1. Sir, Viscount Phlegethon has sent an urgent appeal [cdb]to reinforce the front lines on the Great Bridge.
  2. Acheron again? How many times does that [cdb]make it today?
  3. Only the fourth. He sent eight requests yesterday.
  4. I'll call that an improvement, then. Thanks. Just tell [cdb]him, "Message received, keep your chin up, and good [cdb]luck out there."
  5. Yes, sir.
  6. What's with the half-hearted reply?
  7. What's going on at the Great Bridge?
  8. You sure it's OK to just blow him off like that? I mean, I get that it's Acheron, but...
  9. You sure it's OK to just blow him off like that? I mean, I get that it's Acheron, but...
  10. He can deal with it. That guy would rather foist his [cdb]duties on everyone else than bother to lift a finger [cdb]himself.
  11. There's a reason we call him the Weathervane. It's a [cdb]cruel twist of fate that a selfish lord like him controls [cdb]one of the most important points in the Alliance.
  12. Doesn't sound like things are going so good. We'll be [cdb]able to hold the bridge, right?
  13. Doesn't sound like things are going so good. We'll be [cdb]able to hold the bridge, right?
  14. I wish I could say for sure, but I honestly have [cdb]no idea.
  15. While we've been taking our sweet time getting [cdb]situated, the enemy's been strengthening their [cdb]position.
  16. Claude! We are nearing the breaking point. My father [cdb]has sent an urgent request for reinforcements.
  17. Oh boy. Things must be getting really dire if Count Gloucester's sent word as well.
  18. Then surely it's time for us to depart.
  19. We just need to protect the bridge, right?
  20. Yes. If it falls into the Empire's hands, there'll be [cdb]no keeping the war out of Alliance territory.
  21. I'd hate to see innocent towns and villages getting [cdb]caught in the fighting.
  22. With the way things are going, though, I think [cdb]we should be ready to abandon the bridge if [cdb]necessary.
  23. If we go in determined to hold it at any cost, [cdb]we could end up sacrificing a lot of lives in a battle [cdb]we have no hope of winning.
  24. If worst comes to worst, it'll be up to us to evacuate [cdb]as many of our soldiers as we can.
  25. The war with the Empire won't end with the coming [cdb]battle, so I want to keep our losses to the absolute [cdb]minimum.
  26. If the Great Bridge of Myrddin falls, then Garreg Mach will be in jeopardy, too.
  27. That's true. And since Edelgard is set on toppling the Central Church, it probably won't end well for them.
  28. What are you going to do, Shamir? Will you return [cdb]to aid the monastery?
  29. No. I've repaid my debt to Rhea. I no longer [cdb]have any ties to the Knights of Seiros.
  30. All right. Then let's adjourn this war council and get [cdb]moving.
  31. Yeah! Let's do this!
  32. For the sake of the Alliance, don't hold anything [cdb]back. I'm counting on each and every one of you!