Raphael: Rest well.
Jeralt: We will be counting on you.
Jeritza: Something feels weird.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I will be fighting with all my being.
Ordelia General: Hey there!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's good to meet you.
Artisan: The Knights of Seiros are with you.
Merchant: My chance has finally come!
???: Hehe...
???: We'll be counting on you!
???: What could Lady Edelgard be thinking?
???: Tread lightly.
???: Hear you've got some skill.
???: Do you know the six great noble families?
???: Under Garreg Mach...
link Shez
Wonder what sort of battle we're in for here... I should ask around and find out.
link Shez
Wonder what sort of battle we're in for here... I should ask around and find out.
link Shez
All right, I better get some rest before the fighting kicks off.
link Shez
All right, I better get some rest before the fighting kicks off.
Raphael: Thank you for speaking with everyone.
link Edelgard
We'll be entering Enbarr tomorrow, so rest up and restore your strength.
link Shez
That bad, huh?
link Shez
That bad, huh?
link Edelgard
Yes, we're expecting it to be quite the battle— but I look forward to seeing what you can do.
link Shez
Sounds rough. Who are we fighting?
link Shez
Sounds rough. Who are we fighting?
link Edelgard
Oh, no one of particular importance or concern. Still, I'd prefer to wait a little while before disclosing that information.
link Shez
In that case, I'll make sure my gear's ready.
link Shez
In that case, I'll make sure my gear's ready.
link Edelgard
Thank you. Oh, and perhaps now might be a good time to speak with the others.
link Edelgard
Seeing you calm and collected should help soothe the nerves of any who are anxious in the shadow of battle.
link Shez
In that case, I'll make sure my gear's ready.
link Shez
In that case, I'll make sure my gear's ready.
link Edelgard
Thank you. Oh, and perhaps now might be a good time to speak with the others.
link Edelgard
Seeing you calm and collected should help soothe the nerves of any who are anxious in the shadow of battle.
link Edelgard
Thank you for speaking with everyone.
link Edelgard
It's grown quite late. You should rest up for tomorrow.
link Hubert
Given your past, I hardly think it necessary for me to ask after your readiness for battle.
link Hubert
We will be counting on you in Enbarr. Be the sword in Lady Edelgard's hands and smite her foes.
link Hubert
Also, you should know that victory in tomorrow's battle will hold great significance for yourself as well.
link Shez
Care to say that again in a way that makes some kinda sense?
link Shez
Care to say that again in a way that makes some kinda sense?
link Hubert
I thought I was perfectly clear. Lady Edelgard has spoken on the matter of your power, yes?
link Hubert
That said, perhaps your not understanding the situation means we can all rest a little easier.
link Shez
Oh, absolutely.
link Shez
Oh, absolutely.
link Hubert
link Dorothea
I can't put my finger on why, but I have a very strange feeling about all this. Maybe it's because I wasn't expecting to return to the capital this year.
link Dorothea
Isn't the group we're going with a little unusual, too?
link Dorothea
Isn't the group we're going with a little unusual, too?
link Dorothea
Ferdie, Caspar, Lin, and Bern won't be joining us...
link Dorothea
I'm surprised that most of the children of the six great noble families stayed back at Garreg Mach. Oh, but of course Hubie had to tag along.
link Dorothea
Anyway, it really makes you wonder who exactly we'll be fighting.
link Dorothea
Anyway, it really makes you wonder who exactly we'll be fighting.
link Petra
I do not wish to be speaking out of turn, but Lady Edelgard is surely having many enemies.
link Petra
When we arrive in Enbarr, I will be fighting to my utmost.
link Petra
I fight not just for the Empire, but for Brigid as well. They have fates that are intertwining.
link Shez
I dunno exactly what's going on here, but they hired me to do a job, and that's what I'm gonna do.
link Shez
I dunno exactly what's going on here, but they hired me to do a job, and that's what I'm gonna do.
link Shez
Especially if everyone is relying on me.
link Shez
Especially if everyone is relying on me.
link Petra
Your being here is reassuring. Now let us be fighting together and bringing about victory!
link Shez
I mean, I'll give it everything I've got—for my own neck if nothing else—but I don't really like being kept in the dark.
link Shez
I mean, I'll give it everything I've got—for my own neck if nothing else—but I don't really like being kept in the dark.
link Shez
And listening to you isn't making me feel any better. It sounds like we're walking straight into a world of hurt.
link Shez
And listening to you isn't making me feel any better. It sounds like we're walking straight into a world of hurt.
link Petra
Sadly, there are some things even I am not knowing. There will be clearness soon, I am sure.
link Jeritza
I have a contract. That's the only reason I'm here.
link Shez
So is this contract with the church? Does it have to do with the fact you're a professor at the academy?
link Shez
So is this contract with the church? Does it have to do with the fact you're a professor at the academy?
link Jeritza
Think what you want.
link Shez
So is this contract separate from your work at the academy?
link Shez
So is this contract separate from your work at the academy?
link Jeritza
link Monica
Ah, perfect timing! I wanted to thank you again.
link Monica
I meant to earlier, of course, but things have been quite hectic recently.
link Monica
And while Lady Edelgard unfortunately did not tell me every single detail, it sounds like you played a big part in my rescue.
link Monica
So thank you for that. I mean it.
link Monica
Well then, I'm expecting even greater things from you once we reach Enbarr.
link Shez
Oh, I didn't do that much. Edelgard was the one who really saved you.
link Shez
Oh, I didn't do that much. Edelgard was the one who really saved you.
link Shez
Still, I'm glad you're safe, so if I played some small part in that, then all the better.
link Shez
Still, I'm glad you're safe, so if I played some small part in that, then all the better.
link Monica
Well then, I'm expecting even greater things from you once we reach Enbarr.
link Shez
Just doing my job.
link Shez
Just doing my job.
link Monica
Well then, I'm expecting even greater things from you once we reach Enbarr.
link Ladislava
I believe this is the first time we've met. My name is Ladislava.
link Ladislava
I serve as one of Lady Edelgard's personal guards, and will be assisting with the entry into the capital.
link Ladislava
I believe we will be working separately tomorrow, so I trust you will take excellent care of her.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hello there. I'm a liaison from the Knights of Seiros sent to assist in the assault on the capital.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I came here to attend the final planning meeting, and I must say, we knights have a good deal to learn from the thorough way Hubert manages intelligence.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Giving only what information is necessary at any given time sounds simple enough, but often proves quite difficult in practice.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And though few of us understand the full situation, there has still been no major confusion.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Regardless, we intend to cooperate fully with both Lady Edelgard and the Imperial army.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I never thought a chance to fight for Lady Edelgard would fall into my lap so quickly, but here it is!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I won't tolerate those curs who strut about the Imperial palace as if they own the place! No, sir!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Er, sorry about that. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, Lady Edelgard is going to explain everything tomorrow, so let's just plan to win a glorious victory in her name, yes?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Me? I'm a commander from House Vestra.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Vestra may not have any territory to speak of, but we don't lack for military might.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though we're a bit of a peculiar bunch! Ha!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Do you think it's a good thing that I came along?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I mean, it's true that we want as many good fighters as we can get, but when it comes to the actual plans, I'm completely in the dark.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, not much to do about it now. We'll definitely be counting on you if it comes to a fight!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She didn't call on Ferdinand or Linhardt, yet she summoned a fringe noble such as myself?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
What could Lady Edelgard be thinking?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Still, it's a great honor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And it could make for a fine opportunity to increase my family's standing with Lady Edelgard!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Tread lightly, friend—the woods around here are the hunting grounds of House Hresvelg.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And to enter recklessly is to forfeit your life.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So I heard you really know your way around a fight, but c'mon! That can't be true!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I mean, you got those two scrawny little stick arms, you're barely taller than a child, and you've got a baby face without a single scar!
link Shez
The only thing scars prove is that you're too slow to get out of the way—and I do not have stick arms!
link Shez
The only thing scars prove is that you're too slow to get out of the way—and I do not have stick arms!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow. Just stay behind me, babyface! I'll keep you safe.
link Shez
Yep. You got me. I'll probably trip and stab myself in the stomach before the fight even starts.
link Shez
Yep. You got me. I'll probably trip and stab myself in the stomach before the fight even starts.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I sure hope not! Listen, maybe you should just stand behind me, all right? I'll keep you safe.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The real power in the Empire is held by the six great noble families, with Prime Minister Aegir at the center and Lord Arundel as regent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Er, you are familiar with the noble six, yes?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They are the apex aristocrats and exclusive inheritors of important positions such as the Ministers of Military Affairs and Domestic Affairs.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Did you know there's a whole town under Garreg Mach? A bunch of suspicious characters live there.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They call it Abyss... I wonder what those folks are really like.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The church leave 'em alone though, so they must not've been involved in that business with Tomas.