1. This reminds me of my youth. The days I spent with Glenn and my father.
  2. There are few things more extravagant than a [cdb]home-cooked meal.
  3. I can tell this took a great deal of work. I appreciate it.
  4. I'm sure Dedue wouldn't mind as long as you are the [cdb]one accompanying me.
  5. Where are we going? I'm sure the experience will be [cdb]an enjoyable one no matter where it is.
  6. What a lovely place. It feels as though you could run [cdb]for hours through these fields and never have to stop.
  7. The visibility here is quite low. I can't help but peer [cdb]over my shoulder lest an assassin lodge his blade in [cdb]my back.
  8. We've climbed quite a ways up. If you're feeling cold, I would be glad to lend you my cloak.
  9. I find great comfort in the cool waterfront air. Ah... Let's remain here for a while, shall we?
  10. Ah, thank you. Did you know this particular species of [cdb]flower is edible?
  11. I fear I'd crush it between my fingers. Please, just let [cdb]it free. Death will not come to this little one today.
  12. So it would seem, but you never know where an [cdb]assassin may lurk. Keep your wits about you.
  13. You needn't worry, I remember the way. Were you [cdb]lost the day we first met as well?
  14. I can tell you've had many opportunities to practice [cdb]your skills. But please, do be careful.
  15. I would be glad to, if you don't mind. I take pride in [cdb]my strength, you know.
  16. I certainly don't dislike them. And they travel quite [cdb]well when smoked or salted first.
  17. I'm sure its owner misses it terribly. I would be glad [cdb]to help you look for them.
  18. Consider the terrain we're in. How would you assault [cdb]a position such as this?
  19. I prefer not to name my horses if I can avoid it. Growing attached only makes their deaths more [cdb]painful.
  20. At times, I feel there must be some purpose to the [cdb]strength I was born bearing.
  21. I'm not very comfortable around children. I never [cdb]know quite what to say or how to act.
  22. I'd like to show you around Fhirdiad if the [cdb]opportunity arises. I could introduce you to my [cdb]old friends.
  23. I have seen much death, often dealt by my own [cdb]hand. The idea that one can die with dignity is [cdb]sadly nothing more than a myth.
  24. Lady Rhea granted me some wisdom regarding [cdb]land cultivation the other day. The breadth of her [cdb]knowledge never ceases to amaze me.
  25. Seeing my people and my friends happy, for one. Beyond that, perhaps sparring and maintaining my [cdb]weapons.
  26. Hm. What do you think the answer is?
  27. The future, eh? I suppose I'll have to think about it. All my dreams at the moment pertain to our present.
  28. Do be kind to Felix. His new duties seem to be taking [cdb]more out of him than I think he realizes.
  29. I hope you've grown to like Faerghus, even if only a [cdb]little. It's a harsh place, but it is our home.
  30. Had I not met Dedue on that fateful day...I dare say I would be a very different person than I am now.
  31. I owe them my thanks and more. I would not be king [cdb]were it not for the support of my friends.
  32. There is no greater art than charging past the enemy [cdb]lines singlehandedly. The fighting ends all the quicker [cdb]if you can defeat their commander in one fell swoop.
  33. I don't care what power lurks within you. I have [cdb]chosen to trust you, and that is what I'll do.
  34. I hope you stay with us after the war. You've become [cdb]an irreplaceable asset to the Kingdom's army.
  35. I've had much on my mind of late. The funding for [cdb]our war effort is a particularly pressing concern.
  36. Many have lost their lives because of me. It is my duty [cdb]to seek vengeance for their souls.
  37. Gathering my hair up like this allows me to keep it [cdb]out of my eyes during battle.
  38. Is the color of my hair truly so unusual to you? Perhaps you should turn that questioning gaze [cdb]toward yourself.
  39. I have had much to attend to of late. The fatigue has [cdb]surely begun to show in my face by now.
  40. I can't be that interesting to look at, can I?
  41. I used to swim in full armor as part of my combat [cdb]training. I'd prefer not to remember the experience.
  42. At first I resisted wearing such showy armor, but I was [cdb]told it raises my army's morale.
  43. Thank you. I had a good time today.
  44. Our time together feels all too fleeting now that it's [cdb]come to an end.
  45. We'll handle this together.