1. Hmmm. Like this? No, it's more like that.
  2. Lysithea! It isn't often I find you in the kitchen.
  3. I could say the same. What are you doing here at [cdb]this hour?
  4. Oh, I just wanted to bake some treats for everyone.
  5. To improve morale, right?
  6. In that case, I'll help. Four hands are better than two [cdb]and all that.
  7. That would be wonderful. If you could start by [cdb]peeling this fruit and... Oh dear.
  8. What's wrong?
  9. These fruits have mostly spoiled. I was going to add [cdb]them for the fragrance, but in this state...
  10. Well, it's not like we can go out and buy more, [cdb]so we'll just have to leave them out.
  11. Just to take stock, what ingredients do we currently [cdb]have on hand?
  12. Well, we have eggs, flour, sugar, and a very small [cdb]amount of oil.
  13. Sounds like there's no good substitute for the fruit, [cdb]then. We'll have to get creative.
  14. Do you have something in mind?
  15. I do, actually. If we boil the sugar in a pot...
  16. Thank you, Lysithea. I think everyone will love them.
  17. And filling them with that sweet syrup you made was [cdb]a marvelous idea.
  18. Yeah, it's one of my favorite go-to tricks. But still, I couldn't have done it without you.
  19. Really? I suppose I helped a little, but...
  20. I still dream about those rainbow cookies you made.
  21. Ever since I had them, I've spent all my free time [cdb]researching how to be a better baker.
  22. That's actually where I got the idea to make that [cdb]syrup, so you were more help than you thought.
  23. Oh, but you're always so busy training! Are you sure [cdb]you're getting enough rest?
  24. Honestly, baking is a nice break. Plus, it's when I'm [cdb]busy that I need sweets the most.
  25. Heh. Well, I'm glad you found your own way to relax.
  26. I still think exercising, studying magic, and daily [cdb]training are important...
  27. But I realized taking breaks every now and then [cdb]improves my productivity, too.
  28. Goodness, you really have changed.
  29. You seem more mature now—like a responsible [cdb]young woman!
  30. I've always been mature, thank you very much.
  31. Well then, maybe you're simply wiser—like a wizened [cdb]old grandmother!
  32. Not sure I'd call myself... You know what? Never mind. I'll take it as a compliment.
  33. Lysithea, would you like to have another tea party [cdb]with me sometime? I'd love to try some of your [cdb]baking for myself.
  34. Sure, I suppose we could do that. Maybe then you'll [cdb]finally teach me how to make those cookies!