1. Two years ago, I never would've imagined we'd be [cdb]fighting a war like this.
  2. Two years ago, I never would've imagined we'd be [cdb]fighting a war like this.
  3. I'm with you there. But now that we are, you've [cdb]found yourself in a rather favorable situation, no?
  4. How do you mean?
  5. How do you mean?
  6. When a war breaks out, every mercenary in the land [cdb]starts crawling out of the woodwork.
  7. And those associates you happen to be working with [cdb]should be tough enough to take on...you know who.
  8. Nod in agreement.
  9. Scold Arval.
  10. Jeralt's Mercenaries? Yeah, good point.
  11. Jeralt's Mercenaries? Yeah, good point.
  12. They're not just "associates." They didn't have to [cdb]trust a down-and-out mercenary like me, but they did [cdb]anyway—and that makes them friends.
  13. They're not just "associates." They didn't have to [cdb]trust a down-and-out mercenary like me, but they did [cdb]anyway—and that makes them friends.
  14. Still, you're probably right. This'll be a great chance [cdb]to drive Jeralt's Mercenaries out into the open.
  15. Still, you're probably right. This'll be a great chance [cdb]to drive Jeralt's Mercenaries out into the open.
  16. And then you can give them their just deserts or die [cdb]trying!
  17. Could've done without that last part, thanks!
  18. Could've done without that last part, thanks!
  19. Relax, relax! You know I'm on your side. Our destinies are forever intertwined.
  20. In that case, let's assume Cornelia has hidden [cdb]herself somewhere in the western territories.
  21. If I had to guess, I'd say either Viscount Mateus or Viscount Gideon have taken her in.
  22. All the same, we can't exactly go around unseating [cdb]every vassal we suspect of being disloyal.
  23. Right. This is no simple matter, but at least we have [cdb]a firmer grasp on the situation now than we did two [cdb]years ago.
  24. Dedue, send word to House Pryderi. We'll need [cdb]soldiers on their land if we hope to keep the enemy [cdb]at bay.
  25. Yes, Your Majesty.
  26. Viscount Mateus's son is here with us, while Viscount Gideon's daughter is off serving as a knight in Galatea.
  27. Under the present circumstances, we only have so [cdb]many soldiers to spare on domestic matters. It seems [cdb]we'll have to resort to any means necessary.
  28. In which case, I will bear the weight of the Kingdom's [cdb]sins. If slaughtering a hundred foes means bringing [cdb]salvation to a thousand of our own, I will do it.
  29. As you wish, Your Majesty. And if I may...try not to [cdb]torment yourself so much.
  30. Ah, how far our proud king has fallen. You sounded [cdb]utterly vicious just now.
  31. What do you want, Felix?
  32. Oh, not much. I just thought catching a glimpse of [cdb]your haggard face might put a smile on mine.
  33. I knew that playing the part of a cool-headed leader [cdb]would be too much for you.
  34. But all this scheming, this calculation. It doesn't [cdb]suit you. Why don't you just give it a rest already?
  35. You think too highly of me.
  36. This is who I am, Felix. I've never been anything [cdb]more than a bloodied demon on the path of revenge.
  37. ...
  38. I stand here today to lift the burdens of all who [cdb]perished before me. To see that those who bear [cdb]guilt for their deaths are held accountable.
  39. I will expose whoever I must, slay whoever I must to [cdb]see my task through to the end. There is no place for [cdb]mercy within these walls.
  40. And if it affects the safety of my people, then that's [cdb]all the more reason to strike now.
  41. And here I thought you were finally starting to pull [cdb]yourself together.
  42. I snuffed out my uncle's life with my own two hands. As king and as general, I've killed countless more.
  43. I looked on as nearly everyone I held dear perished. I am the one who must take responsibility for [cdb]their deaths.
  44. So rest easy, Felix. The weight of my atonement [cdb]will not fall on your shoulders.
  45. Hmph. No point in trying to reason with a boar.
  46. Enough of that, though. The city seems especially [cdb]spirited today. Is something going on?
  47. Ah, yes. Lady Rhea and the others from the church [cdb]are making an excursion to the capital.
  48. I suggest you join in on the festivities before you go. It does the heart good to see our people smile.