1. Ah, Petra. Fancy running into you here.
  2. How are you acclimating to life in Her Majesty's [cdb]army? We are constantly traveling all across Fódlan, [cdb]so I'm sure there is a lot to adjust to.
  3. I find myself being cold often. But the others have [cdb]shown great kindness in telling me what to expect. I have no troubles.
  4. Heh. Marvelous.
  5. I want nothing more than for you to fit in and feel [cdb]comfortable. Know that there is a permanent place [cdb]for you in this army if you so desire.
  6. No. I will be returning to Brigid when the war [cdb]is finished.
  7. I am going to be queen. That day is approaching [cdb]with quickness.
  8. Yes, I am very much aware.
  9. And upon your coronation, Brigid will be released [cdb]from its vassalage to the Empire.
  10. Her Majesty and your grandfather have agreed to [cdb]this in secret.
  11. For having consideration of Brigid's interests, I give Lady Edelgard and Duke Gerth my gratitude.
  12. As I understand it, the Minister of Foreign Affairs [cdb]pursued this particular policy most vigorously.
  13. He has met with far more success now that Lord Arundel is no longer around to impede him.
  14. I might even go so far as to say the duke looks [cdb]like a new man.
  15. A new man? No. He is still being the same man.
  16. Well...yes. I suppose you have me there.
  17. Regardless, I do hope that you can forgive us.
  18. Though we would very much like to make our [cdb]agreement with Brigid public, doing so now [cdb]would be most unwise.
  19. I have understanding. The war of seven years ago still [cdb]has freshness in the minds of many.
  20. You do not want to give them cause for anger when [cdb]this war has not reached its finish yet.
  21. I'm glad you appreciate the situation, as I was [cdb]certain you would.
  22. But...all in Brigid have knowledge of our agreement. Every man, woman, and child.
  23. If it is broken, they will have knowledge of that [cdb]as well. Blood would be spilling.
  24. Petra! Was that a threat?
  25. Not a threat. A concern. I know I can place trust in [cdb]the word of the Empire.
  26. The emperor would never be breaking a promise. Would she, Hubert?
  27. Wha— Hah... Ahaha!
  28. I beg your pardon, Queen Petra! Clearly I failed to [cdb]realize that you had already ascended the throne!
  29. Rest assured, our promise will be kept.
  30. If Her Majesty and yourself are any example, the Empire and Brigid will support each other and walk [cdb]into the future side by side.
  31. And I have certainty that you will be there, [cdb]witnessing it.