1. What are you doing up so late, Mercie?
  2. I was having trouble sleeping. You too, Annie?
  3. Yep. I'm just so nervous about our battle tomorrow.
  4. Perhaps we should chat for a while to ease our nerves.
  5. That's a great idea! It reminds me of when we were [cdb]students at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad.
  6. When we shared a room and would stay up chattering [cdb]until dawn?
  7. Exactly. It feels like that was forever ago.
  8. So much has happened in the meantime. We enrolled in the Officers Academy, [cdb]the war began...
  9. But we've stuck together through it all, even after [cdb]classes were suspended.
  10. Of course, I'm so clumsy, I felt like I was always [cdb]getting in people's way while we were there.
  11. I couldn't have gotten through all this without you [cdb]by my side.
  12. And I've relied on you just as much.
  13. In fact, it often feels like you're the one who's [cdb]constantly coming to my aid lately.
  14. Remember when I got stuck in that bandit's trap?
  15. I thought I was done for, but you came to my rescue.
  16. Well, I wasn't going to leave you in a bandit trap!
  17. Although, I just ended up falling right in and getting [cdb]wounded myself.
  18. I was so desperate to save you, I wasn't paying [cdb]attention to what was around me.
  19. If not for you healing me, I don't know what would [cdb]have happened!
  20. Well, we worked together and made it back in [cdb]one piece, so all's well that ends well.
  21. Hehe! You know, I think we've always been like this.
  22. I feel like I can overcome anything so long as I'm with you.
  23. And I feel the same. I hope we will be friends forever.
  24. Oh, for sure! We'll be best friends until we're a couple [cdb]of wrinkled old grannies!
  25. There are so many things I want to do with you, [cdb]and so many places I want to go.
  26. I don't care if we're strolling through Derdriu or just [cdb]window shopping—everything's better with you.
  27. I would love to go shopping in the capital, [cdb]and then later...
  28. Say, Annie? Why don't we wait to talk about this until [cdb]the war is over?
  29. What? Why?
  30. Because then we can each write down things we want [cdb]to do as we think of them, and then show our lists to [cdb]each other afterward. Doesn't that sound fun?
  31. That sounds very fun! We can even compete to see [cdb]who has the longest list.
  32. I'm going to scribble all my plans down as soon as I get back to my room so I don't forget.
  33. But won't that keep you up longer?
  34. Oh, right! My insomnia! We were so busy chatting I forgot all about it.
  35. Thanks, Mercie. I feel a lot better now.
  36. My sentiments exactly. Good night, Annie. I'll see you tomorrow.