Preparations for war now complete, the Imperial army arrives at Garreg Mach Monastery. The time has come to sack the seat of the Central Church.

Arval volume_up
Do not throw away your lives, friends! Be not reckless as you attend to our defense!
link Hubert volume_up
A defensive position within the monastery walls? This is merely a stalling tactic. We must dispatch them at once.
link Edelgard volume_up
Then the brute force approach it is. Garreg Mach must fall!
link Edelgard volume_up
We'll start on the lower level and work our way up, taking control of the walls. Split into groups and take those strongholds!
link Hubert volume_up
The enemy is desperate, and will most likely dispatch troops to recapture any strongholds we seize. Be on your guards for this tactic.
link Edelgard volume_up
No matter who they are, all who choose the wrong side in war must be cut down.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The right flank has broken the enemy line!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The left is through as well, Your Majesty!
link Edelgard volume_up
Excellent job, both of you—but there is still much work to be done.
link Edelgard volume_up
Keep going! We're making progress!
link Monica volume_up
We'll soon control the walls!
Arval volume_up
We are losing ground... Dig in, all of you! We must hold out, no matter what!
link Edelgard volume_up
All right, we have the grounds surrounded. Now we just need to fight our way up to the monastery proper.
Arval volume_up
We can retreat no further.
Constance volume_up
To think I would be serving the church and fighting my own homeland... Is this the goddess testing me?
link Edelgard volume_up
Constance! Why are you of all people cooperating with the church?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
All I can say is I was unlucky enough to be nearby when the church had need of fighters. I beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So ends my brief and meaningless existence...
Constance volume_up
This feels...right. A fitting end for one who has already lost everything...
Constance volume_up
This feels...right. A fitting end for one who has already lost everything...
link Edelgard volume_up
Is this what you want? To die here in shame? This doesn't have to be your end, Constance! Join us! Fight with the Empire!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
As you wish, Your Majesty. I do not deserve to throw my feeble existence away in such a manner...
Hapi volume_up
Why'd they drag me into this? Not fair.
link Edelgard volume_up
If you don't want to fight, then surrender. I swear no harm will come to you.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
That's very nice of you, but they gave me a home here, so I should probably put up at least some kind of fight.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
OK, I'm losing. That's...really bad.
Hapi volume_up
And now I die like a knight... Just great.
link Hubert volume_up
I sense a darkness in your power. If you harbor ill will towards them, then help us best them!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I know which "them" you're talking about... Well, it's not like I want revenge or anything, but, sure. Sign me up.
Matthias volume_up
I will not sit idly by and allow Garreg Mach to be placed in further danger!
Citizen volume_up
The enemy is unleashing powerful magic! We can't hold out for long!
link Linhardt volume_up
The enemy is after the strongholds we captured. They'll be retaken if we don't defend them quickly.
link Monica volume_up
The enemy is trying to reclaim our strongholds!
link Hubert volume_up
Some parts of the monastery walls appear weak. An armored unit could likely smash through and provide another way in.
link Edelgard volume_up
There, we've created a new path. Now we can reach the strongholds with greater ease.
Citizen volume_up
They've broken through the walls? No! Send reinforcements at once!
Flayn volume_up
I care not for your reasoning—there can be no excuse for war!
Matthias volume_up
Professor Manuela? But you used to teach here! How could you take part in this?!
link Manuela volume_up
Oh, I agonized over it at first. But now I've made my choice, and I won't waver.
Matthias volume_up
I must do everything in my stop this!
Arval volume_up
Retreat while you still can, Flayn! I beg you!
Matthias volume_up
Very well. Stay brother!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Phew! I thought that scary magic would never let up!
Arval volume_up
You Empire soldiers will rue the day you took up arms against Garreg Mach!
Seteth volume_up
I will not ask you your reasons—not anymore. But I will see your evil punished!
Arval volume_up
I heard you returned to the Empire, Manuela. But I still cannot believe you would take part in this fool's errand.
link Manuela volume_up
I won't bore you with pithy excuses, Seteth. This is simply the path I've chosen.
Arval volume_up
Forgive me, Rhea... I can fight no longer. The rest is up to you.
Viscount Brennius volume_up
Worry not, Seteth—nor you, Flayn. You both did well to hold them back this long.
Viscount Brennius volume_up
Now come forth, all of you! Protect Garreg Mach from those despicable rebels!
link Edelgard volume_up
So Lady Rhea has decided to show herself at last... Stout hearts, everyone! Victory can only be ours if we strike her down!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'll fight for Lady Rhea until the end!
Cyril volume_up
Lady Rhea's enemies are my enemies.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I have to protect her...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm sorry, Lady Rhea. I can't fight anymore...
Viscount Brennius volume_up
Your efforts will not be in vain, Cyril.
Rhea volume_up
I will send these sinners to meet the goddess!
Viscount Brennius volume_up
And what do you stand to gain for involving yourself in this?
Shez volume_up
It's not a mystery. I'm a merc, and she's got the coin to pay me.
Shez volume_up
It's not a mystery. I'm a merc, and she's got the coin to pay me.
Viscount Brennius volume_up
Explain yourself! Why do you betray the teachings of the goddess and seek to shatter Fódlan's fragile peace?
link Edelgard volume_up
Seeing as I have no idea what you speak of, this is going to be a short discussion. Now either stand aside or face me!
Viscount Brennius volume_up
So you have sullied yourself by joining the rebels? In that case, I hope you came prepared to breathe your last.
Viscount Brennius volume_up
I will not permit you to desecrate Garreg Mach for one minute further!
Viscount Brennius volume_up
This land is precious to me, and I will not permit you to have it!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
We need to intercept those reinforcements!
link Caspar volume_up
Those are the Knights of Seiros. We were never gonna stop them that easily!
link Arval volume_up
Time to show how strong you've become.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I think we've handled the situation.
link Caspar volume_up
Hey, I actually held my own! I'm so good.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Fresh soldiers incoming. Don't worry, we'll handle them.
link Petra volume_up
An ambush from above? They are having the advantage, but we can turn it around!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Fresh soldiers incoming. Don't worry, we'll handle them.
link Petra volume_up
An ambush from above? They are having the advantage, but we can turn it around!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Thanks for the rescue. We owe you.
link Petra volume_up
It is not a problem. We have preparedness for these things.
Cyril volume_up
I have to defend the monastery, whatever it takes.
link Dorothea volume_up
The enemy shows no sign of stopping—and if we don't keep an eye on our strongholds, we'll be sure to lose them!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
No! I have to do better!
link Dorothea volume_up
Does that mean he's given up?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They're going to surround her. I have to go back!
Viscount Brennius volume_up
Ready the heavy weaponry. We can no longer afford the luxury of worrying about collateral damage to the town.
link Monica volume_up
We'll be in serious trouble if they target Her Majesty. We have to take control of those weapons right now!
link Monica volume_up
That's what you get for trying to target Her Majesty like a pack of cowards!
link Hubert volume_up
I've prepared a means to bolster our defenses, albeit temporarily. You need only give the command when the time is right.
link Edelgard volume_up
Now! Bolster the strongholds!
link Hubert volume_up
Our defenses should no longer be an issue for the time being.
link Hubert volume_up
The fire is loaded and ready—perhaps it is time to attack the enemy where it truly hurts!
link Edelgard volume_up
Now! Unleash the fire!
Viscount Brennius volume_up
Animals! How could you set the town ablaze?!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I must stay alive, for Fleche's sake.
link Edelgard volume_up
You fought well, General. The rest of you, fill in! Don't let the enemy through!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Forgive me, Your Majesty! I must withdraw!
link Edelgard volume_up
Take care of yourself, Ladislava. We'll make up the difference.
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
link Ferdinand volume_up
The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
Viscount Brennius volume_up
I yield you the monastery for now, Edelgard. But know this—there will be no forgiveness for your blasphemous actions this day!
link Edelgard volume_up
No, I don't expect there will be.
link Edelgard volume_up
Take heart, everyone! Garreg Mach has fallen, and victory is ours!