1. Oof...
  2. Ah, Bernadetta. I see the documents I was waiting for [cdb]have finally arrived.
  3. Augh! H-Hubert! I'm not doing anything bad!
  4. Then would you be so kind as to hand those over? They are addressed to me, after all.
  5. Oh, um, right. Edelgard asked me to bring them.
  6. Phew! That was heavy. What are all these [cdb]documents anyway?
  7. Old records of bandit activity in this area that I need [cdb]for my investigation.
  8. Hey, that reminds me! I heard we had a group of [cdb]bandits cornered but they sort of...got away?
  9. Yes, a most vexing development. It beggars belief that [cdb]our troops prove unable to exterminate even these [cdb]few stray vermin.
  10. Eeeek! Wait, are you angry?
  11. Oh, I doubt it is worth raising my ire over.
  12. That's good! Um, but you look like you're angry.
  13. Bernadetta, are you aware of how your persistence [cdb]often leads to the very outcome you wish to avoid?
  14. Eyagh! I mean, um...yes?
  15. In any event, my mood is what it is because I must [cdb]now locate a den of rats.
  16. I will need to research previous stomping grounds, [cdb]then cross-reference the location of their old lairs in [cdb]order to work out where this new one might be.
  17. Wow. That sounds like a ton of work.
  18. Yes, but there is nothing for it—these craven rats will [cdb]not re-emerge once they've burrowed into their nests.
  19. Hey, neat! I definitely understand the desire to [cdb]burrow in somewhere and never come out.
  20. Urgh...
  21. Uh, I mean, but when there are festivals and stuff, [cdb]they might slip up and leave? Maybe? Possibly?
  22. I mean, everyone loves festivals...except when there [cdb]are people around...which is usually the case.
  23. Somehow I suspect you would not emerge for even [cdb]the most magnificent of carnivals.
  24. However, you and the rats may differ on that point...
  25. We do what now?
  26. Yes, of course. Unlike you, these thieves have no [cdb]particular desire to live away from others.
  27. We have had them on the run for some time, [cdb]which means they've not been able to earn coin [cdb]through their usual underhanded work.
  28. Thus, if I were to prepare a place where they could [cdb]cut a few easy purses, they might consider the spoils [cdb]to be worth the risk.
  29. Um, OK?
  30. And the bait shall be a festival.
  31. Due to the war, we have not held a genuine festival [cdb]for quite some time, after all.
  32. So even if we do not capture the rodents and it [cdb]merely brings much-needed succor to the people, I would still consider it a success.
  33. Well done, Bernadetta. You have come up with a [cdb]splendid idea that eluded even myself.
  34. Why are you complimenting me out of nowhere? ARE YOU PLOTTING AGAINST ME?!
  35. Not particularly, no—although I am thinking I will [cdb]require your assistance in this matter from now on.