1. A commendable victory, Lady Edelgard.
  2. Thank you, Hubert. Still, I don't much like how those [cdb]rats manage to keep skittering away.
  3. I imagine that guy's pretty close with Kronya and Tomas, since he shape-shifted and all.
  4. I imagine that guy's pretty close with Kronya and Tomas, since he shape-shifted and all.
  5. Yes. They are all part of a clandestine organization [cdb]attempting to conquer Fódlan from the shadows.
  6. "Those who slither in the dark."
  7. Huh, never heard of 'em.
  8. Huh, never heard of 'em.
  9. Hm...
  10. So? What is the plan now, Your Highness?
  11. We make ready for my coronation. Hubert, [cdb]gather everyone in the throne room.
  12. At once, Your Highness.
  13. Oh, this is wonderful! Your Highness is going to [cdb]become Your Majesty!
  14. Yes, but first I must speak with the Minister of Domestic Affairs, as well as the other counts. Also, I need you to go to the Knights of Seiros.
  15. I wasn't expecting all of you this soon. What are you [cdb]doing here?
  16. We demand an explanation!
  17. You arrested my father, Edelgard! How could you do [cdb]such a thing without discussing it with me first?!
  18. I'm probably not getting the finer points here...
  19. But you basically defeated both my father and Ferdinand's. Is that right?
  20. I wasn't fighting your father, Caspar. He was aiding [cdb]me, as was Count Hevring.
  21. So, um...what about my father? Did you arrest him?
  22. Unfortunately not.
  23. Oh. OK.
  24. Look, I'm sure you have your reasons for all of this.
  25. Look, I'm sure you have your reasons for all of this.
  26. But maybe you should sit down and talk us all [cdb]through it.
  27. But maybe you should sit down and talk us [cdb]through it.
  28. And I intend to. We'll reconvene later and clear [cdb]everything up then.
  29. Monica, join me. We'll talk as we go.