1. In the name of the goddess!
  2. Fighting is what I do.
  3. No one can stop me now!
  4. I'll slay every last one of you!
  5. All right, who's next?
  6. That was easier than I thought.
  7. No puny stronghold can stop me.
  8. We're taking this.
  9. You're pretty good, but you're a long way [cdb]from beating me.
  10. It's been a while since the two of us really [cdb]went at it!
  11. Whoops, I might've overdone it. Seteth's going to give me an earful...
  12. I appreciate the opportunity to take you on, Lady Rhea. That really got me fired up!
  13. What a thrill. I don't get to fight guys like you [cdb]every day.
  14. You should know better, Alois. We may be old [cdb]comrades, but this is war.
  15. That was a close one. The little prince isn't so [cdb]little anymore.
  16. You've got a lot to learn, Cyril. I'll whip you [cdb]into shape later.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I'll never let scum like you lay a finger on Lady Rhea.
  20. I'm fighting for something I need to [cdb]protect. But hey, we're all fighting for [cdb]what we believe in.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Sorry, but I win this one.
  25. Don't tell me you didn't see that coming.
  26. I'll crush anyone who gets in my way!
  27. I could do this all day.
  28. They've got me backed into a corner.
  29. I still got some fight left in me...
  30. You really saved my hide.
  31. Sorry for the trouble.
  32. I can't thank you enough!
  33. I already owe you so much.
  34. Breathtaking!
  35. Nicely done!
  36. That gave me chills!
  37. Outstanding!
  38. Hah! Another one to keep my eye on.
  39. Just knowing you're here makes fighting so [cdb]much easier.
  40. You're really something else, Seteth.
  41. I didn't know you had it in you, Flayn.
  42. Did Shamir teach you that too? I'm a little [cdb]jealous...
  43. I guess every land has its heroes.
  44. You and I may serve different lords, but we're [cdb]birds of a feather.
  45. I see so much of him in the way you fight...
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You really know what you're doing. Not many [cdb]mercs as good as you.
  49. That's my old partner for you. I'm glad we [cdb]can fight side-by-side again.
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. That's one heck of an achievement. I'm impressed!
  54. No one in Fódlan holds a candle to you, Lady Rhea.
  55. Impressive! You and I need to cross swords for [cdb]real sometime!
  56. Hah! You're on fire! I gotta keep up!
  57. It's no wonder you're the archbishop's right [cdb]hand. I knew we could count on you!
  58. I can't believe you can keep your cool while [cdb]fighting that many enemies.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. I never doubted you for a second!
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Don't let it go to your head!
  66. This is getting out of hand.
  67. You've got guts. But I'm not about to let [cdb]you win!
  68. An enemy's an enemy. I don't get to pick and [cdb]choose.
  69. This is gonna be rough. But I burn brightest [cdb]when my back's against the wall.
  70. You think this rickety little "stronghold" can [cdb]slow me down? Don't make me laugh!
  71. Defensive formations! Let's send the enemy [cdb]packing!
  72. If we lose that stronghold, we lose the battle!
  73. We didn't make it in time. There's no point in [cdb]continuing the fight.
  74. Stand in my way and I'll cut you down.
  75. I'll destroy any threat to Lady Rhea, [cdb]including you!
  76. I do this with a heavy heart, but it's as the [cdb]goddess wills.
  77. It's a shame we have to meet on the battlefield, [cdb]but that's the way it is.
  78. You better strike to kill, because I sure will.
  79. What kind of partner would I be if I didn't [cdb]give you my all in battle?
  80. It isn't every day I get to face off against Lady Rhea herself!
  81. At least you'll put up a better fight than the [cdb]rest of them.
  82. Heh, you're looking better than you did in our Knights of Seiros days.
  83. Looks like you're finally prepared. You'll regret standing against the church!
  84. I've wanted to fight you ever since I saw your [cdb]skills as a kid.
  85. You're the strongest merc in all of Fódlan, [cdb]right? This'll be fun then.
  86. If you want to protect Lady Rhea, then you'll [cdb]need to be tough enough to beat me.
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Mission accomplished.
  89. That's it for me...
  90. No! This isn't over!
  91. The moment you let down your guard is the [cdb]moment you die!
  92. Sorry, I have to withdraw for now. Hang in [cdb]there till I get back!
  93. Sorry to keep you waiting. I've got your [cdb]back now!
  94. Time to stir up some trouble.
  95. Hah! You thought I'd give up that easily?
  96. Let the mayhem begin again!
  97. Forgive me Lady Rhea... I can't protect you [cdb]anymore...
  98. Prepare to taste the steel of a Knight of Seiros!
  99. Haha! Exciting stuff!
  100. My convictions guide my blade!
  101. We don't have a moment to lose. Let's go!
  102. Bolster our defenses! Don't let a single [cdb]enemy past!
  103. Escape is never a good option, but sometimes [cdb]it's the only option.
  104. Let's win this and drink to our victory!
  105. I'm all warmed up and ready to fight!
  106. I'll make sure they don't keep the upper hand!
  107. I won't let you have your way!
  108. Looks like we'll need to stay on our toes.
  109. Mission complete. Excellent.
  110. A win's a win!
  111. I'm glad we were able to help.
  112. Stellar defense, everyone!
  113. Persistent bunch, weren't they...
  114. We did it! Now, when's the party start?
  115. What a humiliating way to lose...
  116. It's over? No! It wasn't supposed to go like [cdb]this!
  117. Now's our chance! Let's finish this!
  118. They're not making this easy!
  119. Let's keep moving.
  120. Looks like we're going nowhere...
  121. Forward march!
  122. Sounds good. I'll provide support.
  123. As they say, two swords are better than one.
  124. Move out!
  125. Provide reinforcements!
  126. You've got to help them!
  127. Defense is up to you!
  128. I've just got to hang on a little longer...
  129. Great timing. You mind giving me a hand?
  130. Sorry, but I need your help here!
  131. My apologies, but I could use your help.
  132. Lady Rhea... Please, help me!
  133. Anyone who stands in my way is going to find [cdb]out why they call me Thunder Catherine!
  134. No battle goes exactly as expected.
  135. Time to go to work.
  136. Let me show you how it's done.
  137. That went pretty well.
  138. On to the next thing.
  139. I can't believe I screwed that up!
  140. I'm sorry, that was on me.
  141. Nothing to it.
  142. I blew it. I'll find a way to make this right.
  143. OK, let's do this.
  144. Haha! Success!
  145. I've got to get my head back on straight.
  146. That can't be good...