1. Ah, fiery as ever! What an inspiring sight.
  2. Oh, hey Ferdinand. You think so?
  3. The way I see it, a mercenary who doesn't train every [cdb]day probably won't stay a merc for long.
  4. Hmm. I cannot dispute your logic.
  5. Though I must say, you never did strike me as a [cdb]typical mercenary. And your upward trajectory has [cdb]proven me right.
  6. To go from nothing to a commander rivaling even [cdb]the finest of nobles as quickly as you have is [cdb]astounding. You are the most intriguing woman.
  7. Accept without protest.
  8. Protest.
  9. Well, that's because I've made a habit of giving my all.
  10. I'm honestly just happy to have earned Edelgard's [cdb]respect.
  11. "Intriguing"? Is that supposed to be a compliment?
  12. I've just made a habit of giving my all.
  13. Your all, you say?
  14. Something wrong?
  15. To the contrary! I find your attitude inspirational!
  16. We are birds of a feather, you and I. Every task I [cdb]undertake must also be done to utmost perfection!
  17. Polishing my armor? It shall have a mirror sheen! Cooking a meal? Let not even a single ingredient go [cdb]to waste!
  18. True nobility means surmounting any challenge [cdb]before you with no less than every fiber of your being.
  19. Uh, that's taking it a little far, don't you think? Maybe you're not wasting food, but what about [cdb]your time and energy?
  20. And I'm not any sort of noble, you know.
  21. I am aghast! Are you suggesting that devoting myself [cdb]fully to every endeavor is wasteful?
  22. I mean, yeah.
  23. If you put your all into every little thing, you'll run [cdb]out of stamina right when you need it most.
  24. You're like the knight in that proverb. The one who [cdb]spends all day building a fence around his pegasus, [cdb]only for it to fly away.
  25. Valuable advice for a pegasus perhaps, but I am no [cdb]beast. I am Ferdinand von Aegir!
  26. This guy can't be serious.
  27. No point pressing him on that.
  28. It doesn't matter who you are. Everyone needs to take [cdb]it easy sometimes.
  29. I know that you're different, I do. But everyone needs [cdb]to take it easy sometimes.
  30. If you always keep your bowstring taut, it's just gonna [cdb]snap when you actually need to fire.
  31. I assure you, I am no bowstring either. But I [cdb]take your point.
  32. However, there is no cause for concern. As I have told [cdb]you on multiple occasions, I am Ferdinand von Aegir.
  33. Whether I am resting, enjoying leisurely pursuits, [cdb]or simply in contemplation, I always apply all my [cdb]energy to the task at hand.
  34. At work or at rest, I will forever give it my all. Hahaha!
  35. Seriously? What's full-on resting even look like?