Leonie: Forgive me.
Dimitri: Are there any complaints?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: That doesn't matter to me.
Metodey: What a relief.
Rufus: It's not what I had in mind.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We have to do our best.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I hope I can persuade him.
Yuri: Well...
???: Truly a sight to behold.
Byleth: I owe you my thanks.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: The cold is wearing on me.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It really was her.
Jeritza: I was quite surprised.
Tomas: Where are we?
Arval: 'Tis a pity.
Matthias: Friends are wonderful, aren't they?
Anaximandros: Can't wait to see her again.
???: You all sure seem busy.
???: My brother...
???: Everywhere's the same.
???: It is painful to have to fight them.
???: What a fool.
???: I am most grateful!
???: How surprising.
???: I wonder where he is now.
???: I would've loved to see it!
???: The rumors don't seem to be true.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Greetings, Commander!
Kostas: I guess he's reliable after all.
Kostas: I guess he's reliable after all.
Arval: We can ill afford excessive deliberation.
Kostas: It can't hurt to ask.
link Shez
What is it, Dimitri?
link Shez
What is it, Dimitri?
link Dimitri
Ah... Well, in truth, I spent much of last night getting firmly scolded by Felix.
link Dimitri
Once he got started, he would not stop... We ended up talking through the night. Much like the old days.
link Dimitri
In the end, Dedue came into the tent and began arguing with Felix.
link Dimitri
In any case, I am truly sorry to have worried you. What a feckless man I am, ever toiling to no avail.
link Dimitri
I promise, I will walk alongside everyone else moving forward.
link Shez
I know things've been awkward between you two for a while. I'm glad you were able to reconcile.
link Shez
I know things've been awkward between you two for a while. I'm glad you were able to reconcile.
link Dimitri
Thank you. I am as well.
link Shez
He gave you a dressing-down, eh? Well you better leave tonight wide open, because I've got a list of complaints myself.
link Shez
He gave you a dressing-down, eh? Well you better leave tonight wide open, because I've got a list of complaints myself.
link Dimitri
Pardon? Oh, er, yes. I understand. I'd best finish my work while the sun is still high in that case.
link Shez
Hah, I'm just pulling your leg. But I guess you'd be the type to take it seriously.
link Shez
Hah, I'm just pulling your leg. But I guess you'd be the type to take it seriously.
link Ashe
I was worried for a while there, but I'm relieved there wasn't much damage to the city.
link Ashe
And we were able to rescue Duke Ifan as well. What a load off our shoulders.
link Shez
Totally. Now if we can just do something about the west, all these problems within the Kingdom should settle down.
link Shez
Totally. Now if we can just do something about the west, all these problems within the Kingdom should settle down.
link Ashe
Yeah. I have to wonder...what in the world is Cornelia playing at?
link Ashe
I can think of a lot of reasons why the western nobles would oppose His Majesty...
link Ashe
But her? Nothing comes to mind. There's something unsettling about all this.
link Shez
We're not out of the woods yet, Ashe. We've still got the western nobles and Cornelia to contend with.
link Shez
We're not out of the woods yet, Ashe. We've still got the western nobles and Cornelia to contend with.
link Ashe
Yeah, that's true... Just what in the world is Cornelia playing at anyway?
link Ashe
I can think of a lot of reasons why the western nobles would oppose His Majesty...
link Ashe
But her? Nothing comes to mind. There's something unsettling about all this.
link Sylvain
What a relief my father showed up! I guess he's somewhat reliable after all.
link Sylvain
He's not the type to suddenly spring into action, but I imagine he couldn't let things stand as they were.
link Sylvain
I mean, the Gautier name was used to spread false information, which put His Majesty in danger. I can't say I'm surprised.
link Sylvain
There won't be much chance of victory against the emperor's personal guard. They'll probably retake Arundel territory before long.
link Sylvain
The Knights of Seiros and my brother's forces are preparing to try and hold the fort during the siege.
link Sylvain
And if they're to have any chance of succeeding, they'll need a supporting army. Meaning outside reinforcements.
link Sylvain
I'm still feeling uneasy, even though we're the ones going to help. The Empire has way more soldiers.
link Sylvain
I'll try to speak to my father again. It can't hurt to ask.
link Sylvain
It looks like the Sreng forces have backed off for now, so I imagine my father will consider sending reinforcements. Probably.
link Shez
You're right. Can we ask anyone else for support, like we did with the people from Duscur?
link Shez
You're right. Can we ask anyone else for support, like we did with the people from Duscur?
link Sylvain
Well, we've already borrowed a fair number of soldiers from the nobles in this area...
link Shez
Well, we do have a smaller number of troops, but I don't think the difference is insurmountable.
link Shez
Well, we do have a smaller number of troops, but I don't think the difference is insurmountable.
link Shez
The folks we've got covering the siege are the cream of the crop. Plus, the Kingdom's got access to the Heroes' Relics.
link Shez
The folks we've got covering the siege are the cream of the crop. Plus, the Kingdom's got access to the Heroes' Relics.
link Sylvain
I suppose you're right about all that, but we'll be prepping to fight the western nobles after this.
link Sylvain
That battle will inevitably cost us, and after it's over we'll need to keep some troops in the west.
link Mercedes
Now that I think about it, I haven't been to western Faerghus all that much.
link Mercedes
I'm originally from the Empire, and I rarely had the opportunity to travel when I was with the church.
link Mercedes
I always thought I'd like to go there someday, but I confess this is not quite what I had in mind.
link Gustave
Baron Dominic is in a difficult position. I hope I am able to persuade my brother...
link Gustave
Of the houses that border Dominic territory, we may be able to still negotiate with House Duval to the north.
link Gustave
But the houses to the east, like Elidure and Mateus, have made their opposition to the royal family quite clear.
link Gustave
My brother will be hampered so long as he is surrounded by those territories.
link Rodrigue
I believe thanks are in order. Your aid in Fhirdiad was invaluable.
link Rodrigue
We could not have rescued His Majesty alone, not even if we staked our lives on the fight.
link Shez
Yeah, I suppose. I'm just glad we made it in time. You all can be pretty reckless, you know.
link Shez
Yeah, I suppose. I'm just glad we made it in time. You all can be pretty reckless, you know.
link Rodrigue
I'm afraid I have no excuse. I apologize for the trouble.
link Shez
Nah, I didn't do much. Felix was the one who made the decision to go to the capital.
link Shez
Nah, I didn't do much. Felix was the one who made the decision to go to the capital.
link Rodrigue
Haha, yes. I thanked him as well, though he rewarded my efforts with no small amount of curtness.
link Rodrigue
He muttered something about it being preferable to having nightmares about abandoning us. I do wonder where he got that sharp tongue of his.
link Rodrigue
Now, let us all work together from here on out and move quickly to subdue the west.
link Rodrigue
Now, let us all work together from here on out and move quickly to subdue the west.
link Rodrigue
After all, time is not a luxury we appear to have.
link Petra
I am having a hard time staying in the Kingdom so long. The cold is wearing me. Er, wearing me down.
link Petra
How are the people from the Kingdom all right? I am wondering if they are having any advice for enduring the cold.
link Shez
I'm sure they've gotten used to it. Otherwise they never would've settled here.
link Shez
I'm sure they've gotten used to it. Otherwise they never would've settled here.
link Petra
I was hearing that the Kingdom was made when they went against the Empire. I am thinking they did not have a choice.
link Shez
I think it's because they were born here. I was raised in Leicester, and I just can't get used to how freezing this place is.
link Shez
I think it's because they were born here. I was raised in Leicester, and I just can't get used to how freezing this place is.
link Petra
Is it really so simple? I do not have understanding.
link Hapi
I thought she might not have been, but it turns out Cornelia was that same lady.
link Hapi
As usual, she made a quick escape.
link Shez
What do you mean? How do you know her?
link Shez
What do you mean? How do you know her?
link Hapi
Oh, she's the one who caused me so much pain.
link Hapi
But at this point I don't really care. Didi will take her down.
link Shez
You know, I've been curious about this for a while now. It sounds like you might be hiding something from us.
link Shez
You know, I've been curious about this for a while now. It sounds like you might be hiding something from us.
link Hapi
Why you gotta be all suspicious like that? Look, I just had a bad experience long ago.
link Hapi
You can crush her to dust for all I care.
link Dorothea
I had thought the Kingdom would've presented a more united front against the Empire.
link Dorothea
To be honest, I was quite surprised that such a disturbance would happen in the royal capital.
link Dorothea
It's a good thing that the Kingdom ended up with Arianrhod, I'll tell you that.
link Dorothea
If they hadn't, I'm sure the Empire would've marched far into Kingdom territory by now.
link Bernadetta
Doesn't all this moving around make you lose track of where we are, [HERO_MF]?
link Bernadetta
Doesn't all this moving around make you lose track of where we are, [HERO_MF]?
link Bernadetta
Especially since we've been rushing around all these places that look practically the same. I'm not even sure if we're in the Kingdom anymore...
link Shez
Yeah, I get turned around too. Sometimes I even go in the complete opposite direction.
link Shez
Yeah, I get turned around too. Sometimes I even go in the complete opposite direction.
link Bernadetta
Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
link Bernadetta
Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
link Shez
We're definitely in the Kingdom. You might wanna try and pay more attention to world around you.
link Shez
We're definitely in the Kingdom. You might wanna try and pay more attention to world around you.
link Bernadetta
Ugh, I knew I should've gone outside! I can't take this anymore!
link Bernadetta
Ugh, I knew I should've gone outside! I can't take this anymore!
link Seteth
I am relieved we have cleared up that matter in the royal capital. And it appears the city sustained much less damage than we feared.
link Seteth
'Tis a pity we could not detain that temptress Cornelia, though.
link Seteth
One day, her presence may plunge Faerghus into chaos...no, perhaps all of Fódlan, even.
link Seteth
I have already dispatched Catherine and our finest knights to Arianrhod.
link Seteth
The one leading the Kingdom's forces, Miklan, seems a talented man. I am sure he can weather the Empire's assault for the time being.
link Seteth
That said, we can ill afford excessive deliberation. We must do something about this internal conflict with all possible haste.
link Flayn
What a great relief to have Dimitri back safe and sound.
link Flayn
I have also noticed that something about him has changed.
link Flayn
I would not necessarily say that he is cheerful, but something in his countenance appears more at ease.
link Flayn
Perhaps his friends encouraged him, and that made him feel better. I would like to make more friends myself.
link Catherine
The commotion in the capital has subsided for now. I'm glad we've got some good news for Lady Rhea.
link Catherine
Oh, speaking of good news, my former partner has officially signed on to help us.
link Catherine
We're going to meet up with her in Arianrhod. I can't wait to see her again.
link ???
You folks sure seem busy rushing all over the place.
link ???
As for me, I'm a merchant, so I'm always traveling this way and that.
link ???
It's through those amazing efforts that I maintain my store's astonishing lineup!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
You know, there are some sacred sites for the Church of Seiros in the western Kingdom.
link Gatekeeper
There's the Rhodos Coast and Lake Teutates... I've never been to them, though.
link Gatekeeper
I'd love to go on a little sacred sightseeing tour once all this fighting has died down. Maybe you can come with me! If you're not busy, I mean.
link Arval
It's pretty tough to get people to band together for a common cause.
link Arval
Each person is their own entity, which means they have differing desires and goals.
link Arval
Unifying all those diverse wants and needs under the banner of a single "region" feels nigh impossible.
link Arval
Just how long are we going to fight against that impossibility?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My brother died six years ago in the Tragedy of Duscur.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
King Dimitri apologized to me personally for it...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But all I want is for him to find out the truth. About why my brother had to die.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There's always some conflict or another going on in Faerghus.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm sure Leicester and Adrestia are similar.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And the same's true for Duscur. It's not so easy to settle a dispute between those with differing views.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Among the western lords, Count Duval's house was the closest to us in the Central Church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It might not actually be their intention to make enemies of us.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We are also finding it quite painful to have to fight them.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My husband is originally from House Mateus and is much grieved by our current predicament.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He wishes not to spill the blood of his relatives. That is why I have come in his stead.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But to be in thrall of that deceitful woman and raise an army as a result... What a foolish man my father-in-law is.
link Viscount Brennius
You saved His Majesty! As a Kingdom citizen, I am most grateful to you.
link Viscount Brennius
Oh, how silly, I forgot to introduce myself. Viscount Brennius, at your service. Wonderful to make your acquaintance.
link Viscount Brennius
Actually, my younger sister was at the Officers Academy the same year as you and His Majesty.
link Viscount Brennius
I suppose that's why I feel a sort of kinship with you... Well, in any case, I'll be praying for your great success!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Baron Dominic is an incredibly good man, but his son is a dyed-in-the-wool libertine.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He bears the Crest of Dominic and received excellent grades at the Officers Academy.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Yet he insisted on becoming a traveling minstrel, of all things. He's probably off wandering and warbling this very moment.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Pedigree and intelligence are qualities you're born with. Physical appearance, Crests, and environment are out of your control as well.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We humans are unequal at birth. What matters is how you fight with the hand you're dealt.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That's what the boss always said, anyway.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wonder what he's up to now. It's been a good while since he left Abyss.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The most powerful general in all of the Empire is the Minister of Military Affairs, Count Bergliez!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And the mightiest in all the Alliance is Lord Holst of House Goneril!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I hear the Minister of Military Affairs was in command on the eastern front. I wonder if those two ended up duking it out.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If they did, I wonder what kinda fight it was. Now that's a brawl I'd want a front-row seat to!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard rumors that Felix and his father weren't on good terms, but that doesn't appear to be the case, does it?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A while back Felix seemed pretty keen on cutting ties with his house.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But maybe now that he's succeeded to the head of his family, he understands his father's feelings a little more.
link Dedue
Felix, I wish to speak with you about the part of the Duscur vanguard that's being sent to House Fraldarius.
link Dedue
Do your soldiers have any complaints? I imagine you have thoughts as well.
link Felix
Some might be dissatisfied. But I don't care if they are.
link Felix
I value a warrior's ability to fight. Things like where they're from don't matter to me.
link Felix
And to that end, there are many competent fighters among the Duscur soldiers and they all have high morale.
link Felix
They make for good training partners, and we can learn a great deal from their techniques, and...
link Felix
What? You got a problem? Speak up.
link Dedue
Not at all. I was just thinking that His Majesty must find it reassuring to have a confidant like you.
link Felix
Huh? Well, I didn't expect to hear that... Whatever. You're free to say what you want.
link Dedue
Not at all. I was just thinking that His Majesty must find it reassuring to have a confidant like you.
link Felix
Huh? Well, I didn't expect to hear that... Whatever. You're free to say what you want.
link Gustave
Baron Dominic is in a precarious position. Speaking with my brother will be no simple matter.
link Annette
That's true. Even if he wanted to help us...
link Annette
He can't risk doing anything reckless so long as the other western nobles have power.
link Gustave
Our only option is to steadily gain control and cut down the west's military forces.
link Annette
I believe in you, Father! I'm certain Uncle Dominic will listen to you if you can make your way to him!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Your deftness with a spear is truly a sight to behold. I imagine your teacher must have had considerable skill.
link Ingrid
Yes, I actually learned from my family, those in the castle, and...a friend who passed away.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Oh, is that so? How impressive. I would certainly like to be as adept with a spear as you.
link Ingrid
Well... I could teach you, if you like. I'm sure you could master it quickly.
link Ingrid
I wouldn't go so far as to say it would make Glenn happy, but...
link Ingrid
At the very least, I would be glad if my skills could be of use to someone else.