1. Tough fight, eh, Lorenz? I'm just glad we both [cdb]made it back safe.
  2. Indeed. Without your help, I surely would have [cdb]met a noble warrior's demise.
  3. Thankfully, my admirers will have no reason to [cdb]weep today. And for that, you have my gratitude.
  4. Well that took a weird turn.
  5. Do you remember what I said before? About the order of things in Fódlan?
  6. How could anyone forget?
  7. Totally forgot.
  8. Yeah, wasn't it something like, you nobles are here to [cdb]protect us commoners, so we all should just be good [cdb]little kids and go take a nap or something?
  9. Well, I don't recall saying anything about naps... but yes, we nobles have an obligation to protect [cdb]the commonfolk.
  10. Huh, can't seem to remember. What's all this about?
  11. You surely cannot be serious. I told you that it was [cdb]a noble's duty to protect the common folk.
  12. However, were a commoner to take a lethal strike [cdb]in a noble's stead...
  13. Then we have failed in our duty. I was dangerously [cdb]close to suffering that fate myself.
  14. OK, sure, but you would've died if I hadn't saved you.
  15. And in doing so, you put yourself in a most precarious [cdb]position. Your life could have been forfeit.
  16. Risking my neck to save others is just what I do.
  17. Yes, well, you were lucky to keep it unsevered [cdb]this time.
  18. Mark my words—there is no reason a commoner [cdb]should ever put their life on the line for a noble.
  19. I couldn't bear the thought of someone of your status [cdb]sacrificing their life for the sake of my own.
  20. So do not do that again. Are we clear?
  21. Apologize for causing him trouble.
  22. Point out how ungrateful he sounds.
  23. You're right. I'm sorry.
  24. Ah! Do not mistake me. There's nothing for you to [cdb]apologize for.
  25. Do I seem so selfish that I would make the person [cdb]who saved my life then seek my forgiveness?
  26. All right, all right, no apology then. Sheesh. You're a real piece of work, you know that?
  27. Wow, that's how you repay the person who saved [cdb]your life? I expected better from you, Lorenz.
  28. No, that's not it! Truly, you have my sincere thanks. I simply want you to understand my position.
  29. All right, all right, I take it back. No need to get all [cdb]riled up. You're a real piece of work, you know that?
  30. Me? How rude. I will have you know I'm quite [cdb]serious about this matter.
  31. Well, I hate to break it to you, but we can end up in [cdb]that situation a hundred times and I'll save you every [cdb]single one.
  32. Astonishing! You fail to understand me after all this?
  33. Nah, I get what you're going for, [cdb]but I've got my own way of doing things.
  34. Mercenary or no, I know there's nothing worse than [cdb]watching an ally die right in front of me.
  35. Especially if they're weaker than me. I just can't help [cdb]but jump in to save them, you know?
  36. Weaker? You cannot possibly mean me!
  37. Hey, you're the one who almost kicked the bucket [cdb]out there. If you don't want people rushing in to save [cdb]you, then you've just gotta get stronger.
  38. I must admit, your argument is sound. I cannot [cdb]refute it.
  39. In that case, I ask you keep your eyes on me from this [cdb]day forth! I shall endeavor to improve myself!
  40. The day my strength surpasses yours, my noble [cdb]personage will save your commoner skin and restore [cdb]the proper order to this world.
  41. Yes, this shall solve all of Fódlan's problems! Ahaha!
  42. This is why nobody believes me when I say he's [cdb]actually a decent guy.