Leonie: Such cruelty and suffering.
Dimitri: The coming battle...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: He's finally returned.
Metodey: Those kids...
Rufus: Do you know about the opera house?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I feel a little guilty.
Yuri: The situation being what it is...
Byleth: Perhaps I should not have shown him.
Arval: I do trust you.
Matthias: Some things cannot be overlooked.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am not knowing.
Jeritza: How did it get to this point?
Viscount Fenja: If I have to kill someone...
Anaximandros: The Western Church is in for it now.
Constance: Some do not trust the Alliance.
Shez: You learn something new every day!
: Speaking of the Western Empire...
Chilon: Something is clearly amiss.
???: Looks like all the fighting is going well.
???: Let's put him in his place.
???: It's so nice and quiet here.
Mage: They all fall eventually.
???: Quit starin' at me.
???: We have to let him live.
???: If we could get them to work with us...
???: I've changed my mind about them.
???: Have you heard?
???: The tables have turned.
???: How awful...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Greetings, Commander!
Kostas: Things have really calmed down in the Kingdom.
Tomas: Have you lost your minds?!
Kostas: Things have really calmed down in the Kingdom.
Tomas: Have you lost your minds?!
Dominic General: So, Balthus...
Charon General: Gahaha!
Dominic General: What a joke.
Charon General: Talk about a close call.
Matthias: Some things cannot be overlooked.
Matthias: Some things cannot be overlooked.
Matthias: Some things cannot be overlooked.
Matthias: Brother...
link Dimitri
This is unfathomable... There is naught but cruelty and suffering at every turn, albeit to varying degrees.
link Dimitri
Villages burned to the ground, towns deserted, rampant poverty... I have to wonder what Edelgard thinks of all this.
link Dimitri
Regardless of her circumstances, there is but one path before us.
link Dimitri
Take the Imperial capital and end the war. We need only to press onward to achieve that.
link Shez
She probably doesn't care. If she did, she would've done something about it.
link Shez
She probably doesn't care. If she did, she would've done something about it.
link Dimitri
Hm, I fear you may be right.
link Shez
My guess is she's frustrated because she can't really do anything about it.
link Shez
My guess is she's frustrated because she can't really do anything about it.
link Dimitri
She is the emperor. One would think she could at least stop her forces from pillaging.
link Dimitri
Though if she truly cannot, then our suspicions are all but confirmed...
link Shez
Beats me. We have no way of knowing, so what's the point in trying to figure it out?
link Shez
Beats me. We have no way of knowing, so what's the point in trying to figure it out?
link Dimitri
Yes, perhaps you are right.
link Dedue
The coming battle will be decisive. We face the lords defending the Empire's western front.
link Dedue
Gerth, Ochs, Gillingr...then there's Hymir and Essar as well.
link Dedue
No doubt you have heard of some of these houses before.
link Dedue
We have no strong attachments to them. However, some may find it difficult to raise their swords against this particular opponent.
link Dedue
Be mindful of such individuals.
link Shez
I think we helped someone from House Ochs a long time ago...
link Shez
I think we helped someone from House Ochs a long time ago...
link Dedue
Yes, that's right.
link Dedue
You may also remember Professor Hanneman, who taught in the classroom next to ours. He was from House Essar.
link Shez
Uhh... Sorry. I'm drawing a blank.
link Shez
Uhh... Sorry. I'm drawing a blank.
link Dedue
Professor Hanneman, who taught in the classroom next to ours, was from House Essar.
link Dedue
We also saved a young lady from House Ochs who was held captive by some scoundrels.
link Shez
Ohhh yeah! Now that you mention it, I do remember all that.
link Shez
Ohhh yeah! Now that you mention it, I do remember all that.
link Felix
My father has finally returned. He may have relinquished his position as duke, but he's still running himself ragged.
link Felix
Not that I have any room to talk, since I'm always away fighting on the front lines.
link Felix
I really should go back home and see how my family is doing once in a while.
link Ashe
How many years has it been since I lost my parents to the epidemic?
link Ashe
My siblings and I had no place to call home, nor any food to eat after that. We were all wasting away...
link Ashe
There was no one to turn to, and we barely had any money. So I did some things I'm not proud of in order to survive.
link Ashe
In that town we passed through a little bit ago, I saw so many kids in the same situation.
link Ashe
It made me think about how we have to end this war as quickly as possible.
link Sylvain
Things have really calmed down in the Kingdom. It's nice not having to look over our shoulders all the time.
link Sylvain
I'm relieved His Majesty was able to work things out and that the church is keeping order now.
link Sylvain
I appreciate what they're doing, but I have to admit, it's also kind of scary.
link Shez
What do you mean by scary? You afraid of getting on their bad side?
link Shez
What do you mean by scary? You afraid of getting on their bad side?
link Sylvain
What? No, that's not it. All I'm saying is that we're trusting them with a lot.
link Shez
Hey, is that any way to talk about the people sticking their necks out for us?
link Shez
Hey, is that any way to talk about the people sticking their necks out for us?
link Sylvain
Yeah, I guess you're right... Sorry. I should just be grateful for now.
link Mercedes
Did you know that there's a truly exquisite opera house in the Imperial capital of Enbarr?
link Mercedes
I went there with my mother and brother a long time ago. Every part of it was beautiful, from the performers to the architecture of the building.
link Mercedes
I completely lost myself in the opera, and all the pain and sadness I felt just drifted away.
link Mercedes
Once this war is over, I want to go back there and see another show. Except this time, I'll bring all my friends with me.
link Mercedes
Did you know that there's a truly exquisite opera house in the Imperial capital of Enbarr?
link Mercedes
I went there with my mother and brother a long time ago. Every part of it was beautiful, from the performers to the architecture of the building.
link Mercedes
I completely lost myself in the opera, and all the pain and sadness I felt just drifted away.
link Mercedes
I would love to go back and see the opera again. Maybe I should talk to Dorothea about it.
link Annette
Six months ago, I wanted to protect everyone from the Imperial invasion.
link Annette
But now we're the ones invading. I can't help but feel kinda guilty about it.
link Annette
I can't let every little thing get to me. I'm going to do my best to follow your example.
link Shez
Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way. I just try not to think about it.
link Shez
Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way. I just try not to think about it.
link Annette
I don't know how you can just push it from your mind like that. It's amazing.
link Shez
The Empire started this war in the first place. What's wrong with fighting back?
link Shez
The Empire started this war in the first place. What's wrong with fighting back?
link Annette
Hmm... I'm just not sure that reasoning is convincing enough for me.
link Annette
Though if we mess up here, the Kingdom will just be right back in the same danger it was in before.
link Ingrid
The situation being what it is, my father hasn't presented me with many marriage proposals lately.
link Ingrid
However, that also means House Galatea's finances won't be improving any time soon.
link Ingrid
Hm. I have no idea what I should do after the war is over.
link Ingrid
No, I can't think about this right now. I need to focus on the battle before us.
link Rodrigue
His Majesty's mother passed away shortly after he was born, which meant he had to grow up without a mother's love.
link Rodrigue
That is why he adored Lady Patricia as though she were his real mother.
link Rodrigue
Perhaps I never should have shown him that letter.
link Rodrigue
I ask that you continue to support His Majesty, as a trusted friend.
link Rodrigue
The time is ripe for us to seize the Empire's lands.
link Rodrigue
The enemy will undoubtedly risk life and limb to resist, just as we did six months ago.
link Rodrigue
We mustn't forget that we are the invaders this time, trampling through others' lands.
link Shez
You don't have to worry about Dimitri. He's more mature than you think.
link Shez
You don't have to worry about Dimitri. He's more mature than you think.
link Shez
Besides, the letter would've found its way to him eventually even if you hadn't given it to him.
link Shez
Besides, the letter would've found its way to him eventually even if you hadn't given it to him.
link Rodrigue
A valid point. Perhaps you are right.
link Shez
Yeah, maybe. He tends to bottle up all his pain.
link Shez
Yeah, maybe. He tends to bottle up all his pain.
link Rodrigue
Indeed. In that regard, he is nothing like his father.
Byleth: We mustn't forget.
link Seteth
I received word that a suspicious character named Myson was among those colluding with the Western Church.
link Seteth
This person reportedly wields a power similar to your own. Do you have any idea who they are?
link Seteth
My apologies, I did not intend to upset you. The archbishop is concerned about this individual as well.
link Seteth
Please understand that I was compelled to ask because of my position. However, I do trust you.
link Shez
Not a clue. But I wouldn't remember even if there was some connection.
link Shez
Not a clue. But I wouldn't remember even if there was some connection.
link Flayn
You know, I used to think there was no reason for us to be at war.
link Flayn
But after witnessing the devastation in the Empire, I realized there are some things that cannot be overlooked.
link Flayn
We must save the people of this land, even if it means resorting to combat to do so.
link Flayn
I am certain everyone in the Kingdom army is fighting with the same conviction.
link Flayn
I knew this would happen.
link Flayn
You know, I used to think there were no good reasons to go to war.
link Flayn
But that naivety has not managed to stop people from fighting.
link Flayn
War must always remain an option, as dreadful as it is to admit...
link Catherine
The Kingdom and Central Church are carrying out a joint inquiry into the Western Church.
link Catherine
They're doing it that way because some suspicious people infiltrated the church itself. Lady Rhea will be overseeing the inquiry as well.
link Catherine
Once the investigation is complete, a new bishop will be appointed, and the west can begin working toward stability.
link Catherine
Still... It makes you wonder how those mages managed to worm their way in to begin with.
link Petra
I am not knowing what has become of them...
link Petra
But I am thinking Brigid will no longer be having a relationship with the Empire in my lifetime.
link Petra
Yes. When they are burning their villages, and hurting and stealing from their own people, they are not worthy of trusting.
link Shez
Yeah, you don't need more reason than what's happening around us.
link Shez
Yeah, you don't need more reason than what's happening around us.
link Shez
Even if the Empire wins?
link Shez
Even if the Empire wins?
link Hapi
link Hapi
link Hapi
Don't mind me. I'm just not in a talking mood.
link Shez
You doing all right?
link Shez
You doing all right?
link Hapi
Yeah, thanks. Just trying to hold back a sigh.
link Hapi
Staying quiet is just less effort overall. Unless you wanted to chat about something?
link Hapi
If that's the case, we can talk as long as you want. Maybe that'd be better, honestly.
link Dorothea
How did things get to such an awful point? Where in the world is Edie?
link Dorothea
They say she's injured and that Duke Aegir is leading the Empire in her stead...
link Dorothea
But what if Edie is already... No. I don't even want to think about it.
link Bernadetta
I heard we're going to start attacking the Empire a bunch... Have you lost your minds?!
link Bernadetta
I heard we're going to start attacking the Empire a bunch... Have you lost your minds?!
link Bernadetta
How can this be happening?! I don't wanna die!
link Shez
It's like...oh, what's that saying? Uh, you can't do things by halves.
link Shez
It's like...oh, what's that saying? Uh, you can't do things by halves.
link Shez
If we back down now, the Empire will take the opportunity to counterattack.
link Shez
If we back down now, the Empire will take the opportunity to counterattack.
link Bernadetta
You have a point. I guess we don't really have a choice, do we?
link Bernadetta
You have a point. I guess we don't really have a choice, do we?
link Shez
So what, you want to tell all the Kingdom people who've suffered to just pack up and go home?
link Shez
So what, you want to tell all the Kingdom people who've suffered to just pack up and go home?
link Bernadetta
Of course not...but maybe they could anyway?
link Bernadetta
Of course not...but maybe they could anyway?
link Bernadetta
This belief that we need to fight violence with violence means I can't go and hide!
link Bernadetta
This belief that we need to fight violence with violence means I can't go and hide!
link Shamir
Us mercenaries can't always choose who we fight.
link Shamir
But if I have to kill someone, I'd rather they be bad guys. Like the Empire. How about you?
link Shez
Yeah, I'll take them over fighting the good guys any day. No question.
link Shez
Yeah, I'll take them over fighting the good guys any day. No question.
link Shamir
Let's put as many of them in the ground as we can and restore peace to the world.
link Shez
Eh, I think it's depressing either way. Bad guys are just more exhausting.
link Shez
Eh, I think it's depressing either way. Bad guys are just more exhausting.
link Shamir
I guess that's one way of looking at it. They certainly do wear on you.
link Yuri
What was his name...Metodey, was it? Apparently, he used to be some big-shot bandit in Imperial territory.
link Yuri
It says a lot about the current state of the Empire that they would stoop to making trash like him a general.
link Yuri
Although, they're basically using him as grist for the war mill. Balthus had a stroke of bad luck getting caught up with him.
link Yuri
He always had a weakness for gambling, but this was one bet he shouldn't have made.
link Yuri
Death doesn't care who you are. I always knew that, and yet...I feel it more keenly now.
link Yuri
What was his name...Metodey, was it? Apparently, he used to be some big-shot bandit in Imperial territory.
link Yuri
It says a lot about the current state of the Empire that they would stoop to making trash like him a general.
link Yuri
To be ordered around by a lowlife like Metodey and survive, only to be done in like that...
link Yuri
He always had a weakness for gambling, but this was one bet he shouldn't have made.
link Yuri
Death doesn't care who you are. I always knew that, and yet...I feel it more keenly now.
link Balthus
Hoo boy, talk about a close call. I should've known that creep would try to stab me in the back.
link Balthus
You really saved my bacon back there. Guess I owe you one, huh?
link Balthus
Catch you on the battlefield, Commander.
link Shez
Nah, don't worry about it. You're a merc, aren't you? Just work for us and we'll call it square.
link Shez
Nah, don't worry about it. You're a merc, aren't you? Just work for us and we'll call it square.
link Balthus
Fine by me, but you know I ain't cheap, right? Would've been smarter to take my offer.
link Shez
You got that right. Tell you what, I'll consider us even if you fight for us.
link Shez
You got that right. Tell you what, I'll consider us even if you fight for us.
link Balthus
Gahaha! You don't mess around, do you? All right, you can count on me.
link Lorenz
It appears that some generals in the Kingdom army do not trust the Alliance.
link Lorenz
What about you? Do you have confidence in us as your allies in battle?
link Lorenz
Hah! You are right to be wary of him. I cannot help but feel sorry for you, despite being our ally.
link Lorenz
That being said, we have not received any duplicitous orders from our blackguard leader. Of that I give you my word.
link Shez
Yeah, I trust you. Claude's a different story, though.
link Shez
Yeah, I trust you. Claude's a different story, though.
link Shez
If you're talking about wholehearted trust, it's hard to say, given who your leader is.
link Shez
If you're talking about wholehearted trust, it's hard to say, given who your leader is.
link Shez
Not that I'm doubting Claude, exactly. He's just a tough guy to get a read on.
link Shez
Not that I'm doubting Claude, exactly. He's just a tough guy to get a read on.
link Raphael
I walked until I thought my feet were gonna fall off, but this land just stretches on forever.
link Raphael
But get this, I heard that if you keep going a little farther west, you'll see a gigantic ocean!
link Raphael
I thought the ocean was only to the north and south. You learn something new every day!
link Ignatz
Shortly before the Tragedy of Duscur shook the Kingdom, another major battle took place in the western part of the Empire.
link Ignatz
The Imperial army was on one side of the conflict, of course, but can you guess who they were up against?
link Ignatz
The allied forces of Dagda and Brigid invaded southwest Fódlan from far across the sea.
link Ignatz
The Empire barely managed to repel them. Dagda was defeated and Brigid fell under Imperial rule.
link Ignatz
We're headed to the exact location of that fierce battle.
link Shez
Hm, if it was in this area, then they were probably facing the Kingdom, right?
link Shez
Hm, if it was in this area, then they were probably facing the Kingdom, right?
link Ignatz
Too bad! That's not right.
link Shez
This area isn't far from the Western Church's territory, so were they fighing them?
link Shez
This area isn't far from the Western Church's territory, so were they fighing them?
link Ignatz
Too bad! Not even close!
link Shez
Judging from your tone, it has to be someone unexpected, like an enemy invasion from overseas.
link Shez
Judging from your tone, it has to be someone unexpected, like an enemy invasion from overseas.
link Ignatz
Yes! That's exactly what happened!
link Marianne
My adoptive father sent a missive apprising me of the Alliance's progress.
link Marianne
They have already crossed the Airmid River and invaded Empire territory. Though the Imperial army has been slow to respond.
link Marianne
Something is clearly amiss in their ranks. I'm concerned about Edelgard.
link ???
Looks like all the fighting is going well. And remember, a little shopping never hurt anybody!
link ???
Thanks to that merchant coming in from Leicester, I've gotten access to some new suppliers.
link ???
I'm gonna cram my shop full of all kinds of bargains!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Well actually, there's loads to report, just nothing inside the base.
link Gatekeeper
The Imperial territories are in complete chaos. My family lives in Enbarr, and I'm just worried sick about them.
link Arval
The Empire lies in shambles. We won't even be able to rest in a nearby town at this rate.
link Arval
It may not be readily apparent within our camp, but many people have lost their homes, and more continue to do so each day.
link Arval
I can sympathize with the loneliness that comes from losing one's place in the world.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm actually a minor lord from House Gillingr, so I could be considered Imperial nobility.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My uncle is the head of the family now. He's a man who lives and breathes violence.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I got sick of his guff and took off. I don't even consider him family anymore.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He's been kicking up a fuss in the west, but it's high time we put him in his place.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It's so nice and quiet here. Such a far cry from Fhirdiad.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It's the Guardian Moon and yet there's nary a speck of snow. No one will be freezing to death, will they?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Up north, snow stays on the ground until the end of the year, though sometimes it's still falling during the Great Tree Moon.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They say the grass is always greener...and it turns out I'm a little green with envy myself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Long ago, part of this area belonged to House Nuvelle.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They produced a number of distinguished mages, and were even favored by the emperor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Word has it they were utterly obliterated in the wake of the Dagda and Brigid War.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I suppose no matter how prosperous a house is, they all fall to ruin eventually.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Whoa, quit starin' a hole through me, would ya? All I'm doing is deliverin' some packages for my lady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
More specifically, I serve Lady Hilda of House Goneril.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Go ahead and check 'em out if ya don't believe me. I swear to the goddess, I ain't doin' nothin' shady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Whoa, quit starin' a hole through me, would ya? All I'm doing is deliverin' some packages for my lady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
More specifically, I serve Lady Hilda of House Goneril.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This one's got tea leaves for Lord Lorenz, and this one contains sweets for Lady Marianne.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Go ahead and check 'em out if ya don't believe me. I swear to the goddess, I ain't doin' nothin' shady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Whoa, quit starin' a hole through me, would ya? All I'm doing is deliverin' some packages for my lady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
More specifically, I serve Lady Hilda of House Goneril.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Then there's this dusty old book for Sir Ignatz. Oh, and some meat for Sir Raphael.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Go ahead and check 'em out if ya don't believe me. I swear to the goddess, I ain't doin' nothin' shady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Whoa, quit starin' a hole through me, would ya? All I'm doing is deliverin' some packages for my lady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
More specifically, I serve Lady Hilda of House Goneril.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This one's got tea leaves for Lord Lorenz, and this one contains sweets for Lady Marianne.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Then there's this dusty old book for Sir Ignatz. Oh, and some meat for Sir Raphael.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Go ahead and check 'em out if ya don't believe me. I swear to the goddess, I ain't doin' nothin' shady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Look, I don't mind fighting the Empire, but we have to let General Randolph live.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He turned a blind eye when I escaped from the Imperial camp.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
No one wants to be a part of the raids they're doing, not even him. Please, you gotta believe me.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Even now, there are still nobles within Adrestia who care for its welfare, such as Baron Ochs and Duke Gerth.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And then of course, there are men like Count Bergliez and Count Hevring.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I've no objection to fighting them, but I do feel some slight hesitation.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If only there was a way we could get them to work together with us to defeat Duke Aegir's forces... But no, that's impossible.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Bandits attacked my caravan not far from here. I was the sole survivor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I had no idea what to do or where to go, but the Knights of Seiros came to my rescue.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
All this time I thought the Central Church was just a steaming pile of garbage, but I guess I was wildly mistaken.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Oh, Commander, before I forget. Have you heard the rumors about Jeralt's Mercenaries?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Word is they're still with the Imperial army, under General Randolph's employ.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wanted to make sure I could fight alongside you, but I got injured in the last battle.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So I'll be sent to the rear for a while. Just be careful out there, OK?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A whole bunch of people have been defecting from the Empire lately.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I did the same. I worked for the Empire at the beginning of the war, betting they would win...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But now my money's on the Kingdom. I'm riding this prize horse to victory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard Seteth fell in battle. That an enormous beast appeared out of nowhere and struck him down while he was defending his soldiers.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I cannot fathom the depths of Lady Rhea's sorrow at his loss.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And Flayn's as well. She puts on a brave face, but... I wish I knew any words that could provide a modicum of comfort.
link Yuri
So Balthus, what were you doing cozying up to the Empire? Did they pay you that well?
link Balthus
Pretty much. Till a few months ago, I was practically living in the lap of luxury.
link Yuri
Hmph, you picked a bad time to defect then. I suppose you liked taking orders from a sniveling lowlife.
link Balthus
You're really gonna go there, huh? Though I guess you know all about taking orders from lowlifes.
link Balthus
I heard you were fighting alongside those chumps from House Rowe in Arianrhod.
link Yuri
As if I went back there by choice. A stable's manure pit would be a thousand times more preferable.
link Balthus
Gahaha! You still got a mouth on you, that's for sure. But you know, it's oddly comforting.
link Yuri
Heh, right back at you. I'm relieved you're still the same old meat-head.