Raphael: We must divide our attention.
Jeralt: He is quite capable.
Thales: ...
Miklan: When we were children...
Rodrigue: We're gonna take that fort back!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: The Maiden or the Old General?
Jeritza: Edie said...
Ordelia General: House Ochs...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Did you hear?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: They're not a monolith, huh?
Metodey: Would you come help me?
Constance: My father returned to Gloucester.
: I hope to have a good look around.
Charon General: This is real bad news.
Shez: Funya munya...
Pittacus: There can be no doubt now.
Chilon: I hope they're all right.
Dominic General: What did I tell you?
Viscount Fenja: I see.
Dorothea: What else should I have done?
Sylvain: What else should I have done?
???: Does this mean the Empire could split?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'll tell you...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's the biggest crisis since the start of the war!
???: Don't you think it was a bit harsh?
???: Fort Merceus...
Hunter: The key port in the east...
???: Welcome, welcome!
???: I have come from the Imperial capital.
???: Were you aware...
???: The rumors might be exaggerated.
???: Do you know Viscount Fenja?
???: It's already over!
Tomas: Duke Aegir...
Tomas: Duke Aegir...
Myson: Can you please not?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am truly glad.
Viscount Enid: It wouldn't be a problem.
Rufus: You hear that?
Viscount Hymir: Hey now.
Adrienne: Let me introduce you!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I must thank you.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I must thank you.
Myson: Heh.
Viscount Enid: A worthless opponent.
Rufus: I wonder if this is the only way.
Viscount Hymir: Leonie...
Viscount Hymir: Leonie...
Adrienne: Our paths had just crossed again...
Adrienne: Captain...
Adrienne: Captain...
link Edelgard
The former Duke Aegir is not the only problem we're facing. We have the Kingdom, the Alliance, and those within the Empire to contend with, as well.
link Edelgard
We must divide our attention among these many issues all at once.
link Shez
That sounds like a ton of work. I wish there was more I could do outside of battle...
link Shez
That sounds like a ton of work. I wish there was more I could do outside of battle...
link Edelgard
Well, we have plenty of work to go around, so all you need to do is ask.
link Shez
I know it won't be a problem for you, Edelgard. You can overcome any difficulty.
link Shez
I know it won't be a problem for you, Edelgard. You can overcome any difficulty.
link Edelgard
You're quite the optimist, aren't you? Well, I suppose that is better than the alternative.
link Hubert
We almost have a complete grasp of their formations within Fort Merceus.
link Hubert
However, that information alone does not guarantee our victory. The fort's defenses are substantial.
link Hubert
The former Duke Aegir is quite capable, though those who slither in the dark are likely assisting him.
link Shez
I didn't expect you to think so highly of him.
link Shez
I didn't expect you to think so highly of him.
link Hubert
Of course I do. He may be a fool in many other ways, but I acknowledge competency when I see it.
link Shez
Yeah, he might be more powerful than we imagine. We'll have to stay on our toes when we lay siege to the fort.
link Shez
Yeah, he might be more powerful than we imagine. We'll have to stay on our toes when we lay siege to the fort.
link Hubert
You think so? I may have praise for the former duke's skillful capture of the fortress...
link Hubert
But I am no more inclined to pay heed to the fool's deployment of tactics or his martial prowess.
link Ferdinand
Oh, hello. I was just coming up with a strategy.
link Ferdinand
I know my father better than anyone, so does it not follow that I would be the best person to guess at his thinking?
link Shez
You doing OK, Ferdinand? I can't imagine a father and son trying to kill each other...
link Shez
You doing OK, Ferdinand? I can't imagine a father and son trying to kill each other...
link Ferdinand
You need not worry about me. I am heir to House Aegir.
link Ferdinand
I will walk the right path for the Empire. How could I call myself a noble if I did not?
link Shez
You sure are. How about you go ahead and decide all our troops' positions then?
link Shez
You sure are. How about you go ahead and decide all our troops' positions then?
link Ferdinand
Come now, none of that. Our forces ought to use my thoughts as a basis for planning.
link Ferdinand
Were I to do it myself, Hubert would simply scoff and proclaim my positioning to be "idiotic."
link Linhardt
Caspar would often drag me along to Fort Merceus when we were children. We played there quite a bit.
link Linhardt
It is an enormous fortress city, with a sprawling town, open fields, and even a lake. All your imagination could come up with is housed within its great walls.
link Linhardt
It would well be worth taking a look around if we weren't going there for a battle.
link Shez
I bet it looks way different from Arianrhod. I'm excited to see it.
link Shez
I bet it looks way different from Arianrhod. I'm excited to see it.
link Linhardt
Undaunted, are you? Well, I suppose that's nothing new.
link Shez
We definitely don't have time to be sightseeing right now. We'll just have to hope we can look around after we win.
link Shez
We definitely don't have time to be sightseeing right now. We'll just have to hope we can look around after we win.
link Linhardt
Yes, I suppose victory should be our first priority.
link Caspar
This never would've happened if my father had been at the fort.
link Caspar
No point crying over spilled milk though. We're gonna take that fort back!
link Caspar
And I know my brother's been taken hostage, but you don't need to worry about him. He was prepared for this. We're a warrior family after all.
link Shez
What about your other family members? They're not being held hostage, are they?
link Shez
What about your other family members? They're not being held hostage, are they?
link Caspar
Nah, no need to worry. Everyone else is in the capital. That's where most of the nobles are, you know.
link Shez
I'm still worried about him. He's your only brother, right?
link Shez
I'm still worried about him. He's your only brother, right?
link Caspar
Yeah, but... Ah, whatever. I appreciate the sentiment.
link Bernadetta
Duke Aegir... Wait, he's now the former Duke Aegir, right? I wonder where he's been all this time.
link Bernadetta
Duke Aegir... Wait, he's now the former Duke Aegir, right? I wonder where he's been all this time.
link Bernadetta
He must've holed himself up somewhere. I wish I had a place like that.
link Petra
Arianrhod is the Silver Maiden. Merceus is the Stubborn Old General, yes?
link Petra
Despite being a maiden, she was formidable. I am imagining the old general is even more greatly formidable.
link Shez
Wouldn't the maiden be more formidable? The old general is...well, old.
link Shez
Wouldn't the maiden be more formidable? The old general is...well, old.
link Petra
Are you thinking so? I am the opposite.
link Petra
We must be wary of veteran wisdom and skill. A maiden's heart is easy to be changed.
link Shez
A stubborn old man or a young woman, huh... Between the two, I'd rather not cross swords with the old man.
link Shez
A stubborn old man or a young woman, huh... Between the two, I'd rather not cross swords with the old man.
link Shez
Among mercenaries, those who live the longest tend to have a reputation for being the toughest to take down.
link Shez
Among mercenaries, those who live the longest tend to have a reputation for being the toughest to take down.
link Petra
I see. Again, you show your mercenary wisdom. I am learning much.
link Dorothea
Edie says the nobility shouldn't exist anymore.
link Dorothea
I guess you could say this is the first step in that direction.
link Shez
What do you mean by first step?
link Shez
What do you mean by first step?
link Dorothea
The nobles who've taken hostile action are likely to be punished one way or another, right?
link Dorothea
I'm certain that their roles as nobles will be replaced with something else.
link Shez
Do you agree with her? That nobility should be done away with, I mean.
link Shez
Do you agree with her? That nobility should be done away with, I mean.
link Dorothea
Of course. I wouldn't be fighting with her if I didn't.
link Shez
Yeah, maybe. But don't we still need nobles to rule our territories?
link Shez
Yeah, maybe. But don't we still need nobles to rule our territories?
link Dorothea
I'm not sure. Edie and the others are trying to figure out what will take the nobles' place.
link Dorothea
Could be you. Could be me. Who knows?
link Dorothea
Could be you. Could be me. Who knows?
link Monica
My house is following Her Majesty because I am here.
link Monica
If that weren't the case, then I should expect they would've followed the former duke instead. My house is very old-fashioned, you see.
link Monica
My father, the current baron, is an outlier even among the rest of my house. He was forced into accepting the title, you know.
link Manuela
Heh, it seems my longtime rival has taken his final bow before me.
link Manuela
There is a gaping hole in my heart. Try as I might, I cannot rouse myself.
link Manuela
I can almost hear him now: "Why are you so despondent? This is completely out of character for you."
link Manuela
How I wish I could say back, "That's none of your concern, you doddering old geezer!"
link Hanneman
I must thank you. You were a great help to me. I suppose I went a bit beyond my own means.
link Hanneman
But I cannot simply stand by when I see so many people suffering...
link Hanneman
It's just... I am certain Manuela would have done the same if she were alive. Ah well.
link Hanneman
I must thank you. You were a great help to me. I suppose I went a bit beyond my own means.
link Hanneman
But I cannot simply stand by when I see so many people suffering...
link Hanneman
However... Ah, it's nothing. Pay me no mind.
link Jeritza
Duke Aegir. A worthless opponent.
link Jeritza
The man has some intelligence, but is overall a useless wretch who seeks aid from maggots.
link Mercedes
In the past, the Kingdom faced attacks from Sreng to the north, and noble uprisings, as well.
link Mercedes
It must be the same all over the world. Even a minor spark can explode into the fire of conflict.
link Mercedes
I wonder if the only way we can resolve anything is by hurting each other...
link Constance
Did you hear that in his efforts to overthrow the emperor...
link Constance
Duke Aegir called on countless nobles to try and negotiate. However!
link Constance
Why was Nuvelle not among them? Does our revival not serve as an attractive lure for other regions?!
link Shez
Hmm... Maybe it's been too long since you lost your title?
link Shez
Hmm... Maybe it's been too long since you lost your title?
link Shez
I guess he didn't think you had enough influence to be of any use.
link Shez
I guess he didn't think you had enough influence to be of any use.
link Constance
Hmph. There may be some truth in that, but I find it extremely irritating to be passed over in such a way!
link Shez
Why are you mad about it? You do realize you'd be on the other side if he came to you, right?
link Shez
Why are you mad about it? You do realize you'd be on the other side if he came to you, right?
link Constance
How dare you assume I would join him! I am only furious to be passed over!
link Hapi
I guess those who slither in the dark aren't a monolith, huh?
link Hapi
There was Cornelia, and Thales, was it? And now Solon...
link Hapi
I think they all just do whatever they want to do.
link Hapi
I wonder if they'll pop up again in Merceus.
link Ashe
Oh, [HERO_MF]. Do you want to come with me to Hrym later to help with rebuilding efforts?
link Ashe
There's all kinds of work that needs doing. Stuff like building repairs and tossing out rubble...
link Ashe
I want the townsfolk to go back to their old lives as soon as possible.
link Shez
Of course I'll go. You know, I haven't seen you look this cheerful in a while.
link Shez
Of course I'll go. You know, I haven't seen you look this cheerful in a while.
link Ashe
Is that so? Sorry if I made you worry...
link Ashe
I want the townsfolk to go back to their old lives as soon as possible.
link Shez
Hmm... That's a good idea, but we're in the middle of an emergency. We don't have time to go back to Hrym.
link Shez
Hmm... That's a good idea, but we're in the middle of an emergency. We don't have time to go back to Hrym.
link Ashe
Then we'll go when we have time. There are a lot of people there who need help.
link Ashe
I want the townsfolk to go back to their old lives as soon as possible.
link Lorenz
My father returned to Gloucester to bolster security on the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
link Lorenz
He mentioned that he wanted to prepare in case forces sympathetic to this rebellion appear.
link Lorenz
He encourages me to serve the Empire, while he remains quite concerned about Leicester.
link Lorenz
He has always been difficult to read, but I feel as though I've grown to understand him better as of late.
link Ignatz
Fort Merceus is an impenetrable fortress city that was designed to serve as defense for the Imperial capital.
link Ignatz
It's also called the Stubborn Old General. As that nickname suggests, it has a very long history.
link Ignatz
Taking it back won't be a simple matter, but I hope I can have a good look around if we manage to win.
link Balthus
Ugh, this is real bad news.
link Balthus
There's this guy back in Enbarr that I owe a whole bunch of money to and now he's joined up with old Duke Aegir.
link Shez
Why's that bad news? Just pay him back.
link Shez
Why's that bad news? Just pay him back.
link Balthus
That's what's so bad about this. If he falls in this fight...
link Balthus
Then I couldn't pay him back even if I wanted to. It just feels lousy, like I'm wriggling out of my debt.
link Shez
Don't tell me you want to defeat him just so you can get out of paying your debt?
link Shez
Don't tell me you want to defeat him just so you can get out of paying your debt?
link Balthus
Hold on now! Don't go trashing my good name like that! I'm not trying to get out of my debts.
link Raphael
Some Imperial nobles over there were havin' a real serious conversation.
link Raphael
I listened in and I kept hearing 'em say something that sounded like "funya munya." Wonder what that's all about.
link Shez
Maybe they were talking about what they say in their sleep?
link Shez
Maybe they were talking about what they say in their sleep?
link Raphael
Could be. But they looked too serious to be talking about stuff like that.
link Raphael
Hm... Wait, maybe it wasn't "funya munya." Could it have been "fenyuh menyuh"?
link Shez
Maybe you heard the enemy using some unknown language? The bad guys have got some real inscrutable characters among them.
link Shez
Maybe you heard the enemy using some unknown language? The bad guys have got some real inscrutable characters among them.
link Raphael
Oh yeah, that makes sense. You're so smart!
link Raphael
Hm... Wait, maybe it wasn't "funya munya." Could it have been "fenyuh menyuh"?
link Lysithea
I heard there were a number of suspicious mages among the forces that attacked Fort Merceus.
link Lysithea
There can be no doubt now. This is the work of those who slither in the dark.
link Lysithea
I couldn't care less about the former Duke Aegir, but we absolutely have to get their leader this time!
link Marianne
I hope everyone who's been taken hostage is all right.
link Marianne
Will they be punished for our attack?
link Marianne
Oh, Goddess, please protect them.
link Yuri
So they seized the fort during the Minister of Military Affairs' absence. Hah! What did I tell you?
link Yuri
We have to treat this as though the entire town has been taken hostage against us, too. We cannot mess this up.
link Yuri
Not only that, but they've holed themselves up in the infamous Fort Merceus, of all places. How on earth are we going to tackle this?
link Shez
Do you have some sort of secret plan, maybe? I dunno, like ferreting out some hidden passages or something?
link Shez
Do you have some sort of secret plan, maybe? I dunno, like ferreting out some hidden passages or something?
link Yuri
What? You want to put me to work too? I might consider it if you provide enough incentive...
link Yuri
Though neither you nor Her Majesty could afford the price for me to risk my life.
link Shez
They might be our enemy, but I'm pretty impressed with their skills. We need to strike with a considered, bold offense.
link Shez
They might be our enemy, but I'm pretty impressed with their skills. We need to strike with a considered, bold offense.
link Yuri
You're right. We can't just rely on our commanders to make the decisions for us. We should all think of a strategy, together.
link Yuri
We'll jeopardize our fight with the Kingdom if we make a mistake. Ugh, my head is starting to hurt from all this constant tightrope walking.
link Shamir
I see... Our enemies this time are the Empire's old rulers.
link Shamir
This is good. We'll be able to bring them down without a complicated hassle afterward.
link Shamir
But to be honest I wouldn't mind taking out those who've changed sides to join Edelgard, either.
link Shamir
I see... Our enemies this time are the Empire's old rulers.
link Shamir
This is good. We'll be able to bring them down without a complicated hassle afterward.
link Shamir
But to be honest I wouldn't mind taking out those who've changed sides to join Edelgard, either.
link Shez
What do you mean, Shamir?
link Shez
What do you mean, Shamir?
link Shamir
I've been in some life-or-death battles with the Empire before, when I was a mercenary in Dagda.
link Shamir
All I mean is that there are plenty of people who want to get even for the past.
link Shez
That's a dangerous thing to say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but be careful who you say that to.
link Shez
That's a dangerous thing to say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but be careful who you say that to.
link Shamir
I know. Anyway, maybe we can swap mercenary stories sometime.
link Shez
That's a dangerous thing to say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but be careful who you say that to.
link Shez
That's a dangerous thing to say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but be careful who you say that to.
link Shamir
I know that. I'm only telling you because you're someone I can trust.
link Byleth
I gave up on the people I knew couldn't be saved, and switched to rescuing those who I thought still had a chance.
link Byleth
And they called me a demon for it. What else should I have done?
link Shez
Those who need help never think about what the person helping them is going through.
link Shez
Those who need help never think about what the person helping them is going through.
link Shez
Hmm. Hard to say what you should do. You really are tough to read.
link Shez
Hmm. Hard to say what you should do. You really are tough to read.
link Byleth
I guess I'll have to work on that, then.
link Shez
There will always be people who can't accept the right decision. Don't worry about it.
link Shez
There will always be people who can't accept the right decision. Don't worry about it.
link Byleth
I know, but... I always end up thinking back and wondering if I could've done something different.
link Byleth
I gave up on the people I knew couldn't be saved, and switched to rescuing those who I thought still had a chance.
link Byleth
And they called me a demon for it. What else should I have done?
link Shez
Those who need help never think about what the person helping them is going through.
link Shez
Those who need help never think about what the person helping them is going through.
link Shez
Hmm. Hard to say what you should do. You really are tough to read.
link Shez
Hmm. Hard to say what you should do. You really are tough to read.
link Byleth
I guess I'll have to work on that, then.
link Shez
There will always be people who can't accept the right decision. Don't worry about it.
link Shez
There will always be people who can't accept the right decision. Don't worry about it.
link Byleth
I know, but... I always end up thinking back and wondering if I could've done something different.
link Jeralt
Did you know Leonie too? The girl that was in Hrym?
link Jeralt
She was basically my first apprentice. I wish I could've saved her somehow...
link Jeralt
If any of the people behind the riots are still around, I'll kill 'em to avenge her.
link Jeralt
Leonie...I'm disappointed in you. What kind of apprentice passes before their teacher?
link Jeralt
Maybe she would've never joined this army if I hadn't been here.
link Jeralt
I know this is just how life goes when you're a mercenary, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
link Leonie
Captain... Just when our paths had crossed again...
link Leonie
There was still so much I wanted to learn from you! So much for us to talk about!
link Leonie
Watch over me, Captain. I'll kill the former duke and avenge you.
link Leonie
I heard Jeralt's Mercenaries are fighting with you all.
link Leonie
But the Captain fell in battle, didn't he?
link Leonie
Watch over me, Captain. I'm gonna become the best merc around.
link Leonie
Captain... And here I was hoping we'd get to fight together.
link Leonie
I'll never let those slithering people get away with this.
link Leonie
Just you watch, Captain. I'll avenge you.
link ???
Does this mean the Empire could split? I really, really hope that doesn't happen.
link ???
For the sake of everyone's day-to-day lives, and for the sake of my own trade too, of course!
link ???
I don't know what'll happen if the nobles break up and start clashing over territory and supremacy all over again.
link Alois
The church always dispatched the knights quickly when fighting arose and people came to harm.
link Alois
Because of that, some of the knights specialized in transport and construction.
link Alois
On occasion they'd rope me into those duties too, but I'll tell you... I was always in awe of their knowledge and experience.
link Alois
Maybe we could learn a thing or two from some parts of the church.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Something to report!
link Gatekeeper
I can't believe we're gonna be fighting people from the Empire! This has got to be the biggest crisis we've faced since the start of the war!
link Gatekeeper
I'll tell you what, though! I knew right away that the string-pullers weren't from the Empire.
link Gatekeeper
Don't you agree?
link Arval
You know who is behind this insurrection, don't you?
link Arval
I wonder if you are equipped to deal with another opponent while the Ashen Demon still draws breath.
link Arval
But equipped or no, this war will take a turn for the worse before long. I promise I will do what I can to aid you when it does.
link Arval
You know who is behind this insurrection, don't you?
link Arval
I wonder if you are equipped to deal with our enemy that looms on the horizon.
link Arval
But equipped or no, this war will take a turn for the worse before long. I promise I will do what I can to aid you when it does.
link Hanneman
You were of great help to me in Hrym, Manuela. I am truly glad you were there.
link Manuela
Can you please not, Hanneman?
link Manuela
It chills me to my core when you thank me so earnestly.
link Hanneman
Excuse me?! Of all the nerve! I am attempting to offer my heartfelt thanks, and you claim I give you the chills?!
link Hanneman
Did no one teach you proper manners?
link Manuela
That's none of your concern, you doddering old geezer! Honestly, this feels less like gratitude and more like openly insulting me!
link Mercedes
You hear that, [HERO_MF]? He's telling me I shouldn't fight! Can you believe that?
link Jeritza
All I said was there is no need for you to go out of your way...
link Jeritza
I can kill in your place... It wouldn't be a problem...
link Shez
Wait, that wouldn't work. You occupy completely different roles in battle. It doesn't make sense for you to take over for her.
link Shez
Wait, that wouldn't work. You occupy completely different roles in battle. It doesn't make sense for you to take over for her.
link Mercedes
That's right! I have my role and you have yours.
link Jeritza
Once this battle is over, we will be continuing our fight in the Kingdom.
link Jeritza
You would be unhappy if you had to strike down old acquaintances.
link Mercedes
I appreciate your concern. But I'm all right now. You don't have to worry about me.
link Shez
I don't really get what's going on, but that sounds like it'd be fine. You can fight for two, can't you, Jeritza?
link Shez
I don't really get what's going on, but that sounds like it'd be fine. You can fight for two, can't you, Jeritza?
link Mercedes
No, he absolutely can't! Our strengths and weaknesses are completely different.
link Jeritza
Once this battle is over, we will be continuing our fight in the Kingdom.
link Jeritza
You would be unhappy if you had to strike down old acquaintances.
link Mercedes
I appreciate your concern. But I'm all right now. You don't have to worry about me.
link Mercedes
You hear that, [HERO_MF]? He's telling me I shouldn't fight! Can you believe that?
link Jeritza
All I said was there is no need for you to go out of your way...
link Jeritza
I can kill in your place... It wouldn't be a problem...
link Shez
Wait, that wouldn't work. You occupy completely different roles in battle. It doesn't make sense for you to take over for her.
link Shez
Wait, that wouldn't work. You occupy completely different roles in battle. It doesn't make sense for you to take over for her.
link Mercedes
That's right! I have my role and you have yours.
link Jeritza
Once this battle is over, we will be continuing our fight in the Kingdom.
link Jeritza
You would be unhappy if you had to strike down another old acquaintance.
link Mercedes
I appreciate your concern. But I'm all right now. You don't have to worry about me.
link Shez
I don't really get what's going on, but that sounds like it'd be fine. You can fight for two, can't you, Jeritza?
link Shez
I don't really get what's going on, but that sounds like it'd be fine. You can fight for two, can't you, Jeritza?
link Mercedes
No, he absolutely can't! Our strengths and weaknesses are completely different.
link Jeritza
Once this battle is over, we will be continuing our fight in the Kingdom.
link Jeritza
You would be unhappy if you had to strike down another old acquaintance.
link Mercedes
I appreciate your concern. But I'm all right now. You don't have to worry about me.
link Leonie
Hey, [HERO_MF]! Let me introduce you. This is Jeralt, my captain!
link Jeralt
Hey, you're the newcomer here. Shouldn't I be introducing you?
link Leonie
Your introduction wouldn't mention that I'm your first and best apprentice, so...nah.
link Jeralt
Look. You've been asleep this whole time because of the poison the enemy hit you with.
link Jeralt
And you were just a kid when I taught you the basics of being a mercenary.
link Jeralt
I was just humoring you back then, to kill time. I don't remember taking you on as my apprentice.
link Leonie
How can you say something so harsh after changing my life?! Are you trying to make me cry? Because I'm on the verge of tears here!
link Jeralt
Come on, don't get all worked up. OK, you're my first and greatest apprentice. Happy now?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Alliance leader ordered me to rush over here when we heard our allies were in danger.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But then I was told you don't need any assistance capturing the fort. Instead I was asked to maintain order in the areas near Alliance territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Don't you think that was a bit harsh, considering I came all this way?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, I suppose it's just like him to send me off without waiting for a reply from you.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Fort Merceus was built back when the Empire was only about the size of Hresvelg territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They constructed the massive military base in order to subdue other clans in the area.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
After that, it ended up serving as the guardian of the Imperial capital, and kept getting updated and expanded. The rest is history.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Just as the key port in the west is what used to be Nuvelle, the key port in the east is Boramas, in Aegir territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Of course, if we were to consider sheer size, then the one in Enbarr could be a contender.
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But the port in Boramas is much easier to use since it faces the inland Pearl Sea, whereas the one in Enbarr looks out onto foreign waters.
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What is it? Look, I'm trying real hard to act like a merchant right now...
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Please don't talk to me. I'm busy with the mission.
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Ahem. Welcome, welcome! I have some great items on sale today!
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I have come to deliver a letter to Her Majesty from Count Hevring in the Imperial capital.
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You are aware that the former Duke Aegir is attempting to spy on the capital from Fort Merceus, yes?
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Are we truly going to be all right? Am I going to be able to get back safely?
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Did you know that if you travel east of here, pass through Aegir territory, and sail across the sea...
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You'll come to Morfis, the metropolis of magic. Beyond that is a long trade route that heads east.
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Aegir territory took over that trade route, and even came to own some fertile land that faces the sea.
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House Bergliez is incredibly powerful, nigh invincible, and is second to none when it comes to martial prowess.
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Or so people say, at any rate. I believed it too.
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They haven't really put on a good showing lately though, have they? First all that business with Leicester, and now this.
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I dunno, they're probably doing just fine, right? The rumors might just be a little exaggerated.
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Do you know Viscount Fenja? I've got a bone to pick with that odious woman.
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She's apparently joined up with the former Duke Aegir, so this is the perfect opportunity for revenge.
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How dare she ridicule my father, just because he's a commoner...
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Duke Aegir could've chosen a different time for an uprising.
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I mean, the Great Tree Moon is already over!
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It's the new year, and we haven't gotten any rest at all because of this mess he caused.