1. You know, Felix, I've been thinking. Actually, [cdb]never mind.
  2. What? You can't say that and then not tell me. Come on, out with it.
  3. Tell him.
  4. Don't tell him.
  5. I dunno, I really shouldn't. Just forget I said anything.
  6. Is your conscience getting in the way? Say it.
  7. OK, it's just...even though you never show it, I can [cdb]tell you really care about Dimitri and the others.
  8. Urk!
  9. You all right there, Felix? There's no reason to get all [cdb]choked up over it.
  10. It's your fault for saying something so ridiculous.
  11. Hey, you're the one who asked. But it's true, isn't it? I know I'm right.
  12. And what proof do you have?
  13. Well for one, you move way better when you're [cdb]fighting alongside them.
  14. Hmph. That's only because I've known them so long [cdb]now I can predict their every move.
  15. The boar always rushes straight into enemy lines, [cdb]so I have to be ready to cover him.
  16. Of course, few can survive one of his mad dashes. But I can't just leave him alone. The man doesn't [cdb]give his own safety a second thought.
  17. We don't coordinate, though. I just stick around to [cdb]make sure the coast is clear for him to run wild.
  18. Huh. But when you're fighting with Ingrid, [cdb]you're usually the one who ends up charging forward.
  19. Yes, because her pegasus is an easy target for enemy [cdb]archers. It's better for me to dash ahead first and [cdb]eliminate any potential threats.
  20. Not that she's incapable of dodging an arrow or two.
  21. But she loses sight of her surroundings in the heat of [cdb]battle. If she advanced before I did, a cloud of arrows [cdb]would be the end of her.
  22. Uh-huh. So then why do you always get surrounded [cdb]when you're fighting with Sylvain?
  23. Because the braggart always insists on showing off.
  24. Though if nothing else, he does have the skill to fight [cdb]his way out of any bind.
  25. Sounds like that's not part of your strategy, then. But you'd still never pull it off if you didn't trust each [cdb]other.
  26. Hmph. It's all natural for a soldier.
  27. Praise his teamwork.
  28. Admit you're jealous.
  29. Honestly, it's impressive how well you work with [cdb]everyone. I should take a page or two out of your [cdb]book and learn more about the people I fight with.
  30. Maybe having a better grasp on their personalities [cdb]would help me coordinate our movements better.
  31. Who knows. You're welcome to try, at least.
  32. Y'know, I'm kinda jealous. Is that how things are [cdb]when you've known someone your whole life?
  33. Don't ask me. You could reach the same conclusions [cdb]about their combat tendencies in just a few battles.
  34. If you've already got a good read on me, the others [cdb]shouldn't be an issue.
  35. Anyway, we're done here. Talking to you is [cdb]exhausting.