it will save even a single life, it is well worth trying to convince her to surrender.
link Hilda volume_up
Hey, why don't we just stop? You dying here won't accomplish anything, right?
link Hapi volume_up
You got me there. I guess I'll do what you ask. You did beat me, after all.
link Hapi volume_up
You kill my poor Coco and now you wanna talk surrender? Fine, do whatever you want.
link Catherine volume_up
What a mess I've gotten myself into. We'll just have to buckle down and prepare for a fight!
link Claude volume_up
Thunder Catherine's the only one left! Everyone, attack!
Catherine volume_up
I'll take as many of you Federation cowards with me as I can!
link Catherine volume_up
Shamir! I never expected to see you fighting for the other side. I don't know what to say.
link Shamir volume_up
I am a mercenary, you know. But you can take your anger out on me if you want.
link Catherine volume_up
You won't defeat me that easily! Come on, give me all you got!
link Catherine volume_up
I'm not finished yet! You shall feel my wrath!
link Leonie volume_up
An enemy messenger? You're not getting past me!
link Holst volume_up
We have to go after that enemy messenger.
link Leonie volume_up
No... I couldn't stop them.
link Holst volume_up
Ugh, we were too slow.
link Claude volume_up
Do not let any of them escape! We take all of them down right here, right now!
link Claude volume_up
We can't let a single one get away. We have to whittle down the church forces as much as possible.
link Claude volume_up
That was an ugly battle...