Rufus: What a relief.
Rufus: ...
Raphael: Be ready.
Jeralt: Heh.
Thales: I hope the riots do not spread that far.
Miklan: I am so tired.
Rodrigue: The west will be fine with my father there.
Jeritza: Why is this happening?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: There will be more fighting in the city.
Tomas: Where are we?
Ordelia General: This will not deter her.
Myson: Hanneman isn't here.
Viscount Enid: Hrym...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm misty-eyed with gratitude.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Metodey: We need to go as soon as we can.
Constance: Father...
: Something's going on behind the scenes.
Shez: Where's that?
Pittacus: Ordelia...
Chilon: I want to save them.
Dominic General: We need to consider their approach.
Viscount Fenja: What a mess.
Dorothea: Our next foes...
Sylvain: Our next foes...
Viscount Hymir: Lot of familiar faces.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It was quite admirable.
???: This is serious.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I didn't expect this.
???: Hrym, huh?
???: They won't get away with this!
???: My family...
???: Maybe that's what caused this.
???: The Great Bridge of Myrddin...
Artisan: He's doing his best.
???: We'd been together for ages.
???: More bandits.
???: It's much nicer when it's warm.
???: Have you heard about the dance master?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: What a great responsibility.
Charon General: Ordelia's in bad shape.
Charon General: Thanks.
Kitchen Master: Consider it carefully.
Constance: Father...
Kitchen Master: We shall do all we can.
link Edelgard
The riots have not spread this far yet.
link Edelgard
But based on the reports, things are only going to get worse from here on. Be ready.
link Shez
I'm used to this kind of stuff. You should probably worry about everybody else.
link Shez
I'm used to this kind of stuff. You should probably worry about everybody else.
link Edelgard
Yes, you might be right.
link Edelgard
But to tell you the truth, I do not think we should rely on you for everything.
link Shez
It's gotten that bad? That's a little nerve-wracking...
link Shez
It's gotten that bad? That's a little nerve-wracking...
link Edelgard
Well, it might not be much of an issue for you, given your past life as a mercenary.
link Edelgard
But to tell you the truth, I do not think we should rely on you for everything.
link Hubert
Heh. I knew this moment would come one day.
link Hubert
I cannot claim to be completely prepared, but I have done all I can in our current circumstance.
link Hubert
I will need a moment of your time before we depart. There is something I must tell you.
link Hubert
Heh. I knew this moment would come one day.
link Hubert
I cannot claim to be completely prepared, but I have done all I can in our current circumstance.
link Hubert
As I said, I will need you to be prepared for their onslaught.
link Ferdinand
Hrym is near Aegir territory. I only hope the riots do not spread that far...
link Ferdinand
I am worried for the people of Hrym, of course, but my feelings toward my own territory are special.
link Ferdinand
When you are a noble, the people in your territory feel like your own precious children.
link Shez
Your own children? But you don't have any, do you? Wait, don't tell me that means—
link Shez
Your own children? But you don't have any, do you? Wait, don't tell me that means—
link Ferdinand
Just what are you getting at? Of course I do not have any! One day I may hope to have a few...
link Ferdinand
But this is not the time for such discussions! I must ask you to desist at once!
link Shez
You might be a noble, but you haven't taken on your father's title yet.
link Shez
You might be a noble, but you haven't taken on your father's title yet.
link Shez
So isn't it kind of a stretch to call Aegir "your" territory?
link Shez
So isn't it kind of a stretch to call Aegir "your" territory?
link Ferdinand
Well, you are probably correct... But in my view, it would not be an exaggeration to say that I see the whole of the Empire as my territory.
link Ferdinand
Which means I must save the people of Aegir and Hrym because they are all my children!
link Linhardt
I am so tired. Utterly exhausted.
link Linhardt
It wasn't just the long journey from the Kingdom. We've also been fighting constantly.
link Linhardt
And the war is going to stretch on even longer because of this, right? All I can do is sigh, really.
link Shez
You could ask Edelgard for a different position.
link Shez
You could ask Edelgard for a different position.
link Linhardt
Were you listening at all? The war will keep going even if I'm in a different post.
link Shez
You could ask Edelgard to let you go back to Enbarr for a while.
link Shez
You could ask Edelgard to let you go back to Enbarr for a while.
link Linhardt
I can't say that option's very appealing. My father will most certainly put me to work.
link Caspar
Apparently my father's heading towards what used to be the western part of the Kingdom while we come out this way.
link Caspar
And that would mean he's leaving my brother in charge of Fort Merceus.
link Caspar
Well, I'm sure things in the west will be fine with my father there. Not like when we were fighting the Alliance.
link Shez
Yeah, it'll definitely be fine. Which just means we need to do a bang-up job taking care of this mess out here too.
link Shez
Yeah, it'll definitely be fine. Which just means we need to do a bang-up job taking care of this mess out here too.
link Caspar
You got that right! I don't want my father yelling at me!
link Shez
I'm not sure. Your dad'll be fine if it's just another battle, but we still don't know for sure what's gonna happen.
link Shez
I'm not sure. Your dad'll be fine if it's just another battle, but we still don't know for sure what's gonna happen.
link Caspar
My father can do more than just fight, you know. But you're probably right to be wary.
link Dorothea
Why is this happening? We were so close to ending the war.
link Dorothea
The commoners will be the ones to suffer the most. As it is, they're just scrambling to survive.
link Dorothea
We have to save as many people as we can...
link Petra
I am estimating there will be more fighting in the city. Not enemy soldiers, but bandits and rioters.
link Petra
I am having a better time fighting in this situation. What about you?
link Shez
I'm better in those kinds of battles too. It's definitely easier than fighting in a wide open field.
link Shez
I'm better in those kinds of battles too. It's definitely easier than fighting in a wide open field.
link Petra
So we are the same? Then we will be finishing the fight promptly.
link Shez
To be honest, those kinda battles aren't my strong suit. It's much easier fighting in a wide open field.
link Shez
To be honest, those kinda battles aren't my strong suit. It's much easier fighting in a wide open field.
link Petra
I am not in agreement. It surprises me we are not seeing eye to eye.
link Bernadetta
Do you ever lose track of our location because we keep moving around?
link Bernadetta
Do you ever lose track of our location because we keep moving around?
link Bernadetta
I have no idea where we are... The Alliance? Or are we in the Empire?
link Bernadetta
I have no idea where we are... The Alliance? Or are we in the Empire?
link Shez
I feel that way too! I get lost all the time and then I end up going in the wrong direction...
link Shez
I feel that way too! I get lost all the time and then I end up going in the wrong direction...
link Bernadetta
Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
link Bernadetta
Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
link Shez
We're in the Empire, south of the Airmid River.
link Shez
We're in the Empire, south of the Airmid River.
link Shez
Wait, I mean we're on the north bank of the river, which used to be part of the Alliance, but has since joined the Empire so...maybe Empire territory?
link Shez
Wait, I mean we're on the north bank of the river, which used to be part of the Alliance, but has since joined the Empire so...maybe Empire territory?
link Bernadetta
What? The Empire got bigger? Urgh, why does this stuff have to be so confusing...
link Monica
I know full well that this is not enough to deter Her Majesty from her path.
link Monica
But to think that someone would cause such an uproar in the Empire...
link Monica
No, that is something else entirely! We cannot allow it to stand!
link Shez
You got that right. This is completely indefensible. If someone's pulling the strings, we'll crush 'em.
link Shez
You got that right. This is completely indefensible. If someone's pulling the strings, we'll crush 'em.
link Monica
Your enthusiasm is exactly what we need. Let's charge ahead, clearing any debris that might fall in Her Majesty's path!
link Shez
Hold on. We don't have any actual proof that someone did this on purpose, however likely it might be.
link Shez
Hold on. We don't have any actual proof that someone did this on purpose, however likely it might be.
link Monica
It is excruciating to be reprimanded with such sound logic, especially coming from you.
link Manuela
Hanneman isn't here. He might've gone to Hrym.
link Manuela
I'm a bit worried about him. That old geezer is prone to the most spectacular blunders.
link Shez
I know how you feel. Yet another reason for us to get a move on.
link Shez
I know how you feel. Yet another reason for us to get a move on.
link Manuela
Oh, so you agree? I do hope he's all right.
link Shez
Yeah. We're all facing a lot of unknowns right now. I'm worried about him, too.
link Shez
Yeah. We're all facing a lot of unknowns right now. I'm worried about him, too.
link Manuela
Exactly. Worrying over his well-being is the least we can do.
link Jeritza
Hrym... I feel no particular attachment to that place.
link Jeritza
But those responsible for the chaos feel familiar...
link Jeritza
Heh. I suppose cutting them all down would serve to stave off boredom.
link Constance
When the city of Nuvelle fell, it was overrun by bandits and looters.
link Constance
At the time, the Imperial army had been so focused on fighting forces from Dagda that the city's guards were practically non-existent.
link Constance
But now, we've mobilized our forces and prioritized aiding the people, rather than the war itself. I feel misty-eyed with gratitude.
link Shez
Which means we're doing things different from how the Empire used to. That's gotta be a relief, right?
link Shez
Which means we're doing things different from how the Empire used to. That's gotta be a relief, right?
link Constance
Yes, precisely. The Empire has turned over a new leaf.
link Shez
I had no idea Nuvelle had gone through something so awful. We can't let it happen again.
link Shez
I had no idea Nuvelle had gone through something so awful. We can't let it happen again.
link Constance
You are exactly right. But I doubt we will have to worry about that with our present leadership.
link Hapi
I've kinda got a bad feeling about this. How do I describe it...
link Hapi
It's like I sense...darkness? Or something like that. It's hard to put into words.
link Shez
Darkness? You mean like...from me, for example?
link Shez
Darkness? You mean like...from me, for example?
link Hapi
Maybe. I might.
link Hapi
Which probably means my bad feeling isn't all that reliable.
link Shez
To be honest, I can sense it too. Whatever it is.
link Shez
To be honest, I can sense it too. Whatever it is.
link Hapi
link Hapi
Huh. But you know, I'm probably just imagining things.
link Ashe
I'm worried about everyone in Hrym. We need to get out there and help them as soon as we can.
link Ashe
I know I don't deserve the title anymore...
link Ashe
But a knight of Faerghus would never be so quick to abandon the townsfolk.
link Ignatz
The Airmid River divides Ordelia and Hrym territories. How odd for rioting to happen in both places at the same time.
link Ignatz
That can't be a coincidence. There must be something more to this than meets the eye.
link Shez
So...what do you think's happening, then?
link Shez
So...what do you think's happening, then?
link Ignatz
I don't really know. You should ask Hubert.
link Shez
Yep, definitely. Something's going on behind the scenes.
link Shez
Yep, definitely. Something's going on behind the scenes.
link Ignatz
You're just agreeing so I stop talking about it, aren't you? I'm being serious here!
link Balthus
Ordelia territory's in bad shape, yeah? Bah, I just wanna go help 'em.
link Shez
Any particular reason why?
link Shez
Any particular reason why?
link Balthus
Yeah. Count Ordelia really stuck his neck out for me back in the day.
link Balthus
It's not something I can repay with a couple of nice gestures. If only there was something I could do.
link Shez
You want to help them? OK, I'll go tell Edelgard.
link Shez
You want to help them? OK, I'll go tell Edelgard.
link Balthus
Without even askin' why? You're a real stand-up kind of person.
link Balthus
Thanks for sending those soldiers to Ordelia. I hear the count's safe and sound.
link Balthus
The chaos isn't fully under control yet, and it's not like this repays my debt to him...
link Balthus
But I can breathe a little easier now.
link Raphael
Everyone said the fighting would get worse the closer we got to the capital, but if anything it's felt like the opposite.
link Raphael
Instead, we're just walk, walk, walking all day! I'm gonna end up losing bulk at this rate!
link Raphael
Huh? We're going into Hrym territory? What part of the Kingdom is that?
link Lysithea
There's a lot of unrest in Ordelia, too. We have to hurry and do something!
link Lysithea
But how do these ordinary, run-of-the-mill ruffians manage to coordinate such widespread chaos?
link Shez
So...what exactly are you getting at?
link Shez
So...what exactly are you getting at?
link Lysithea
You mean you don't know? Honestly, what are we to do with you?
link Shez
There's gotta be some sort of mastermind behind this. I just don't know who it would be...
link Shez
There's gotta be some sort of mastermind behind this. I just don't know who it would be...
link Lysithea
You don't? I suppose it is a bit early to be jumping to conclusions.
link Lysithea
My parents are safe, but I won't be able to rest easy until we quell the commotion in Hrym.
link Lysithea
But how do these ordinary, run-of-the-mill ruffians manage to coordinate such widespread chaos?
link Shez
So...what exactly are you getting at?
link Shez
So...what exactly are you getting at?
link Lysithea
You mean you don't know? Honestly, what are we to do with you?
link Shez
There's gotta be some sort of mastermind behind this. I just don't know who it would be...
link Shez
There's gotta be some sort of mastermind behind this. I just don't know who it would be...
link Lysithea
You don't? I suppose it is a bit early to be jumping to conclusions.
link Marianne
Many people in the villages and towns ahead are suffering because they got caught in the uproar.
link Marianne
I must go and save them at once!
link Shez
You're right. It's up to people like us to help during times like these.
link Shez
You're right. It's up to people like us to help during times like these.
link Marianne
Yes. I have more determination to fight now than when we were fighting against the other regions!
link Shez
Well, that's quite some enthusiasm. Keep it up.
link Shez
Well, that's quite some enthusiasm. Keep it up.
link Marianne
Yes. I have more determination to fight now than when we were fighting against the other regions!
link Yuri
So Count Bergliez is headed west? Then the enemy won't be taking back their territory anytime soon.
link Yuri
But we've also pulled our main forces out of the area, which gives our foes a chance to regroup.
link Yuri
We need to consider what approach they'll take while we're dealing with the riots.
link Shez
You're right. We need to be thinking ahead.
link Shez
You're right. We need to be thinking ahead.
link Yuri
Let's settle this matter in Hrym as quickly as possible. For both the townsfolk's sake and our own.
link Shez
Sure, it's important to bear all that in mind, but I think for now we need to focus on the trouble right in front of us.
link Shez
Sure, it's important to bear all that in mind, but I think for now we need to focus on the trouble right in front of us.
link Yuri
I concur that we mustn't ignore the townsfolk, but even more lives will be lost if we lose sight of the bigger picture. Don't you agree?
link Mercedes
To be honest, I'm so relieved we managed to get through everything without killing Annie.
link Mercedes
I'm happy so long as she's alive. No matter how much she hates me.
link Mercedes
Oh... Um, I'm sorry. I think I need some time alone right now.
link Shez
I've never seen you look so exhausted, Mercedes. Don't push yourself too hard.
link Shez
I've never seen you look so exhausted, Mercedes. Don't push yourself too hard.
link Mercedes
Thank you, [HERO_MF]. I'll be fine. Please don't worry about me.
link Shez
All right... You must have a lot to process.
link Shez
All right... You must have a lot to process.
link Mercedes
You really don't need to worry so much. I just want to pray for my dear friend.
link Mercedes
Oh... Um, I'm sorry. I think I need some time alone right now.
link Shamir
What a mess. At least I know this isn't the church's doing.
link Shamir
The Knights of Seiros would usually be the ones fighting with everything they've got in this kind of situation.
link Shamir
The Imperial army, on the other hand, accepts full responsibility for protecting each and every one of their citizens.
link Shamir
Now that I've cut ties with the Central Church, I can really appreciate them taking on such a burden. I'm grateful for it.
link Byleth
So we're fighting bandits and scoundrels next?
link Byleth
It doesn't matter who we're up against. I'll cut them down all the same.
link Shez
Oh, um... Yeah! The Ashen Demon is as determined as ever, I see.
link Shez
Oh, um... Yeah! The Ashen Demon is as determined as ever, I see.
link Byleth
The name has nothing to do with it. We just have to join together and fight with all we have.
link Shez
You got that right. I'm not gonna let you outdo me either. Just watch, I'll do a better job than you.
link Shez
You got that right. I'm not gonna let you outdo me either. Just watch, I'll do a better job than you.
link Byleth
Let's do this together, instead. Things will work out better for the both of us that way.
link Byleth
So we're fighting bandits and scoundrels next?
link Byleth
It doesn't matter who we're up against. I'll cut them down all the same.
link Shez
Oh, um... Yeah! The Ashen Demon is as determined as ever, I see.
link Shez
Oh, um... Yeah! The Ashen Demon is as determined as ever, I see.
link Byleth
The name has nothing to do with it. We just have to join together and fight with all we have.
link Shez
You got that right. I'm not gonna let you outdo me either. Just watch, I'll do a better job than you.
link Shez
You got that right. I'm not gonna let you outdo me either. Just watch, I'll do a better job than you.
link Byleth
Let's do this together, instead. Things will work out better for the both of us that way.
link Jeralt
My work used to take me through Leicester all the time. Lot of familiar faces.
link Jeralt
For a time, there was a kid who called herself my best apprentice...
link Jeralt
I wonder what she's up to now? I think her name was Leonie.
link Ladislava
Professor Hanneman left this post to me and went to protect the townsfolk.
link Ladislava
He said he would be the one to save the people. It was quite admirable, actually.
link Ladislava
I am certain he can take care of himself, but I hope he regroups with us soon.
link ???
This situation's serious. All the rioting makes it impossible for us merchants to go about our business.
link ???
Well, make sure to stock up and do your part to stem the chaos!
link ???
Wait, you think I'm trying to turn this into a business opportunity? Why, I would never! Anyway, want to buy something?
link Alois
Hmm... I didn't expect this would happen. I hope the people in Hrym are all right.
link Alois
I quelled many a disturbance just like this back when I was with the knights.
link Alois
And though the place and my title may be different, I still fight for the people!
link Erwin
Both Ordelia and Hrym are in peril. We shall do all we can to aid them.
link Erwin
After all, Gloucester has been enjoying peace, far from the fires of war, ever since we formed this alliance.
link Erwin
We can certainly afford to deploy a large number of soldiers for the cause.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Something to report!
link Gatekeeper
Well, the things to report aren't actually happening around this gate.
link Gatekeeper
Both shores of the Airmid River to the east are apparently crawling with bandits!
link Gatekeeper
Fighting to protect the people... What a great responsibility. I hope I can help somehow.
link Arval
Something slithers among the shadows.
link Arval
And you—or should I say we?—are suspected of being involved.
link Arval
I wonder what outcome would be most advantageous for you...
link Lorenz
Father, perhaps we should leave Hrym to the other Imperial forces and take control of the situation in Ordelia.
link Lorenz
Father, perhaps we should leave Hrym to the other Imperial forces and station soldiers in Ordelia.
link Erwin
You are the count now, Lorenz. I cannot tell you no.
link Erwin
But you must consider it carefully. We are presently following the Empire's lead. Would it be wise for us to prioritize the stability of an Alliance territory?
link Lorenz
But if the chaos spreads from Ordelia, Gloucester will undoubtedly be harmed.
link Erwin
We must take a certain level of precaution, yes, but right now we should prioritize serving the Empire as much as we can.
link Lorenz
I see. You mean to say this is our only option if we newcomers are to build trust within the Empire.
link Lorenz
Understood, Father. I shall heed your advice today.
link Erwin
Do not myopically seek immediate gains. Always maintain a broader view. That is politics.
link Lorenz
All right. I shall bear that in mind.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hrym always makes me think of the Insurrection of the Seven. Oh, you're not familiar with it?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Hrym opposed the polices of Ionius IX, the previous emperor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Ionius IX subdued them, but then several key noble families, including House Aegir, banded together to wrest power from the emperor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Hrym is counted among the seven, but they had already lost their influence at that point.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And so Hrym lived under Prime Minister Aegir's charge for a great while.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hrym's my home turf! I'm not gonna let these malcontents get away with this!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I know there's nothing special about the place and it's kinda forgettable, but...well, we got really good fish!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And the bacchus? Downright delicious! Yeah, I know I'm just going on about the food and drink. What, you got a problem with that?!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My family sent a magistrate to a town in the eastern part of Hrym.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Now they have lost contact with him... What in the world is going on over there?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Perhaps we need to consider the worst-case scenario...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
After Hrym's defeat, they were placed under the former Duke Aegir's rule until his fall from grace.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The entire time, the taxes levied upon the people were somewhat harsher than those in Aegir territory to the south.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I've heard things are better now, but the residents have been aggrieved for many years.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Differences like that can add up, you know. Maybe that's what caused all of this.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Riegan's also got soldiers stationed at the Great Bridge of Myrddin up ahead.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I think that was part of the agreement we had with the Alliance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, they probably don't want the Imperial army moving in and out of Leicester without their knowing.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Claude is doing his best as Alliance leader, but now I see how quickly you all react to these situations.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It makes me wonder if I should fight for the Empire instead.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm sure the lords are still debating—well, arguing— at their roundtable meetings.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My partner died in the last battle. We'd been together for ages...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Nothin' to do about it now. Captain Jeralt decided we should work with the Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was convinced it was the right choice at the time...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My partner died in the last battle. We'd been together for ages...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Nothin' to do about it now. My partner decided that we should work with the Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was convinced it was the right choice at the time...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It looks like more bandits have gathered and are headed here from the west, too.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Maybe someone hired them, or they caught wind of the commotion...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Either way, we've got a big ol' pain in the neck looming on the horizon.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Boy, it sure is nice and warm in the south.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If I had my way, I'd work far to the south, maybe in Enbarr...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Have you heard about the dance master that lives in southwestern Hrym territory?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They apparently won the White Heron Cup dancing competition.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I had no idea such a contest even existed. I wonder what style of dance they do.