link Lysithea volume_up
Thank you for your assistance, Count Gloucester.
link Erwin volume_up
Not at all. I only wish I could have been of more use.
link Erwin volume_up
Sadly, my efforts paled in comparison to those of you and your mercenary friend here, Lysithea.
link Lysithea volume_up
I wouldn't go that far.
link Shez volume_up
Me either. Honestly, I figured you were gonna be dead weight, but you really held your own.
link Shez volume_up
Me either. Honestly, I figured you were gonna be dead weight, but you really held your own.
link Lysithea volume_up
Such impertinence!
link Erwin volume_up
Haha! Ah, but it's a terrible thing to grow old. I hope you never have to do it, either of you.
link Erwin volume_up
But like it or not, I admit I am past my prime. Still, these old bones did what they could.
link Lysithea volume_up
You were a tremendous help, and I've no doubt my father will feel the same when I inform him.
link Erwin volume_up
Please do give him my best—and let him know that we are still the sturdy pillars of Leicester.
link Lysithea volume_up
Of course.
link Erwin volume_up
That said, I am pleased to see your father has such a superlative heir waiting in the wings.
link Erwin volume_up
Perhaps Count Ordelia might consider stepping down a tad early?
link Lysithea volume_up
I...I could not say.
link Erwin volume_up
As leaders, we often butted heads because we had to look out for the interests of our own realms.
link Erwin volume_up
But once we have both passed on our title, we could simply be friends—and that is something I would greatly look forward to.
link Lysithea volume_up
That reminds me—you mentioned earlier that you owed him something?
link Erwin volume_up
Ah, yes. It's something of a longer tale, but perhaps now is the time to tell it.
link Erwin volume_up
When you were still quite young, the Empire often saw fit to meddle in House Ordelia's affairs.
link Erwin volume_up
As I was on the outside looking in, I was never able to discern any of the particulars.
link Erwin volume_up
But even as a bystander, it was clear that your father's hardships were considerable.
link Erwin volume_up
Yet...I did nothing.
link Erwin volume_up
As leader of the pro-Imperialist lords at the time, I could little more than stand by and watch.
link Lysithea volume_up
Your actions are completely understandable.
link Lysithea volume_up
The Empire would've brazenly ignored any protest of their political interference.
link Lysithea volume_up
As such, we had no choice but to endure their tyranny.
link Erwin volume_up
It must have been difficult for you as well.
link Erwin volume_up
Still, I should have spoken out, if nothing else.
link Erwin volume_up
I owed your father that much.
link Lysithea volume_up
I see.
link Erwin volume_up
I cannot change the past, but I hope I might help your father live out his remaining years in peace.
link Erwin volume_up
Perhaps we could take tea together sometime. Reminisce on the old days.
link Lysithea volume_up
I'm certain he would love that.
link Shez volume_up
Tea? Really? That's your grand idea?
link Shez volume_up
Tea? Really? That's your grand idea?
link Shez volume_up
Why don't you build him a mansion where he can get old in peace or something?
link Shez volume_up
Why don't you build him a mansion where he can get old in peace or something?
link Lysithea volume_up
Still your wagging tongue, churl!
link Erwin volume_up
No, no. Our friend has a point. Taking tea together is a bit pedestrian, all things considered.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, tea with a friend sounds pretty nice.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, tea with a friend sounds pretty nice.
link Erwin volume_up
Yes, I am brimming with good ideas.
link Erwin volume_up
For I am Erwin Fritz Gloucester after all! Ahaha!