1. Ah...
  2. There you are, Ignatz.
  3. Oh, Lorenz. I find the beauty of this place to be so [cdb]relaxing, don't you?
  4. Yes, I must wholeheartedly agree. It is marvelous.
  5. As are you. Not only are you a knight of House Gloucester, you have even taken on the role of a [cdb]general within this army.
  6. To be honest, when first we met I could not see you [cdb]as anything more than a mere merchant's child who [cdb]happened to be gifted with a better eye than most.
  7. That's probably all I really looked like back then.
  8. But now? You have grown so capable that I regularly [cdb]mistake you for someone else entirely.
  9. That's nice of you to say, but I still have a long way to [cdb]go before I'm where I want to be.
  10. Do you remember your time working as a knight in [cdb]my territory? Back before the war began.
  11. Compared to then, you are practically brimming with [cdb]life now. Especially as we march from locale to locale.
  12. You really think I'm that different?
  13. I always thought you not fond of battle. Hence why I find this reversal so very puzzling.
  14. Well, it's because...
  15. I confess, I've been painting! Whenever I've had the [cdb]free time during our marches, that is.
  16. Is that so?
  17. Yes. There are so many places in Fódlan just like this [cdb]one, with the most incredible views.
  18. I simply can't help put them down on paper because, [cdb]well, I want them to stay with me forever.
  19. Maybe that's why I've been looking so alive lately. You certainly see straight through me, in any case.
  20. ...
  21. I...am sorry, Ignatz.
  22. Huh? About what?
  23. I granted you a position as my knight because I [cdb]thought it to your benefit...but I see now that your [cdb]heart lay somewhere else entirely.
  24. Hearing you talk about art with such passion, such [cdb]fervor... It fills me with regret.
  25. Oh, you don't need to apologize.
  26. If anything, I should be thanking you, Lorenz.
  27. You should? What have I done to earn your [cdb]gratitude?
  28. When the Officers Academy shut down, I was lost, [cdb]deprived of my purpose in life. But then you came [cdb]and offered me the job as a knight.
  29. Everything I experienced in that role has given my [cdb]life new color. One I don't think I could do without.
  30. I see.
  31. So no matter how I live, no matter what I paint...
  32. There will always be that one hue that reflects my [cdb]duty as a knight of House Gloucester. That will never [cdb]disappear.
  33. And I couldn't be prouder that it's there.
  34. I, too, am proud, Ignatz.
  35. Proud to call you a knight of my house...and a friend.