1. Sorry, but do I have this right? This person just [cdb]enrolled at the academy and now they have become [cdb]a member of our house?
  2. Yeah, that's pretty much the deal. Right, Professor Jeritza?
  3. Yes.
  4. I love how you can bump into someone in the woods [cdb]one night and suddenly you're living under the same [cdb]roof the next. I knew we had a thing!
  5. Anyway, welcome to the Golden Deer House, [cdb]where the only rule is "make your own rules." Kidding, of course—or am I?
  6. The point is, you're one of us now, and it's very good [cdb]to have you here.
  7. While the term's only just started, the church [cdb]must really like you if they're letting you join [cdb]partway through.
  8. You have to be pretty skilled to get that kind [cdb]of treatment.
  9. Well, I believe it! I mean, how many people our age [cdb]can cut it as full-fledged mercenaries?
  10. I definitely see why the church was interested, [cdb]and I can't wait to train together.
  11. And I can't wait to eat together! Or work out. You wanna go work out?
  12. Seriously, you need to put some muscles on that [cdb]coat rack you call a body. Bulk up—like me!
  13. Hmm, I don't think the "strained shirt buttons" look [cdb]is for everybody. Any more meat on those bones [cdb]and our friend here would be downright scary.
  14. Our new friend's build is perfect as is. Wouldn't you agree, Marianne?
  15. Oh! Well, I don't... Um.
  16. OK, OK, everyone just loosen up. And hey, it's not [cdb]like we haven't met already, so just sit back and make [cdb]yourself at home.
  17. I would not take after Claude if I were you, [cdb]new blood. Honestly, if you wish your time here [cdb]to be fruitful, you would do well to follow my lead.
  18. Um, I think Professor Jeritza wants to say something.
  19. Remember your mission?
  20. Every word, Professor: We are to crush what remains [cdb]of the Iron King's Thieves who attacked our camp.
  21. And with their boss Kostas out of the picture, [cdb]the runts that are left should be easy pickings.
  22. They can't be anything too special if we're getting [cdb]them as homework.
  23. Good. Prepare yourself.
  24. Of course, Profe—Oh. He's gone.
  25. Of course, Profe—Oh. He's gone.
  26. Yeah, so that whole Jeritza up-and-vanishing thing? Best to just get used to it.
  27. Well I, for one, am excited to show off my skills by [cdb]beating up on some bandits.
  28. I don't suppose I could be excused, or, um?
  29. We're all in this together, Marianne. Don't worry, you'll be fine!
  30. Besides, the newbie here already sent them packing [cdb]once, so this should be easy-peasy!
  31. Take the praise and run with it.
  32. Advise greater caution.
  33. So long as I'm here, this will all work out just fine.
  34. So long as I'm here, this will all work out just fine.
  35. Are you sure? Oh, that's a relief.
  36. We should proceed with caution—though if we keep [cdb]our heads on straight, there's nothing to be afraid of.
  37. We should proceed with caution—though if we keep [cdb]our heads on straight, there's nothing to be afraid of.
  38. Now that's what a battle-hardened mercenary [cdb]should sound like! Maybe I'll just hang out in the [cdb]back and let you handle all the hacky-slashy stuff.
  39. But you're a melee— You know what? Never mind.
  40. Anyway, we're all participating in this mission. Church's rules. I didn't make them, so the only [cdb]thing we can do is work together.
  41. And we're gonna lean pretty heavy on our mercenary [cdb]buddy here. Hope that's OK.
  42. Nod reassuringly.
  43. Fire off a quip.
  44. I won't let you down.
  45. I won't let you down.
  46. Hey, lean all you want—just make sure I get [cdb]the credit at the end.
  47. Hey, lean all you want—just make sure I get [cdb]the credit at the end.