You've chased the retreating church forces to the Tailtean Plains. It is here that you will finally settle the score with Archbishop Rhea and usher in a new dawn for Fódlan.

Claude volume_up
We were so finally achieving... all that we'd set out to do...
Alois volume_up
Captain... My dear wife and daughter... I'm sorry...
Cyril volume_up
Lady Rhea... I'm sorry I...couldn't help.
Shez volume_up
No! I was so...close...
Shez volume_up
No! I was so...close...
link Rhea volume_up
Goddess, infuse me with your divine strength! Hrah!
link Rhea volume_up
As in the Battle of Tailtean, I will strike down any fool who dares dishonor our creator!
link Claude volume_up
This is it, folks. If we slay Rhea, we'll usher in a new era for Fódlan! Give it all you got!
link Claude volume_up
There's no need to rush. Just keep pressing forward! Our first objective is to capture the strongholds on the front line!
link Rhea volume_up
Everyone, stake your lives on this battle and make the goddess proud. We will annihilate the wicked Federation army!
link Holst volume_up
We've managed to advance this far as two groups, but I didn't foresee the bridge being down.
link Hilda volume_up
We'll just have to hold out until we can meet up again. I might actually put in some effort!
link Rhea volume_up
As in the Battle of Tailtean, I will strike down any fool who dares dishonor our creator!
link Claude volume_up
This is it, folks. If we slay Rhea, we'll usher in a new era for Fódlan! Give it all you got!
link Claude volume_up
There's no need to rush. Just keep pressing forward! Our first objective is to capture the strongholds on the front line!
link Holst volume_up
We've managed to advance this far as two groups, but I didn't foresee the bridge being down.
link Hilda volume_up
We'll just have to hold out until we can meet up again. I might actually put in some effort!
link Lorenz volume_up
Hmph, the enemy's morale is unusually high. The archbishop must have riled them up.
link Raphael volume_up
All right! We've captured most of the strongholds on one side!
link Lysithea volume_up
We're moving right along. Keep capturing the enemy strongholds!
link Leonie volume_up
Yeah! We've taken all the strongholds on the front line!
link Hilda volume_up
Yay! Now we've got control of the front line.
Mercedes volume_up
We've been told to return to the capital, but we're the only ones who can protect the church's people.
link Hilda volume_up
Is that Mercedes? Does that mean the Kingdom's commanding those troops?
link Mercedes volume_up
I will do what I must until the very end.
link Mercedes volume_up
The others are fulfilling their duties to house and kingdom. That only leaves me to do what I can to help!
link Ashe volume_up
I had a feeling you'd be here, doing whatever you could to protect the faithful.
Jeritza volume_up
Mercedes... So this is where you've been. I will save you.
link Mercedes volume_up
I did all that I could. I guess I wasn't up to the challenge after all.
link Jeritza volume_up
Mercedes, it is not worth risking your life for this fight.
link Mercedes volume_up
It was my choice to put my life on the line. But now I must fall back.
link Jeritza volume_up
Then please, fight alongside me for now. It is the best way to keep you safe.
link Alois volume_up
Now is the time to avenge Captain Jeralt! I will fight to the death!
link Alois volume_up
Sorry, but I'll not hold back! Here's one of the captain's most powerful techniques!
link Alois volume_up
I'm doing this for the captain. I'll not be beaten! I will have my revenge!
Shez volume_up
I can't take this guy lightly. I'll face him with everything that I've got!
Shez volume_up
I can't take this guy lightly. I'll face him with everything that I've got!
link Alois volume_up
Shamir! This will be the last time we cross blades.
link Shamir volume_up
Sorry, Alois.
link Alois volume_up
Is that all you have to say? Where is your passion, your fervor?!
link Alois volume_up
Am I not strong enough?!
Cyril volume_up
I'll fight until my dying breath to protect Lady Rhea!
link Rhea volume_up
Cyril! I will remember your heroism always.
link Cyril volume_up
I'll give you ten times the pain you inflicted on Lady Rhea!
link Shamir volume_up
What have I told you, Cyril? You know better than to fight when you're hurt like that!
link Cyril volume_up
How could you turn on us like this, Shamir?
link Cyril volume_up
No way I'm lettin' this end here! I'm gonna help Lady Rhea!
link Claude volume_up
Watch out, he's going for the strongholds!
link Lorenz volume_up
I must not let Claude steal all the glory! I will open a path for our forces to unite!
link Holst volume_up
He's certainly motivated, but can he seriously handle all that?
link Claude volume_up
He may seem like all bark and no bite, but he always follows through. He can do this.
link Lorenz volume_up
I have sustained Leicester from the shadows since the days of the Alliance! But now it is time to display my full strength!
link Claude volume_up
Ah, the same strength you'd hoped to overthrow me with. No one's more eager to see it than I am!
link Flayn volume_up
Our allies are struggling. I must lend them a hand!
link Seteth volume_up
There is no need to overexert yourself, Flayn! Promise me you will retreat the moment it becomes too taxing!
Flayn volume_up
I loathe fighting, but this is my duty! Come then!
link Flayn volume_up
There is still fight in me yet! I will not be defeated here!
link Flayn volume_up
I am afraid I have exhausted myself. I should withdraw.
link Flayn volume_up
There are yet injured allies on the other side!
link Flayn volume_up
I shall use my powers to heal them!
link Holst volume_up
It's like the second coming of Saint Cethleann. She'll heal the enemy if we don't take care of her!
link Seteth volume_up
They appear to be having a difficult time. I have no choice but to intervene.
Seteth volume_up
Fódlan needs the archbishop. Anyone who does not understand that must be eliminated.
link Seteth volume_up
You are formidable indeed.
link Seteth volume_up
Continuing in this state would be a challenge. I must retreat for now.
link Seteth volume_up
They still have a chance to drive the enemy back! I must lend them my aid!
link Seteth volume_up
Come! Wyvern Riders of Saint Cichol!
link Holst volume_up
They're one of the most elite units in the Knights of Seiros! Be on guard!
Citizen volume_up
The Federation army has us on the back foot. Do we have any hope of winning this?
link Lorenz volume_up
The church forces seem at a loss without their frontline commanders.
link Raphael volume_up
Those enemies on the front lines were strong, but we were stronger! We took 'em all out!
link Holst volume_up
We have bested all the enemy commanders on the front lines.
Citizen volume_up
Even with the goddess's protection, our remaining forces are hardly enough to hold them off!
link Rhea volume_up
Their reckless violence defiles the goddess! There is no salvation for them!
link Rhea volume_up
Guardians of the Holy Tomb, come forth! Bring down the hammer of judgment upon these sacrilegious rebels!
link Lysithea volume_up
Those soldiers were likely created with magic. The devices controlling them should be here somewhere!
link Lorenz volume_up
I surmise that magic created those soldiers. The devices that control them should be around here somewhere.
link Ignatz volume_up
That looks like a device over there! We've got to capture the stronghold and stop it!
link Lorenz volume_up
I spy a device over there! We must capture that stronghold and put a stop to it!
link Ignatz volume_up
That looks like a device over there! We've got to capture the stronghold and stop it!
link Lorenz volume_up
I spy a device over there! We must capture that stronghold and put a stop to it!
link Claude volume_up
Once you take the stronghold, you need to disable that device! I don't know how, but I'm sure you'll figure something out!
link Claude volume_up
Once you take the stronghold, you need to disable that device! I don't know how, but I'm sure you'll figure something out!
link Leonie volume_up
There are fewer of those soldiers now, but they're not completely gone. Ugh, they give me the creeps.
link Rhea volume_up
I see they found the devices. But it matters not, for they still have no hope of victory.
link Leonie volume_up
There are fewer of those soldiers now, but they're not completely gone. Ugh, they give me the creeps.
link Rhea volume_up
I see they found the devices. But it matters not, for they still have no hope of victory.
link Marianne volume_up
All the strange soldiers are gone!
link Holst volume_up
We disabled all the devices. That should take care of those ghastly soldiers.
link Seteth volume_up
If they defeat us and the Central Church collapses, many people will lose their spiritual foundation.
link Flayn volume_up
That would be terrible. I will fight alongside you, my brother!
link Rhea volume_up
Goddess, infuse me with your divine strength! Hrah!
link Holst volume_up
What?! Where could magic of this magnitude be coming from?! Are we witnessing the archbishop's power?!
link Claude volume_up
She is not fooling around. Here we go, everyone! Don't let the enemy push us back!
link Rhea volume_up
Goddess, infuse me with your divine strength! Hrah!
link Holst volume_up
What?! Where could magic of this magnitude be coming from?! Are we witnessing the archbishop's power?!
link Claude volume_up
She is not fooling around. Here we go, everyone! Don't let the enemy push us back!
link Seteth volume_up
Come! You will find I am not so easy to defeat at my full strength!
link Seteth volume_up
It seems you have grown since you were at the academy. But you shall not overpower me!
link Seteth volume_up
I had not the strength to stop them. Forgive me, Rhea!
link Flayn volume_up
There is no turning back. I will defeat you here and now!
link Flayn volume_up
Oh... I feel so...weary.
link Flayn volume_up
Lady Rhea, I am sorry. I...I can no longer...
link Seteth volume_up
Flayn! No! How could this happen? How dare you!
link Seteth volume_up
Rhea, we must retreat. I cannot allow Flayn to perish.
link Flayn volume_up
May fortune smile upon you, Lady Rhea!
link Rhea volume_up
Do what you must. I will settle this on my own!
link Hilda volume_up
The battle's only going to get tougher from here on out. The Immortal Corps is ready to go!
link Claude volume_up
Then let loose! Blot out the sky with your arrows!
link Flayn volume_up
Eek! Something's falling from the sky!
link Seteth volume_up
We are in serious peril! Everyone, fall back!
link Rhea volume_up
Where is this attack coming from?
??? volume_up
That... That must be the judgment of the goddess! We have her divine protection, so charge forth without fear!
link Marianne volume_up
They see that magic as the goddess's protection? Their faith has blinded them!
link Marianne volume_up
People do horrible things when their faith becomes tainted with fear. We must stop them at once!
link Ignatz volume_up
They were fearsome foes, but we should have an easier time now.
link Hilda volume_up
They were pretty tough, but our victory should make things easier in the long run, right?
Rhea volume_up
This is our final opportunity to pass judgment on the enemy! If you can yet move, follow me!
link Rhea volume_up
I will not be defeated by a Federation that was built without the goddess's blessing!
link Rhea volume_up
Salvation is far beyond you all. I care not who faces me. They shall receive no mercy for the rest of eternity!
link Rhea volume_up
This struggle is nothing compared to what we faced in the Red Canyon!
link Rhea volume_up
Such an abominable presence... Yes, I knew that one day you would turn your blade on me.
Shez volume_up
Don't get the wrong idea—my power's got nothing to do with this. I'm standing here of my own free will!
Shez volume_up
Don't get the wrong idea—my power's got nothing to do with this. I'm standing here of my own free will!
link Rhea volume_up
I swear on the goddess's name you will all face judgment! Hrah!
link Claude volume_up
Looks like we're finally getting to the good part. You OK to keep going?
Shez volume_up
Of course. And after we win this battle, you're gonna show me the new world you're creating.
Shez volume_up
Of course. And after we win this battle, you're gonna show me the new world you're creating.
link Rhea volume_up
So you have chosen to side with Edelgard. I am disappointed in you, Claude.
link Claude volume_up
No hard feelings, Rhea. I'm just determined to see what the world would be like without you.
link Rhea volume_up
Are you so desperate to take my life? Is that what you truly wish?
link Claude volume_up
The world will never change so long as people cling to your existence!
link Shamir volume_up
I owe you a lot, but the debt's been paid. If you expected more, that's on you.
link Rhea volume_up
Yes, your debts with me are settled, Shamir. Your actions now, however, are another story.
link Shamir volume_up
I'm truly sorry, Rhea. But this is the road I've chosen.
link Rhea volume_up
You had best pray that you will not regret this decision when you are dead, Shamir.
link Rhea volume_up
Jeralt?! I never would have thought to find you among the Federation forces.
link Jeralt volume_up
Life is full of twists. I just wish facing you in battle wasn't one of them.
link Jeralt volume_up
It was on a battlefield just like this. Really takes you back three hundred years, doesn't it, Lady Rhea?
link Rhea volume_up
Please do not make me regret my decision from that day, Jeralt.
link Rhea volume_up
You look so much like... No, that can't be. Were it true, why would you fight me?
Byleth volume_up
You act as if we've met.
Byleth volume_up
You act as if we've met.
link Rhea volume_up
I knew it. You are Sitri's child. Has fate been leading us to this moment?
Byleth volume_up
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm only here to fight!
Byleth volume_up
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm only here to fight!
link Rhea volume_up
This is not over! I must carry on for the sake of my mother's fallen comrades!
link Claude volume_up
Well, color me surprised. Rhea's really the Immaculate One?
Shez volume_up
Whatever she is, we have to end her. Now quit staring before she crushes you!
Shez volume_up
Whatever she is, we have to end her. Now quit staring before she crushes you!
link Hilda volume_up
We need to make one final push! We're almost there!
link Raphael volume_up
I'm getting pretty hungry, but I can hold out! We got a feast waiting for us after we win this!
link Leonie volume_up
We've been through a lot, but all our efforts'll be rewarded if we win, right?
link Lorenz volume_up
Our victory will secure my place in history as a hero of Fódlan.
link Holst volume_up
We dealt with our fair share of surprises, but we're finally here. Our king is really something else.
link Lysithea volume_up
This is far from the end, but it will be a significant step forward if we win!
link Claude volume_up
Time to finish this! Everyone, lend me your strength!
link Ignatz volume_up
If there is any way I can help change Leicester and Fódlan for the better, I will!
link Marianne volume_up
I'm still not sure if this is really the right thing, but I have to trust Claude and push forward!
link Lorenz volume_up
Our forces have reunited thanks to the strength of my efforts! Truly, I am more fit to lead than our actual king!
link Claude volume_up
You do realize the actual king is standing right here. But if you want the job so badly, I'll happily let you take over later.
link Claude volume_up
We won't be able to overcome them now. I can barely admit it, but we've lost.
link Claude volume_up
We won't be able to overcome them now. I can barely admit it, but we've lost.