1. Did I overdo it?
  2. Don't get used to me trying this much.
  3. You all better keep up!
  4. Oh yeah! Am I amazing or what?
  5. I did my part. Can I go now? No?
  6. This place is ours now!
  7. Don't mind if I do!
  8. Yay! We captured it.
  9. Ugh, I'm exhausted! I wish you'd been on our [cdb]side.
  10. Aw, come on, Claude. I know you went easy [cdb]on me.
  11. I knew I'd win. It's not like you'd go all out [cdb]against your baby sister, right?
  12. You all right, Baltie? Did you skip a meal or [cdb]something?
  13. Sorry if that hurt, Marianne.
  14. Don't get mad, OK, Lysithea?
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I wish we could all fight on the same [cdb]side again.
  20. I thought Almyrans were tougher than that.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I wish we weren't enemies.
  25. Sorry, but this is how it has to be.
  26. Does the enemy seem kind of weak? This is [cdb]making me look freakishly strong.
  27. You can count on Hilda the Invincible!
  28. Uh, I might have a problem.
  29. If this keeps up, I...might not make it.
  30. Thanks a bunch!
  31. You really saved my bacon!
  32. Much appreciated.
  33. You're too kind.
  34. I'm impressed!
  35. Go you!
  36. That was amazing!
  37. I am so impressed!
  38. Whoa, you're pretty strong.
  39. Go get 'em, Claude!
  40. Way to go, Holst!
  41. That was cool, Baltie! Though you used to be [cdb]even cooler.
  42. Look at you go, Marianne!
  43. Fantastic, Lysithea! You're not just adorable, [cdb]but powerful too!
  44. You're so good at this! Keep it up so I can [cdb]take it easy!
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You always manage to motivate me!
  49. That's our Claude!
  50. You're the best, Holst! Now I can brag about [cdb]you to everyone.
  51. You're lovely even when you fight, Dorothea.
  52. Wow, you're really going for it, Linhardt! You're like a whole different person.
  53. You got that many already? You're seriously [cdb]strong.
  54. You beat that many already? I so admire [cdb]your strength.
  55. I love having you around, because it means I [cdb]can slack off! Just kidding!
  56. No one can beat you when you pull out all the [cdb]stops, Claude.
  57. Yeah, that's just an average day for my [cdb]brother.
  58. Seeing you go on a rampage like that reminds [cdb]me of when we were kids, Baltie.
  59. I had no idea you were that strong, Marianne!
  60. That's what you're really capable of? Phew, [cdb]my heart's pounding.
  61. Wow, I can't take my eyes off you!
  62. That's why I'm always so proud of my brother!
  63. It's like they say, Dorothea! Every rose has [cdb]its thorn!
  64. Hah, you don't get fired up all that often. It's a good look on you.
  65. Ugh, how are you even that strong?
  66. Guess I better actually try.
  67. Enemy or not, that was still pretty impressive.
  68. Why'd they have to be our enemy?
  69. I think this is gonna be a problem.
  70. All right, let's take them by storm!
  71. I'm not handing this place over to anyone!
  72. Looks like they're in trouble over there. Better go help.
  73. They took it down. No point in [cdb]continuing now.
  74. Hate to ask, but could you let me win?
  75. You're not getting any further.
  76. It's really sad that we have to fight, huh?
  77. I didn't want to fight you.
  78. I'm up against you, huh? What a pain. Guess I [cdb]have to fight.
  79. You could always hold back, Claude! You're not going to do that, are you?
  80. Want to spar with me, Holst? It's been a while.
  81. Baltie? You're up to no good again, aren't you!
  82. Sorry, Marianne, but I can't back down.
  83. I won't yield even to you, Lysithea!
  84. I guess there's no such thing as friends on the [cdb]battlefield.
  85. I'd really rather not go up against someone [cdb]from Almyra.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. That went great!
  89. I can't die yet.
  90. Sorry, the rest is up to you.
  91. Don't think this is over yet!
  92. Give me a minute. I got this.
  93. Sure, I can help. But don't expect too much.
  94. Hilda has arrived!
  95. Nothing'll get done sitting on the sidelines.
  96. I'm back! I guess I can fight a little more.
  97. I must have tried too hard. I'm sorry, but... I think that's it for me.
  98. I guess I can put in a little work.
  99. I'll do this my way.
  100. Aw, but I wanted to slack off.
  101. They got captured? Fine, I'll go save the day.
  102. We have to just hang in there and make it [cdb]through.
  103. I hate to admit it, but we have to retreat. Let's hurry and get out of here!
  104. We can't lose this battle, no matter what. Give it your all, everyone!
  105. Feel free to do my share of the fighting too.
  106. We have to turn this around!
  107. We're going to wipe the floor with you. Just you wait.
  108. Isn't that... Aw, that's one enemy I really [cdb]didn't want to fight.
  109. Yeah! Wins all around!
  110. Let's keep this victory streak going.
  111. So glad we made it there in time!
  112. Great, we managed to hold out.
  113. We should be good now. That was a close one.
  114. This is a huge victory! I'm glad I made the [cdb]effort.
  115. Aw, but I was really trying this time.
  116. I'm...dying for someone else? I can't believe this.
  117. The wind's at our backs! Let's get 'em!
  118. This looks like a sticky situation. We have to [cdb]be careful.
  119. Finally! Let's move, people!
  120. Ugh, there's no way through!
  121. Forward ho!
  122. I'll back you up.
  123. Come with me!
  124. Move out, everyone!
  125. Back them up, please!
  126. Oof, they're having a rough time. Go help [cdb]them out!
  127. Keep this place safe, OK?
  128. Sorry for being such a handful, everybody. Don't go out of your way or anything!
  129. Hey! Lend a girl a hand, would you?
  130. Hurry and save me already!
  131. So sorry, but I could use a hand.
  132. I'm really sorry, but could you help me out?
  133. No way I'm dying here!
  134. Does it seem like everyone's morale is [cdb]plummeting? This isn't good.
  135. Yeah, let's do this!
  136. Don't worry, I won't slack off!
  137. That went perfectly! All thanks to me, of course.
  138. That's enough, right?
  139. Sorry I messed up.
  140. No way!
  141. Haha, that worked out well.
  142. I was no help at all.
  143. Let's get this started!
  144. Hurray! The sweet smell of success!
  145. We failed? Aw, come on...
  146. Ugh, now what?