Leonie: Hm...
Dimitri: I loathe that man.
Kostas: Cheer up, Felix.
Metodey: It'll be all right.
Yuri: Oh, Ashe...
Rufus: I heard something when we were leaving...
Byleth: Well, now! Are you a student?
???: We have to help them.
???: She's not here?
???: Have you heard the rumors?
???: To be honest...
???: Such a waste...
???: I swear I'll do something this time.
???: What is the grand duke thinking?
Mage: Is that...Gustave?
???: Under Garreg Mach...
link Shez
We'll be in Fhirdiad before we know it... Guess I should see what the others are up to.
link Shez
We'll be in Fhirdiad before we know it... Guess I should see what the others are up to.
link Shez
All right, I better get some rest before the fighting kicks off.
link Shez
All right, I better get some rest before the fighting kicks off.
Leonie: I see you have spoken with everyone.
link Dimitri
I had a missive sent to my uncle, but I wager I'll not receive a reply.
link Dimitri
Please continue with preparations so we can set out immediately if the fighting starts.
link Shez
Don't look so glum, Dimitri. Everyone fights with their family at some point in their life.
link Shez
Don't look so glum, Dimitri. Everyone fights with their family at some point in their life.
link Dimitri
Heh. You've a wit like a rapier. Perhaps I'd do well to pick up on a bit of that cheer.
link Shez
Enough moping, Dimitri. You're really gonna start hurting morale around here if you don't pull yourself together.
link Shez
Enough moping, Dimitri. You're really gonna start hurting morale around here if you don't pull yourself together.
link Dimitri
Yes, I suppose it is a bit pathetic. Perhaps I'll swing my lance around and try to exercise myself out of this malaise.
link Dimitri
I see you have spoken with everyone. The consideration is much appreciated.
link Dimitri
We shall depart the moment everything is ready. Please be sure to rest until then.
link Dedue
I loathe the grand duke. He tried to harm His Highness on countless occasions.
link Dedue
His Highness's first campaign was suppressing the rebellion in the west. That too was a plot of the grand duke.
link Dedue
Only because of House Fraldarius did His Highness emerge unscathed.
link Dedue
Assassination attempts continued unceasingly in the palace afterward as well. And given what happened with King Lambert and Duscur...
link Dedue
His Highness must be aware of the man's ill intent.
link Shez
It's surprising to hear you just come out and say it like that.
link Shez
It's surprising to hear you just come out and say it like that.
link Dedue
link Mercedes
Now that I think about it, I heard something when we were leaving Garreg Mach.
link Mercedes
Evidently, Professor Jeritza set out for the Imperial capital along with the Black Eagles.
link Mercedes
And if I'm not mistaken, most of the Knights of Seiros had some sort of business which kept them from joining us on this mission.
link Mercedes
I'm certain it's not academy-related, but I wonder what Annie and the others are doing.
link Rodrigue
Well, now! Are you a student at the Officers Academy? I am Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius.
link Rodrigue
The very man at the center of the maelstrom we find ourselves in. You have my apologies for getting you involved in this recent discord.
link Rodrigue
Military strength will be essential if we are to take the royal capital, so I would ask your aid in the matter if at all possible.
link Shez
So you must be Felix's dad.
link Shez
So you must be Felix's dad.
link Rodrigue
Indeed, and I hear you have been quite the boon to my son.
link Shez
Hey, the name's [HERO_MF]. I'm working with the Blue Lions, at least for the time being.
link Shez
Hey, the name's [HERO_MF]. I'm working with the Blue Lions, at least for the time being.
link Rodrigue
Then we are well met.
link Gustave
I am Gilbert, charged with commanding the Knights of Seiros in the coming battle.
link Gustave
Should the need arise, I hope you will rely on me. I will not permit any harm to come to the students of the Officers Academy.
link Gustave
However, that does not mean every one of the Blue Lions will be joining us.
link Shez
Yeah, I guess Annette must have had some reason for not coming along, huh?
link Shez
Yeah, I guess Annette must have had some reason for not coming along, huh?
link Gustave
I suppose so, yes.
link Shez
That's good to hear—I can tell that you know what to do with a sword.
link Shez
That's good to hear—I can tell that you know what to do with a sword.
link Gustave
It is perhaps my only saving grace.
link Shez
The fact you were specifically dispatched here must mean you have some connection to the Kingdom— or maybe even the royal capital?
link Shez
The fact you were specifically dispatched here must mean you have some connection to the Kingdom— or maybe even the royal capital?
link Gustave
Indeed, but only slightly more than the other knights.
link Sylvain
Hey, cheer up, Felix. Your dad's getting worried.
link Sylvain
I know how unpleasant it feels to have people make weird claims about your family.
link Felix
Don't act as if you have it all figured out. That sort of thing would never bother me.
link Sylvain
Look, if you're that concerned about His Highness, you should just say something to him.
link Felix
Hmph. Why should the job of cheering him up fall to me?
link Shez
So if that's not what's bothering you, why do you look like you just got punched in the gut?
link Shez
So if that's not what's bothering you, why do you look like you just got punched in the gut?
link Felix
Because a certain someone's indecision is making me sick to my stomach.
link Shez
Really? 'Cause I think most people would take issue with their family getting pinned with a crime they hadn't actually committed.
link Shez
Really? 'Cause I think most people would take issue with their family getting pinned with a crime they hadn't actually committed.
link Felix
Ridiculous as it might sound, that's what politics is all about these days. There'd be no end to the anger if you got frustrated at every slight to your family name.
link Felix
Still, you can hardly blame me if a certain someone's indecision is getting on my nerves.
link Sylvain
Look, if you're that concerned about His Highness, you should just say something to him.
link Felix
Hmph. Why should the job of cheering him up fall to me?
link Ingrid
Are you sure this is OK, Ashe? Lord Lonato was once a servant of the grand duke, after all.
link Ashe
Yes. When he learned of the circumstances, he told me to hold on to what I believed was just.
link Ashe
Which is exactly why I'm going to do what I believe in, Ingrid. Don't worry.
link Ingrid
Maybe you really are suited to be a knight, Ashe.
link Shez
Lord Lonato is your adoptive father, right, Ashe? He sounds like quite the man.
link Shez
Lord Lonato is your adoptive father, right, Ashe? He sounds like quite the man.
link Ashe
Thanks. I hope to be just like him someday.
link Shez
Sorry, I'm still getting used to all this nobility stuff. Who's this Lord Lonato guy again?
link Shez
Sorry, I'm still getting used to all this nobility stuff. Who's this Lord Lonato guy again?
link Ashe
Lonato is the head of House Gaspard, and also my adoptive father.
link Ashe
Which is exactly why I'm going to do what I believe in, Ingrid. Don't worry.
link Ingrid
Maybe you really are suited to be a knight, Ashe.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
After the death of the previous king, most of the royal knights were apparently taken under the command of Rufus, the grand duke of Itha.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Some portion escaped the capital and rejoined with us here, but not all.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There are evidently still some in Fhirdiad who are resisting, and I want nothing more than to help them.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She isn't here? No! I thought for sure she'd show up for a fight in the Kingdom!
link Shez
Uh...who isn't here?
link Shez
Uh...who isn't here?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Why, Thunder Catherine, of course! She's a swordswoman who wields one of the Heroes' Relics.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She's the most powerful of all the knights, and I thought this would be a chance to go head-to-head with her and see who could bury the most enemies.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But hey, if she's not here, she's not here. I'll just have to beat our foes twice as hard!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There are rumors floating about regarding the grand duke of Itha. Perhaps you have heard them?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
People claim he had the previous king assassinated, and that he was involved in the Tragedy of Duscur.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And while most rumors are naught but wind, something about these seem strangely credible.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There have long been whisperings about discord between the grand duke and the late king. Not to mention the man's relationship with His Highness.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
To be honest, I'm a little afraid of His Highness... I mean, he's definitely a good person! Don't get me wrong or anything!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He's usually got a somber look on his face, but his instructions to his troops are always clear.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But still...that face! I've got no idea what's going on in his head. Is he sad? Is he calm? It's impossible to tell!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And he was born with that inhuman strength of his, right? It sure makes him hard to approach. What if I make him mad?!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Rufus has always been a sharp one, I tell you what. None could ever match him when it came to political acumen.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But while everyone recognized his talent, he had no Crest—so the throne ended up going to his younger brother, Lambert.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Lambert was the polar opposite of his brother in nature and temperament, though he possessed a natural genius in matters of tactics.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Can't help but wonder what would have been if the pair of them could have worked together to govern the Kingdom.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Do you know what sort of life His Highness led when he lived in Fhirdiad before coming to the academy? Well, I'll tell you!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Under the pretext of guarding him, the grand duke provided an "escort" who watched his every move at all times.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Despite having committed no crime, he was basically put under house arrest. Word is they even read his letters! Can you imagine?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Sadly, we minor knights on the fringes could do little for him.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But this time, I'm going to help! That's why I fled the capital and came running here!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
As a member of House Brennius, the present situation is one I simply cannot leave be.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
To begin with, His Highness Dimitri's succession to the throne was duly agreed upon and acknowledged by the archbishop herself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
After the death of His Majesty, my house and the other lords made preparations with that intent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Yet the grand duke would now attempt to overthrow that agreement?! I won't let it stand!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That knight can't be Gustave, can he? True, he claims his name to be Gilbert, and yet...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Heh. I never would have believed that the man who abandoned his country would return at this late hour.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Did you know there's a whole town under Garreg Mach? A bunch of suspicious characters live there.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They call it Abyss... I wonder what those folks are really like.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The church leave 'em alone though, so they must not've been involved in that business with Tomas.