1. I wonder when I'll be able to return to Enbarr...
  2. Greetings, Dorothea. I hope I'm not intruding.
  3. Oh, you're fine, I was just having myself a little think. So what do you need?
  4. I come with a matter involving the opera company of [cdb]which you were once a member.
  5. What's wrong, what happened?!
  6. Nothing drastic, I assure you. A letter addressed to [cdb]you arrived, and finding myself with a moment to [cdb]spare, I decided to deliver it personally.
  7. And as I was also hoping to speak with you about the [cdb]company, the trip serves a dual purpose.
  8. OK, don't scare me like that, Hubert! I figured [cdb]something awful had happened since you were [cdb]coming here in person!
  9. My apologies. Let your heart be at ease.
  10. Now then! I wish to discuss the matter of your return [cdb]to the opera company.
  11. I'm pretty sure I said I wasn't going back.
  12. That is not what I refer to. Well, it is and it isn't.
  13. You have no love of violence, and in fact care little [cdb]enough for it that the mere sight of someone in pain [cdb]nearly rends your poor heart in two.
  14. Further, I am aware that you received numerous [cdb]invitations to return to the company.
  15. Despite that, you continue to remain here on the [cdb]front lines of the war. I find this choice...curious.
  16. OK, that's a fair point.
  17. I honestly have given some thought about returning [cdb]to the company.
  18. Touring across the land with them and using music to [cdb]heal weary hearts sounds...wonderful.
  19. And if I did make that choice, it would be a different [cdb]way to help Edelgard and everyone else.
  20. You agree, right?
  21. Indeed, I should think it terribly useful work.
  22. But even so, I can't abandon the actual fight when all [cdb]of you are still here.
  23. The thought of being safe and sound while my friends [cdb]risk their lives isn't something I'm comfortable with. Does that make sense?
  24. It does—and I even share your feelings to a degree.
  25. However, we could always summon your opera [cdb]company to the front so that you could use your [cdb]diva talents to motivate our troops.
  26. Surely you have considered this possibility?
  27. You really see through everything, Hubie. It's vexing.
  28. But fine, there's another reason—I want to support Edie as a commoner.
  29. If I were here in the position of an opera diva, I wouldn't be treated like one anymore.
  30. I want to be here fighting as a representative of the [cdb]peasant class.
  31. However selfish it might be, I feel this is the best way [cdb]to help Edie as she tries to erase the gap between [cdb]nobles and commoners.
  32. Well, this is a surprise.
  33. You choose the path of hardship for the sake of your [cdb]emperor? Truly I have undersold your resolve.
  34. Oh, but there is one more reason...
  35. Still more?
  36. There are quite a few young nobles here—dependable [cdb]ones with quality futures ahead of them.
  37. And they're a lot more attractive than the doormats [cdb]who flutter about us divas in the capital.
  38. Yes, that does seem important. You are stronger than I gave you credit for, Dorothea—and you have earned [cdb]my respect this day.