1. Ahaha! Once again, I have accomplished a most [cdb]triumphant feat!
  2. Behold, my awe-inspiring talent! From these hands is [cdb]new magic born!
  3. But I mustn't rest on my laurels quite yet. Nay, I must [cdb]aim for ever more spectacular heights.
  4. Hey, Constance. Got a second?
  5. Claude, of all people? You may enter.
  6. Up to some of your old experiments, huh? Perfect timing.
  7. How dare you speak of me as though I am some [cdb]non-entity to be slotted into your schedule.
  8. Whoa, OK. Hang on. I just heard you were [cdb]researching some interesting magic.
  9. Hahaha! You have heard correctly!
  10. I have created a new spell which can affect both the [cdb]style and length of one's hair!
  11. There is no questioning this heralds a revolution that [cdb]will sweep all of Fódlan!
  12. Revolutions aside, that sounds like an incredible spell. Care to give me a little demonstration?
  13. This is great! If I can change my hairstyle at will, I'll be able to slip out of all kinds of sticky situations...
  14. Of course! And you shall be my first test subject!
  15. Your first? Hold on. This idea's not sounding quite [cdb]so clever anymore.
  16. Ahahaha! Take this!
  17. Did it work?
  18. Beyond my wildest imaginings! Why, your hair is now [cdb]more resplendent than ever!
  19. I appreciate the sentiment, but I still don't know... Wait, why is my head hard?
  20. Ow! It's so sharp it hurt my hand!
  21. I really don't think this hairstyle's gonna catch on. I look like an angry cat that fell into a bathtub.
  22. And now you know what it means to be ahead of [cdb]your time. Unconventional though it may be, your [cdb]hairstyle is objectively flawless.
  23. This isn't exactly ideal for keeping a low profile. I couldn't even wear a hat without tearing right [cdb]through the thing.
  24. Inconceivable! You are given the rare honor of being [cdb]the subject of my magic, yet all you can think to do is [cdb]whinge and complain!
  25. If that is to be your response, why did you rush to my [cdb]side the moment I completed the experiment?
  26. Yeaaah, I guess things turned out a bit differently [cdb]than I'd been led to believe.
  27. Still, it is some pretty incredible magic. I doubt [cdb]anyone else could even come close.
  28. You sound as though you are consoling me, yet I have [cdb]not failed in the slightest!
  29. No, I'm not calling it a failure per se. It's just that the [cdb]applications might be rather, uh...
  30. You will come to rue those words! Ahahaha!