1. Hm...
  2. Hey, Dimitri. Aren't you supposed to be on break [cdb]today? What's got you down?
  3. It's nothing. I suppose I'm just finding it difficult [cdb]to relax.
  4. It is vexing to no end to lay around doing nothing [cdb]while everyone else busies themselves with vital work.
  5. Nobody's forcing you to take vacations or anything. We just want you to have a little break every now and [cdb]again.
  6. Why are you so desperate to work, anyway?
  7. Because it is my duty. No. It is the only way I know [cdb]how to live.
  8. As part of the royal bloodline, my life has never for a [cdb]moment belonged to me. Not even at the instant of [cdb]my birth.
  9. And as a survivor of that horrible tragedy...there are [cdb]certain responsibilities only I can shoulder.
  10. Sympathize with him.
  11. Disagree with him.
  12. I get where you're coming from, I think.
  13. I felt the same way after my company got wiped out. Still...
  14. I don't get it. Why does all that stuff have to fall [cdb]on you?
  15. Nothing's gonna go the way you want if you can't [cdb]bring yourself to trust people who just wanna help.
  16. And don't even try to tell me you'd be happy [cdb]with that.
  17. All I want is to ease the pain. Both for those who [cdb]perished that day and for those who yet live.
  18. I'm fully aware that I will need to make sacrifices if I [cdb]ever hope to accomplish that goal.
  19. But I will not drag others into my own personal [cdb]crusade. I won't let anyone else suffer.
  20. So you see, it's better for me to carry the burden [cdb]myself. And better for everyone else as well.
  21. You say you don't wanna see people suffer, but what [cdb]about you, Dimitri? What about your pain?
  22. You don't have a hope in the world of caring for other [cdb]people if you can't care for yourself first.
  23. I'm not sure how to respond to that. And in truth, I don't know how to alleviate my own pain.
  24. I've never given the matter any thought. What would [cdb]happiness even look like for me?
  25. How can you not know something like that? Just think about it—what kinda things make [cdb]you smile?
  26. Maybe when you finally conquer a tough rival, [cdb]or hold a banquet after surviving a dangerous battle.
  27. Hm...
  28. I don't believe I bear the right to such happiness, [cdb]but if that time were to come...
  29. It would be upon my death, having devoted my life to [cdb]forming a peaceful kingdom full of joyful citizens.
  30. Seriously? You can be downright dismal sometimes, [cdb]you know that?
  31. Why's death the first thing that comes to mind when [cdb]you think about being happy?
  32. Dismal? Yes, perhaps you're right. But I find it [cdb]difficult to consider anything else that may cause [cdb]me joy.
  33. C'mon, nothing? What about ending this war quick [cdb]and celebrating with all your friends?
  34. I'm sure Dedue and the others would whip up the [cdb]grandest feast you've ever laid eyes on.
  35. No. Such revelry would be wasted on me.
  36. But...I suppose seeing the smiles on everyone's faces [cdb]would be enough.
  37. Thanks for thinking of us, o great king.
  38. But fine. If you wanna carry your own burdens for [cdb]the rest of your life, so be it.
  39. We'll just have to take extra good care of you though, [cdb]since you clearly won't do it yourself.
  40. For starters, you're gonna take a break and by the [cdb]goddess you're gonna like it. Come on, Dimitri. We're gonna get you away from camp for a bit!
  41. No words can express my gratitude.