1. Ugh, I'm exhausted! I thought this was going to be [cdb]one of those quick in-and-out kind of things.
  2. We're lucky we got out of there alive.
  3. We're lucky we got out of there alive.
  4. So Marianne, what were you trying to say before [cdb]about your Crest?
  5. Yeah, something about how people shouldn't get [cdb]involved with you? What was that about?
  6. Yeah, something about how people shouldn't get [cdb]involved with you? What was that about?
  7. Oh, um...that.
  8. You know what? Forget it.
  9. Forget it?
  10. Forget it?
  11. She doesn't have to talk about it if she doesn't [cdb]want to.
  12. All I care about is that Marianne keeps smiling.
  13. Well, I suppose I do feel a bit more confident now.
  14. Since we made it home safely, it proves things can go [cdb]well even if I happen to be there.
  15. OK, thinking like that is just plain silly.
  16. I mean, the only reason I got in trouble in the first [cdb]place is because I went there without you!
  17. The lesson here is that when you two are supposed to [cdb]do something together, actually do it together.
  18. The lesson here is that when you two are supposed to [cdb]do something together, actually do it together.
  19. Exactly!
  20. All right.
  21. Hey, so did you finish that little cleaning project?
  22. Cleaning...project?
  23. Cleaning...project?
  24. Organizing the provisions for Marianne's squad? Did you finish?
  25. Oh, right. That.
  26. Oh, right. That.
  27. Well, that's a big fat no.
  28. Look, Marianne was worried, so we stopped what we [cdb]were doing and came to find you.
  29. Look, Marianne was worried, so we stopped what we [cdb]were doing and came to find you.
  30. Blame Hilda.
  31. Blame yourselves.
  32. So if you think about it, you're actually the reason [cdb]our cleaning didn't get done.
  33. So if you think about it, you're actually the reason [cdb]our cleaning didn't get done.
  34. Still, it was our call, and we'll take the fall for it.
  35. Still, it was our call, and we'll take the fall for it.
  36. You were worried about me, Marianne? Really?
  37. Really. Once I imagined the worst, I couldn't get it [cdb]out of my head.
  38. And it turns out the truth wasn't too far off.
  39. And it turns out the truth wasn't too far off.
  40. Aw, I'm glad you care!
  41. You know what? Don't even worry about organizing [cdb]those supplies. I'll take care of it for you.
  42. You sure?
  43. You sure?
  44. You bet! I mean, it's not like I enjoy that kind of [cdb]work, but I'm actually pretty good at it.
  45. Oh, that's a huge weight off my mind. Thank you.
  46. Welp, guess that about ties everything up.
  47. Welp, guess that about ties everything up.
  48. Oh, but you still have to help. I'm just doing Marianne's part—plus you promised, remember?
  49. Stay positive.
  50. Express your disappointment.
  51. How could I forget? C'mon, let's go. The quicker we [cdb]start, the quicker we'll be finished and off for a nice, [cdb]hot meal!
  52. How could I forget? C'mon, let's go. The quicker we [cdb]start, the quicker we'll be finished and off for a nice, [cdb]hot meal!
  53. Ugh, seriously? Fine...
  54. Ugh, seriously? Fine...
  55. Thank you both. I mean it.