1. I never imagined we would have such a difficult time [cdb]advancing when our foes are so disorganized and [cdb]dispersed.
  2. Oh, I knew I shouldn't have come! I can barely [cdb]handle everyday life, let alone a difficult mission.
  3. Perhaps you would have been better off remaining at Garreg Mach, then?
  4. I volunteered for this assignment, but surely you had [cdb]other options.
  5. Stay at Garreg Mach? No way! I do not want to be [cdb]there when my father shows up!
  6. Then why not request a transfer for the western [cdb]front? Arianrhod is infamously impregnable. You [cdb]would have been quite safe stationed there.
  7. And risk running into Lady Rhea? She's even scarier!
  8. All right... Well, in that case, there is little you can do [cdb]but focus on the task ahead.
  9. I cannot say I am pleased with our progress thus far, [cdb]but Derdriu is finally in sight.
  10. If we can take the city, our mission will be complete.
  11. The Imperial army has conquered much of central [cdb]and western Riegan territory. They'll attack the city [cdb]in a matter of days.
  12. Thanks, Shamir. Your scouting prowess is [cdb]unparalleled. I don't know what we would've [cdb]done without your reports.
  13. Much of central and western Riegan territory has [cdb]given way to the Imperial army. I expect they will [cdb]march upon the city in a matter of days.
  14. It sounds like there's no point trying to delay them [cdb]anymore. We need to pull the entire army back to Derdriu immediately.
  15. Hilda, send word to Duke Goneril and apprise him [cdb]of the situation.
  16. Leave it to me, boss!
  17. It seems the repairs to the strongholds and gates [cdb]have been completed, and all according to your [cdb]specifications.
  18. We actually got it done in time, huh? All that's [cdb]left is to get our troops in position, and our [cdb]defenses will be ready.
  19. The Imperial army is practically at our doorstep. You should all head straight to your posts.
  20. Got it. I'll tell the others.
  21. Got it. I'll tell the others.
  22. All of our commanders are so young and [cdb]inexperienced. Myself included.
  23. We wouldn't have any hope of victory if it weren't [cdb]for the combat experience you two bring to the table.
  24. You're putting a lot of stock in my skills, little Claude. Never thought I'd see the day.
  25. If you can just get us through this fight, I'll be able [cdb]to turn the tables. Don't let me down, OK?
  26. Who do you think I am, boy? You've got nothing to [cdb]worry about.
  27. You've just gotta believe in your friends, Claude. If anyone can do this, it's us.
  28. You've just gotta believe in your friends, Claude. If anyone can do this, it's us.
  29. That's what I'm betting on. Now let's win this.