1. Let me get this straight. If they break through Hevring land, there'll be nothing to stop the Kingdom's army from rolling straight to the capital.
  2. That's right. The seat of Hevring's power, Mozghuz, [cdb]lies east of here, past the bottleneck in the Oghma Mountains.
  3. It's essentially on Enbarr's doorstep. The western [cdb]gateway to the seat of power.
  4. Count Hevring and his men will make their last [cdb]stand there.
  5. That is, if the lions of Faerghus can get through us [cdb]first. And of course, we will make every possible [cdb]effort to defeat them, for whatever that's worth.
  6. Never a good sign when you're calling something [cdb]your last stand.
  7. Indeed. And we've lost far too many of our most [cdb]formidable generals, including Marquis Vestra.
  8. I've not the slightest idea what's befallen our forces [cdb]at the capital, nor in the east for that matter.
  9. Yes, the whole army's been feeling a little off lately. Thankfully you and your squadron still have your [cdb]heads on straight.
  10. It's a sad state of affairs out there. Hardly any [cdb]dependable leaders remain.
  11. Instead we're left with those who take pride in [cdb]senseless looting and slaughter, or compete to [cdb]see who can reduce more villages to ash.
  12. Each and every one of them handpicked by His Excellency, the regent.
  13. Are you sure you should be spilling secrets like that?
  14. It's all right. I'd like you to have the full picture.
  15. Your company holds the key to victory in your hands. And with it, our very lives.
  16. Oh, but keep all that under wraps if you would. It would bring the morale of my troops crashing to [cdb]new lows were that to get out.
  17. Usually mercs are backup for an army, not full-on [cdb]replacements. But it is what it is.
  18. In any case, we'll get the job done so long as [cdb]you're paying.
  19. Jeralt.
  20. Should I perish in this fight, you can consider your [cdb]contract terminated.
  21. You'll be free to stop supporting the Empire in its [cdb]foul descent into depravity.
  22. ...
  23. Randolph...
  24. You feeling any better?
  25. I have to say, I'm still not used to this new look [cdb]of yours.
  26. That makes two of us—but it will bother me less once I'm on the battlefield.
  27. That makes two of us—but it will bother me less once I'm on the battlefield.
  28. If you say so.
  29. With the war in the state it's in, the Kingdom is [cdb]throwing everything they've got at this thing.
  30. I don't know if it's that or something else, but I've got [cdb]a bad feeling—so watch yourself out there.
  31. I will. You do the same.
  32. I will. You do the same.
  33. Oh, right. I've been meaning to give you this...
  34. Never used to be without it. Cuts like a dream. I want you to have it.
  35. Swords like this are given to captains of the Knights [cdb]of Seiros, and mine was just collecting dust in the [cdb]band's convoy.
  36. That's right. Alois mentioned you used to serve there.
  37. That's right. Alois mentioned you used to serve there.
  38. That was a lifetime ago. I don't plan on swinging this [cdb]sword ever again.
  39. But are you sure you want to give it away? It must be [cdb]quite special to you.
  40. But are you sure you want to give it away? It must be [cdb]quite special to you.
  41. I'd be happiest seeing you get some use out of it.
  42. Thank you. I'll do that.
  43. Thank you. I'll do that.
  44. Be good to it, all right?